Black Magick Ritual for Compelling Love

You will not need to gather any personal effects from the victim of your Magick, although it is necessary to be able to conjure into mind a clear image of him or her. The more senses you can utilize in the ritual, the better its chance of success. If you can remember the way they smell, how her voice sounds, or the softness of his skin, you will penetrate her more intimately with your Black Magick.

As one last warning before compelling a lover, make your goals reasonable and realistic. It is a waste of time and energy, both on your part and dreadfully worse, on the part of the Powers of Black Magick to attempt a ritual with the goal of having orgiastic sex with the most recent Swimsuit Edition models. It isn’t going to happen at this point.

Look around you at what is feasible, yet still is a stretch without a push with the left hand black. A rule of thumb is that the more accessible you are to her once the spell is cast, the more easily you will reap the rewards. She will need to know where and how she can contact you, or better yet, she should “consequentially” be in your presence once her heart has been enslaved.

Once the ritual has been performed, they will begin to think about you quite spontaneously. Each time you are brought to mind, she will fall deeper into the spell, thinking she is falling deeper into love. Allow this to take place as if it were natural, instead of blowing out the candles and immediately phoning her to ask for sex or a date.

Both of these, and much more, will happen in short time.


Although these items may not be directly used in the present ritual, their presence is important. Even if they never touch your hands, they are amplifying the energy of the ritual, acting as prisms of the power that is summoned.

Neither of the candles should have been used previously, both of them new and unburned

Set up your Temple:

  • altar always facing south,
  • dagger to the right
  • chalice to the left.

Set up your Altar:

  • Place two candles on the altar, one black and one red. Both should be about an inch from the center of the altar – the black candle an inch to the left and the red candle an inch to the right.
[box] In the Works of Darkness, candles are always lit from left to right. When two candles are used of different colors, there is always one passive or receptive color and one active color of candle; in this ritual, black is passive and red is aggressive. One brings in energy and one projects it back into the universe in a form that has been transformed by the ritual. Just as the left hand takes and the right hand gives, the passive candle is placed to your left and the aggressive candle is placed to your right.[/box]

Begin Your Ritual:

  • Open the ritual with meditation. Softly shut your eyes and take a deep breath in. Release the breath and release your tension. Continue breathing, clearing yourself of all unproductive energy. Place your hands on the altar and view the Temple through your inner vision and gradually bring the image into clarity. Your main visual focus should be the altar.
  • Open your eyes and let your gaze rest on the altar as a whole. Visualize energy rising from the material of the altar like steam. Try to see it with all three eyes, and feel the humidity it creates. Feel the air thickening with the energy, ready to catalyze your will.
  • Light the candles, first the black and then the red.
  • Sense your focus and will tightening, narrowing in on the one you desire as the candles begin to burn. Gaze into the flame of the red candle. See her in your mind as clearly as you can conjure. Feel the link being established between her and the candle’s flame, the emotions brought by the image of her traveling through your eyes and burning on the wick of the red candle.
  • Gather in yourself any feelings you have for the victim. Eyes still locked with the flame, your will still pouring into the candle, dwell on the thoughts and feelings for her. Rather than becoming lost in these thoughts and emotions and allowing them to take precedence over the time that has been set aside for the Working, direct them like beams from your eyes into the burning candle. Sense the existence of these thoughts being incinerated in the flame, not destroyed but translated to another plane, a greater state of being where they may affect change. To the red candle, state:

“By the Powers of Darkness,

I sacrifice my love and my lust.

I lay them both here on this altar and bury them in flames.

Take these emotions from me and return them to their source.

(Victim’s name) has infected me with desire, and this plague I return to her/him.

Cause her heart to burn within her chest for me.

Cause her mind to dwell always on me.

Make her desire me as I desire her.”

  • Feel the final drops of emotion spill from you with the speaking of this command. Rather than being wasted in space, sense them flying through the flame of the red candle towards the victim. Do not visualize the energy currents of the ritual, however, but simply feel them working, keeping your mind upon the final goal.
  • When all emotion for her has been drained, turn your attention to the black candle. Gaze deep into it, as if your gaze is meeting the abyss.
  • Sense the darkness swirling and churning. Feel it flooding those empty places inside yourself where affection used to reside. Sense it gathering around the burning candles, taking your desire in its claws, waiting to be released from the Temple walls to do its work.
  • Fix in your mind the final outcome which you desire. View it as an image locked in your inner vision, or as a scene played out before you. Your emotion having already been spent, this visualization should produce little or no sentiment, but instead will shatter your being with the knowledge of what is to be. Feel as if the image in your mind is not some distant fantasy or wishful daydream, but is a reality, here and now.
  • Allow the Darkness within you to carry the power of this image into the Temple, your desire no longer trapped inside but freed, unchained and unrestrained, no longer devastating your mind and heart with stagnant lust, but willing to devastate all of existence to bring such into action immediately.Call out:

“By the Powers of Darkness,

I command that be brought to me, to the fulfillment of my desire.

Cause her heart to turn to me, her mind to turn to me, and her body to turn to me.

By the Powers of Darkness, my will he done.”


As this is spoken, feel your wishes riding on the same currents of air which carry the words, released from you, into the Temple, and into the heart of creation.

  • Blow out the candles, the red first and then the black. Breathe in the smoke and smell the melted wax – these are the heralds of your will’s manifestation.
[box] It is important, directly following a ritual wherein your will is upon the fabric of the universe so strongly, that you engage in some mundane activity. Watch television, listen to music, play a game or prepare something to eat. Shortly, you will feel as if the ritual was a dream, or was performed in some ancient past life, not quite real, but a shadow of a memory.[/box]