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Demoness Agrat: The Snake Hair Witch 


In the Jewish demonology, there exists a powerful female demoness named Agrath. She is the daughter of Makhlath and she commands 18 myriads of evil spirits. She is a very powerful spirit which is often seen riding on a big chariot. The term “Agra” means “beating”, or “reward”. Her title Agrat bath Mahalath can be translated into “daughter of sickness”, “daughter of illusion”, “daughter of uncleanness”.


Other spellings: Agrath, Aggerath, Igrath , Iggeret, Igrat, Orgath, Agrat, Aggereth , Igarat, Igirit, , Igerath, Ogere

Planet: Earth; Jupiter

Element: Earth (Primary), Water (Secondary), Air (Tertiary)

Date: Winter Solstice

Direction: North East; West

Zodiac: Pisces

River of Eden: Gorath (Western)

Tunnel of Set: 19th/29th (A’arab Zaraq-Nahemoth)

Gematria: 604; 1484


Agrath is a witch with snakes as hair. She rides on a chariot that is led by an ox and ass. She is often accompanied by 18 legions.

The Influence of Agrath:

Agrath and her mother are known for devouring victims especially those who are out alone at night. This queen of the night once met Rabbi Hanina Ben Dosa and tried to harm him unfortunately, she couldn’t because the Heavens had given him immunity.

She told Hanina ben Disa that she couldn’t harm him because he was favored and protected. When he knew about this, he decided to cast a hex on Agrath to prevent her from passing through populated areas. This actually restricted her  business and she decided to plead with him to release her.

After so much pleading, Hanina ben Dosa gave her freedom to do her demon work on just two nights: Wednesdays and Saturdays and that is why Agrath is usually summoned on those days.

In the Zoharistic Kabbalah, Agrat is one of the four angels of sacred prostitution and they are known for mating with Archangel Samael. Other succubus are Lilth, Naamah, and Eisheth. According to the Rabbinic literature of Yalkut Hadash, this spirit is the dancing roof demoness who haunts the air with her followers. While she dances, Lilith is seen howling. She is a succubus who can cause sickness.

Agrath is also referred to as the “mistress of the sorceresses” and she communicated magical secrets to a Jewish sage named Amemar.

Working With Demoness Agrat:

Agrath can be called upon for love, sex, lust, relationships and compassion. She empowers the witch, helps her in recovering from sexual trauma and she also grants her good health.  If you seek to have erotic dreams and sexual gnosis then this spirit would be the best guide.

Agrath can also teach the witch the act of astral shapeshifting into a winged serpent and into a mixture between a scorpion that is of the size of either a dog or lizard with red body and brown legs.

Agrath imparts the witch with strength and teaches her to be pragmatic. She teaches soldiers and policemen to be ready to kill. If her follower feels hurt, she heals her mind, spirit and body.

According to a pseudepigraphal text , Agrat is one of the four demonic goddess of the four tequfot( two solstices and equinoxes). She is attributed to either the nineteenth or twenty ninth pathway Tunnel of Set. This tunnel is ruled by Qulielfi and in it dwells a specie of demonesses called Nashimiron. It is believed that Agrath has partial dominion over this specie.

Her numerical value is 604 and this equates in value to the Hebrew words “troubled pool,” “stagnant pond,” and “blood/wine.” Meanwhile, the value of the word Agrath bath Mahalath is 1484.

According to Donald Tyson and other authors, Agrath is seen as manifestations of Lilith. She rules over Salamanca (the western quarter), Lilith rules over Rome (Northern quarter), Naamah rules over Damascus (Eastern quarter) while the name of the ruler of Eygpt the southern quarter, is unclear but it is usually identified as Agrath’s mother, Mahalath.

According to the School of Rashba and the Kabbalah, Agrath mated with King David and bore a son named Asmodeus, also known as King of Demons. Other contrary texts say that Agrath was actually the daughter of Asmodeus and the Queen of Demons.

Do you wish to CALL SUCCUBUS INTO YOUR BED using a blood spell? Then click here for thorough guidance on how to perform this spell.

To know more about Lilith and her power, click here






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