Based upon a seventieth century illustration in the
original Grand Grimoire.
The “Ritual of Lucifuge Rofocale” involves invoking the demon for specific purposes, often related to wealth and influence. The ritual requires careful preparation, respectful invocation, and clear communication of intentions. As with any practice involving entities from occult traditions, it is essential to approach the ritual with respect, caution, and awareness of the potential impacts on your life and well-being.
Lucifuge Rofocale (Latin: Lucifugus Rofocalus), according to the Grand Grimoire, is the demon in charge of Hell’s government by order of Lucifer.
Warning to New Comers: Ensure that you are in a stable and healthy mental state before engaging in such practices. It’s important to approach such rituals from a place of clarity and balance.
Role and Attributes:
- Demonology: Lucifuge Rofocale is a demon described in several grimoires, including the Grand Grimoire and the Dictionnaire Infernal. He is often considered one of the high-ranking demons in the infernal hierarchy.
- Functions: Lucifuge Rofocale is associated with wealth, power, and the administration of infernal secrets. He is sometimes depicted as a figure who can grant material wealth and influence to those who make pacts with him.
Step 1: Draft a version of the pact:
The composition of the pact is itself a devotional act. It gives the operator the chance to consider carefully, and verbalize exactly what it is he wants from the spiritual connection he is about to make. This should be done with great care and great honesty. No other eyes need ever see this document.
Step 2: Consider your offering:
What the demons desire should be carefully determined by some form of divination, such as the use of the pendulum, the Tarot or the I Ching.
What the divination says, especially if it says it repeatedly, should be taken seriously. You should not deceive yourself into thinking that what might be the easiest choice of offering is the one the demon wants!
You don’t have to “sell one’s soul”, since damned souls are plentiful.
The Tools
Setting and Tools:
- Sacred Space: Prepare a clean, quiet, and sacred space for the ritual. This could be a designated altar or a space that you feel comfortable and secure in.
- Tools: Typical tools for such a ritual might include a black candle, a red candle, a dagger or sword, an offering bowl, and a ritualistic sigil or image of Lucifuge Rofocale.
- Astrological Timing: Choose a time that aligns with the goals of your ritual. Many practitioners prefer to work during certain lunar phases, planetary hours, or days associated with the demon.
Step 3: Preparation of Tools
- Lucifuge Rofocale – sigil (Enn)
Banishing Ritual:
- Dagger/Knife/Blade
- censer
- wand
- candles
For the pact ritual you will need:
- candles (red or black)
- a knife of new steel
- a wand
- a large metal dish or censer
- a bloodstone
Best time:
- full moon
- Walpurgis Nacht
- All Hallows Eve
Personal Preparation:
- ritual cleanse
- abstain from intoxication and other similar diversions until the time of the major operation itself
- meditate on the process of the ritual and upon the the pact itself
The Offering:
Unless you have a virgin goat to sacrifice, offer body juices from sex magick onto the parchment paper. As part of the pact, you may need to make a personal commitment or offering. This could involve a symbolic act or a verbal oath of dedication.
When the night selected for the pact operation arrives, and the perfected pact has been written upon the parchment, the materials and instruments should be brought to the place of evocation.
The banishing is the first step…..
2 thoughts on “Pact: The Ritual Of Lucifuge Rofocale”
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In the “Conjurations to Emperor Lucifer” on this website it says: I command and I conjure thee in the Name of the Mighty living God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to appear without noise and without any evil smell… . Now why u say we shouldnt command or use god for magic but then u put this information on this website as ritual. If u dont believe in those why do u put them on ur official website? Im so confused.
I totally understand this question, and it’s common and normal for you to ask such a question, especially on a website such as BWC. Grimoires and many magical texts, and even people who had divination gifts such as Nostradamus, we are not free to discuss what they seen, or what they did in rituals freely, otherwise they would be put to death. So when we’re looking at the books from these times, we have to understand that the language and the context reflects the time of the writing.
Even up to 10 years ago, I was persecuted through the general magical community for speaking about dark magical practices. Over the past 10 years, this has changed and now it is seen as normal to talk about Lucifer and Satan in public to a degree.
So we are going to write down, what the original text say, and then it is up to the occultist to modify these text in order to their own comfort and magical practices.