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Demon Botis: The Seventeenth Spirit of Solomon


Botis is the Seventeenth Spirit of Solomon. He is a Great President and an Earl of Hell who rules over 60 Legions of Spirits. According to the Grand Grimoire, Botis is said to be a direct subordinate of Agaliarept.


Other Name: Otis

Direction: North

Zodiac Position: 20- 24 degrees of Gemini

Dates: June 11th- 15th (Runyon), September 2nd – September 11th (Connolly)(Day Time), September 4th – September 13th (Tikaboo).

Tarot Card: 10 of Swords

Rank: President/Earl

Candle color: White

Color:  Orange

Planet: Saturn/Uranus

Plant: Lily

Metal: Lead/Uranium

Element: Air, Water (Under Amaymon)

Incense: Storax

Demonic Enn: Jedan hoesta noc ra Botis


On summoning, this demon takes different forms to test the summoners courage. He hates weak and fearful people so he would only reveal his true form to those who pass his test.

At first, Botis appears in the form of an ugly Viper then he changes into different scary forms. At this point, the summoner is expected to command him into revealing his human form.

In this form, he looks like an old man with great teeth, two horns, and holding a bright and sharp sword in his hand.

To High Priestess Maxine, he appeared as an old man with long white wavy hair although the front of his head looked bald. He was wearing a brown robe and he had huge red wings.


  • This demon assists the witch in making important decisions.
  • He gives courage to the feeble-hearted.
  • He protects his followers from being hurt by the hatred and envy of others.
  • He is also a divinatory spirit and can tell things of the past, present and future.
  • You can call on him to ease off tension because he has the ability to reconcile friends and enemies.
  • If you are having issues with maintaining your social reputation, you can call on him to protect your social reputation.
  • This demon warrior can also solve world conflicts through warfare.

Similar Demons to Botis

  • Gusion
  • Amon
  • Purson
  • Barbatos
  • Eligos

Other demons that reconcile relationships:

Other Divinatory demons

Working with Demon Botis:

Botis is a Day Demon who is quite helpful and friendly but he would only show this aspect of him to those who are able to pass his test.  Like I mentioned earlier, he hates amateurs who would freak out easily when he takes different forms to scare them. Aside from the visual hallucinations, Botis can also make the summoner go through auditory hallucinations to test his strength and courage.

After the test, he befriends the summoners who pass the test and would be willing to obey their command. Demon Botis protects his subjects from physical, social and emotional attack.

This demon is usually very active in mid-June so it preferable to pick a summoning date around that period. The ritual should be performed in a location that is free from external interference.

Set up your altar with his attributed items as stated above. The summoning circle for this demon should be decorated with white candles and fresh lilies.  Also, to impress him, you can get a Uranium Ore safely encased in a Lead container. If you are unable to get this, you can substitute it with any other of his favorite items.

When everything has been set, call out to him using his traditional enn : “Jedan hoesta noc ra Botis”. When he appears, discuss your intentions and also find out what other offerings he might need from you.

At the end of the ritual, show some appreciation then dismiss the spirit respectfully. If you wish to get detailed information on how to summon demons, then click here to read this article.






  • http:// occult- world. com/demons/botis
  • https://demonsanddemonolatry .com /demon-of-the-day-earl-botis-day-demon/

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