A Written Pact

Venus Satanas discusses her thoughts of creating a pact with Satan in the video below. She has the following way to call upon her demon , Satan:

I call upon your name, Satan, the Lord of this Earth, the God of the Abyss! I call upon Satan to be here in this sacred space tonight with me to witness the signing of this pact!


How to write your own demonic pact

It is important to bathe before any rituals you perform, this is done out of respect. To prepare yourself both mentally and physically for this spiritual ritual.  Think about it……you are calling to a REAL demon to create a CONTRACT.

As you shower and dress for this event, begin to FOCUS on what you are about to do. I call it “getting into state.”

You should prepare the materials below in advance, and plan the right day and time of day in advance too. You don’t have to do everything on the day you read this “How to” guide.

You may also wish you write a few draft pacts BEFORE you begin the ritual. Don’t expect the spirit to be calmly tapping its long boney fingers on the desk while you fart-ass about thinking of all the things you want. Be prepared.

Your pact will fail if you can’t get your mind into what this is truly about….

You will need:

  • 1 or more black, blue or red candles (as many as you like)
  • A pin to prick yourself
  • A piece of clean paper
  • A pen or (something you can use to dip in your blood drop, such as a quill)

Writing the pact:

Start by lighting your candles, & taking a moment to surround yourself with purpose and energy through focus by invocation.

Write clearly and decisively what you want, how you want it, when you want it and why. You should be detailed, and be sincere with your writing.

After you have written your terms, you will sign the pact in blood.

Below is a typical pact seen in many books, however, I say to write the pact in your OWN language. You will not be penalized for your  grammar or how “dark” it sounds. Be real. Write in your own voice.


Typical Example pact for a Satanist:

I, __________ [your name], in my own free will, do affirm and dedicate myself to You, (devil name or satan), as a dedicated worshiper.

I affirm that a pact with You,(devil name or satan), is my most heartfelt desire, and the beauty and intensity of this is manifested by my flowing blood.

I consecrate this body as a focused worshiper of You.

Having on the date below thus signed this pact, I dedicate myself to You.

Signed in the thrill of a glorious relationship on this day:

________________________ [date]

________________________ [signature]


To sign the pact

Take the needle, prick the index finger of your left hand, squeeze some blood out.

Sign your name in blood.

At the end of the ritual,

“So mote it be”


“So be it”


“Hail Lucifer”


You can either keep your pact in a safe place, or burn it –  letting the elements consume it by returning it to the earth.

The pact isn’t for the eyes of others. It’s a spiritual contract.

[box] When creating pacts for others, I will take some notes of the process and what was conveyed during the ritual by spirit, for the purpose of sharing the feedback with the client. However, the pact itself is consumed in fire.[/box]

Author: Black Witch Savannah


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