If you’re looking to summon a demon for assistance with fertility and helping someone conceive, Lilith is often associated with fertility and motherhood in various occult traditions. Here are some details about her and others you might consider:

1. Lilith

  • Role: In various mythologies, Lilith is often seen as a figure of independence and feminine power, associated with fertility.
  • Offerings: Consider offerings like honey, pomegranates, or incense that symbolize abundance and fertility.
  • Here’s a simple invocation you might use to invite Lilith’s energy for fertility:

Invocation to Lilith for Fertility

“Great Lilith, goddess of life and creation,
I call upon you with an open heart and mind.
You who embodies the essence of motherhood,
Guide and bless me on this sacred journey.
Grant me the strength to nurture new life,
And the wisdom to embrace this path with love.
As the moon reflects your power,
Shine your light upon me and bring forth fertility.
May I receive your blessings,
And may my dreams of motherhood come to fruition.
So mote it be.”

2. Paimon

  • Role: Paimon is known for knowledge and can be invoked for wisdom in matters of the heart and family, including fertility.
  • Offerings: Offerings might include perfumes, incense, or specific foods that resonate with abundance.
  • Here’s an invocation you can use to invite Paimon’s energy for assistance with fertility:

Invocation to Paimon for Fertility

“Great Paimon, Lord of Knowledge and Desire,
I call upon you with respect and intention.
You who guide the heart and spirit,
Bless me with your wisdom and power.
I seek your assistance on this sacred journey,
To bring forth new life and nurture love.
May your strength illuminate my path,
And may I embrace the gifts of motherhood.
Grant me the insight to welcome this blessing,
And help my dreams of family become reality.
So mote it be.”


Other Gods/Goddesses for Pregnacy

  • Yemaya, also spelled Yemoja or Iemanjá, is a prominent goddess in various Afro-Caribbean religions, particularly in Santería, Candomblé, and Vodou
  • Brigid (Celtic Mythology) Role: Associated with fertility, healing, and the hearth, Brigid is often honored for her nurturing qualities.
  • Parvati (Hinduism): The goddess of love, fertility, and devotion, Parvati is often worshipped for blessings in marriage and motherhood.
  • Demeter (Greek Mythology): The goddess of the harvest and fertility, she is often invoked for agricultural fertility and the fertility of the body.
  • Hera (Greek Mythology): The goddess of marriage and family, often called upon for blessings in fertility and childbirth.
  • Isis (Egyptian Mythology): The goddess of motherhood, magic, and fertility, Isis is known for her protective qualities and nurturing energy.
  • Freya (Norse Mythology): Associated with love, fertility, and beauty, Freya is often invoked for matters of the heart and family.

Ritual Considerations

  • Environment: Create a sacred space that feels conducive to fertility—soft lighting, flowers, and symbols of motherhood can help set the mood.
  • Intent: Clearly state your intentions during the summoning, focusing on the desire for fertility and a healthy pregnancy.
  • Respect: Approach the ritual with respect and understanding of the energies you are working with.

Always remember that working with these entities requires careful consideration, intention, and respect for the forces you are engaging with.

Black Witch of Coven has a 100% success rate at this point in time with our fertility spells. It’s always best to book a consultation first, so we can do some divination and determine whether you’re a good candidate for this type of magic. Generally it takes a few sessions, but within a few months, we always find our clients fall pregnant.

Pregnancy spell (Fertility Spell)

Psychic Reading w Lily

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