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Decarabia: The 69th Spirit of The Lesser Key of Solomon

Decarabia is the 69th Goetia demon mentioned in the Lesser Key of Solomon. He is a King of part of Hell and also a Great Marquis who rules over 30 legions of demons.


Other Names:  Abraxas, Carabia, Decarbia


Direction: East

Rank: Marquis

Planet: Moon

Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Pisces

Date: February 9th – February 18th (Connolly) (Tikaboo) (Night Time)

Alternate Dates: March 1st – March 5th (Runyon)

Tarot Card: 9 of Cups

Path: Tzaddi

Element: Air (Under Corson)

Color: Violet, Purple

Metal: Silver

Plant: Lunaria

Gematria: 234; 238

Incense: Jasmine

Demonic Enn: Hoesta noc ra Decarabia secore

 Similar Demons

Grimoires where Decarabia was mentioned:

  • Lesser Key of Solomon,
  • Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
  • Book of Incantations
  • Discoverie of Witchcraft


According to the ancient texts, Decarabia first appears as a star in a pentacle but when commanded by the summoner, he changes into a man.  This demon has the head of a rooster, dragon’s feet and he holds a whip in his hand. He has a fair skin, short curly black hair and black wings stripped with red.  Decarabia appears with a blue aura that gives off a lot of heat.

The Abilities of Demon Decarabia:

  • Demon Decarabia knows the virtues of precious stones and herbs so he teaches the witch how to use these items.
  • He gives pets in the form of birds to his followers. These birds fly before the witch and they sing and drink just like other birds do.
  • According to the Luciferian Goetia by Michael Ford, this demon assists the witch in dream shape lifting and guides her through the astral planes.
  • He also teaches the summoner how to transform into a bat or bird so as to fly forth and discover the darker places on earth.
  • According to the Daemonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly, he helps the wizard in uncovering or hiding deceptions. He also helps him to rise above impediments and transcend his ego even if it would last for a while.
  • Decarabia teaches the witch about nature and its elements. He also teaches her about all things feminine.



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