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Demon Cimeries : The Courageous Ruler in Africa

Demon Cimeries

The Demon called Cimeries is one of the Fallen Angels who is also the 66th Spirit of Solomon. He is a Marquis in Hell who rules over 20 or 30 Legions of Demons. He is said to rule over the spirits in Africa.

This demon is also known as the Egyptian God called Khepera aka Kheperi, and Chepera.


Other Names: Cimejes, Kimaris, Cimeies, Cymaries, Cimejas, Tuvries

Planet: Venus; the Moon

Date: February 14th-18th

Color: Violet; Dark Blue

Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Aquarius

Tarot: 7 of Swords; 4 of Disks

Element: Air, Earth

Plant: Pine

Metal: Copper, Silver

Herb: Jasmine

Path: Ayin (Capricorn, Cadent)

Rank: Marquis

Legions: 20

Numbers: 20, 30, 277, 340

Region: Africa

Demonic Enn: Ayer avage secore Cimejes


He is described in the Lemegeton as a godly warrior riding a black horse, and some say he is well built and has beautiful strawberry blonde hair. “Cimeries is a handsome demon with a wide wingspan. He is covered with golden glitter and his wings are golden.”

He possesses the abilities of locating lost or hidden treasures, teaching trivium (grammar, logic and rhetoric) and making a man into a warrior of his own likeness. He holds the rank of marquis, and is served by 20 legions.

Much the same description is found in the earlier text of Johann Weyer’s catalog of demons, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (published 1563).

 Abilities of Demon Cimeries:

  • He directs the narrowminded people and teaches them to be bold and courageous.
  • He helps in the discovery of lost items and hidden treasures.
  • He teaches rhetoric, grammar, and logic.
  • He makes the witch successful in writing, communication, and networking.
  • Cimeries is the patron of soldiers and military personnel so he has the ability to transform a man into a soldier of his own kind.
  • He bestows strength in spirit and makes one heroic in battle.
  • Cimeries refines the psychic senses of the witch and assists her in attaining lucidity within dreams. He imparts the ability to intuitively locate locations and people. This is very useful in discovering lost items.

Similar Demons to Cimeries:

Other demons that retrieve lost items

  • Foras
  • Agares
  • Hicpacth
  • Humots
  • Vassago

Other demons that discover hidden Treasures

  • Barbatos
  • Asmoday
  • Purson
  • Foras

More About Cimeries:

Aleister Crowley, in 777, gives Kimaris the Hebrew spelling KYMAVR and attributes him to the four of disks and the third decan of Capricorn by night. KYMAVR may allude to “Khem-our” (black light), a form of Horus mentioned in H. P. Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine. In Sepher Sephiroth, he is listed as KYTzAVR, with a gematria of 327, although KYMAVR=277. (1)

Wade Baskin’s Dictionary of Satanism speculates that Cimeries is derived from Cimmerians, a warlike people mentioned in the works of several classical authors as dwelling totally in darkness. (2)

This demon does not appear to be evil, instead, he is seen as a godlike spirit that loves helping out those who call upon him. Cimeries was also mentioned on Anton Lavey’s list of infernal names. Aleister Crowley in 777 attributes him to the four disks and the third decan of Capricorn by night. This demon was also listed by Dr. Rudd as the 26th jinni made use of by King Solomon.

This demon is said to be the principality in Africa who rules over all the spirits of Africa. Cimeries rides upon a black horse which in Apocalypse represents hunger, feminine and economic crises.

Cimeries Ritual To Locate Treasure Hidden in the Earth 

Do you wish to locate a hidden treasure? If yes, this ritual would be useful to you.  It is a very simple ritual and should be done on a Saturday especially during evening hours. Take a piece of natural paper then write down the following characters.

Draw a circle on the ground and recite the following invocation:

Cimeries, ruler of twenty legions,

Ride now upon thy midnight steed,

With thy power imbue this tool,

That its use might be governed by thy hand,

And its strength bring honor to thy name.

Place the paper on the spot where you believe a treasure might have been buried. If there is any treasure therein, the paper shall burn and if there isn’t, then the paper shall not burn. When you are done with your treasure search, you can dismiss the spirit of Cimeries.


  2. Wade Baskin’s Dictionary of Satanism
  3. Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon


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