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Clauneck, first of the inferiors

Clauneck is one of the inferior demons mentioned within the Grimorium Verum. He is a day demon associated with wealth, trade, commerce, and acquisition. The demon has also been mentioned within other mainstream grimories such as the Dictionnaire Infernal and others. He is one of the eighteen inferior demons mentioned to be serving under the command of Duke Syrach. Clauneck is described as being greatly loved by Lucifer who facilitates his office, powers, and abilities,

Clauneck has power over wealth and riches which he can imbue upon the conjuror if they so wish. Making a pact with this demon is almost exclusively done in pursuit of wealth which he can grant if pleased with the conjuror. This demon is described as being obedient towards the conjuror therefore making for an interesting prospect for mediums across all levels of experience. Another title for this demon is Claunt although it is rarely used in context.

Clauneck can bring riches to the conjuror in two ways – he can either summon money from far away through the help of his cohort Lucifer or he can cause the conjuror to unearth hidden treasures.His ordering as the first within the eighteen servitor demons of the fourth book within the Grimorium Verum seemingly highlights his potency as the implication here is that he is the most powerful entity within the hierarchy of inferior demons.

Clauneck can also be called forth to give advice on money-making ventures as he is the demon of acquisition. There are many layers to this multi-faceted entity which are based on the principles of acquisition. It is noteworthy that the demon has no moral inclinations and will provide counsel on anything within his office. He will provide unbiased counsel to the conjuror provided he is first accorded respect and summoned properly.



There are no evident connections between this demon and early Graeco-Roman myths or Middle-Eastern mythology. Furthermore, it is not telling where the demon’s origins within Judeo-Christian accounts came from. It is only plausible that the demon was previously a popular pagan god whose name was Latinized with the advent of Christianity and condemned as a resident of hell.

The oldest accounts of this demon can be found within the grimories of the Secrets of Solomon and the Dictionnaire Infernal. His mention within the Grimorium Verum also does not tell of his origins.



Rank: First of the Eighteen Servitor demons / Serves under Duke Syrach

Planet: Mercury

Zodiac: Virgo

Element: Water / Fire

Color: Light green / Red

Metal: Brass / Bronze

Plants: Holly / Cactus

Incense: Sandalwood



The demon appears as a hooded figure with a turban and holding onto a candlestick as shown below. There is nothing monstrous about this demon’s appearance.


The “Demonic Enns” of Clauneck

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Clauneck

Veni, veni, o comitis Clauneck

Ahvalen Esen Clauneck Kiar



The sigil of Clauneck

clauneck sigil








Similar demons to Clauneck

  • Khil
  • Nambroth
  • Morail
  • Acham
  • Bechaud
  • Bune


Attributes of Clauneck

  • This demon is noteworthy for his unbiased counsel on all money-making endeavors. He will speak in the same tone regarding seriously immoral actions as well as mundane tasks. His openness and honesty make his counsel a valuable addition for any conjuror.
  • Through his relationship with Lucifer, Clauneck is allowed access to the astral bank vault. It is through this that he is able to summon riches from far off into the arms of the conjuror as an alternative to making them unearth hidden treasures. It is for this reason that he is known as the demon of wealth.
  • Clauneck’s “auction block” is used by conjurors looking to determine their strengths and weaknesses. It is a very tasking ritual whereby the demon assesses the conjuror and makes recommendations. Following his suggestions or its lack thereof usually holds consequences for the participant of the ritual.


When to summon Clauneck

The demon can be summoned to provide riches for the conjuror in the ways described above while he can also be called forth to provide unbiased counsel. The aforementioned auction block can also be used by mediums looking to discern the areas of improvement to work on – the labors put forth by the demon usually remedy these shortfalls if they are done to completion and within the instructions of the demon.


Items required

  • Athambe (sacrificial knife) made on the day and hour of Jupiter with the moon crescent. If it cannot be made, it can be bought at the same time and consecrated.
  • Virgin parchment.
  • Lancet
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Quill



  • This demon is very potent despite the approachable and affable demeanor presented in manifestations. It is therefore necessary to accord him the utmost respect during rituals.
  • The conjuror should also take care to protect themselves from otherworldly energies by mentally picturing a protection circle and entering it.
  • Over-reliance on the demon’s power should also be avoided as it may affect other parts of one’s life.



  • It is first necessary to craft and consecrate the instruments of the art which are the lancet, the sacrificial knife, the quill, and the lancet.
  • The water must also be made holy through blessing with salt.
  • The conjuror must also prepare themselves through saying the following prayer while washing the arms and face with the blessed water: “Lord God, ADONAY, who hast formed man in Thine image, I, the unworthy and sinful, beseech Thee to sanctify this water, to benefit my body and soul, cause me to be cleansed.
  • The conjuror must avoid all sin and stay chaste for three days, praying five times in the day, and four times at night.
  • In the day and hour of Mars during the crescent moon in the first hour of the day, the virgin parchment should be prepared containing invocations and the characters of Clauneck.
  • The following conjuration is then said: “I conjure thee, Clauneck, by the name of the Great Living God, Sovereign Creator of all things, that thou appear in human form, fair and aggreeable, without noise or inconvenience, to answer truthfully in all the interrogations that I shall make. I conjure thee to do this by the power of the Holy and Sacred Names.
  • After he has appeared and listened to the queries of the conjuror, the demon can be dismissed respectfully.

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A Pact with Clauneck: Working with the demon of treasures and riches

Black Magick Money Spell using the Demon Clauneck

Clauneck, first of the inferiors





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