Did you know….. We can perform a forgiveness spell on your behalf. We offer a variety of different spells in forgiveness to help you as the client feel comfortable.

Forgiveness Spell

Metaphysical Wound Energy Healing

Astaroth and Forgiveness

Astaroth is a significant figure in various occult traditions, often depicted as a powerful demon associated with knowledge and truth. His/her role in the context of forgiveness can be understood in a few key ways:

Attributes of Astaroth

  • Knowledge and Wisdom: Astaroth is known to reveal deep truths and hidden knowledge, which can help individuals gain insight into their feelings and relationships. This understanding is crucial for the process of forgiveness.
  • Transformation: He has the ability to facilitate change in perspectives, encouraging individuals to see situations from different angles, which can foster empathy and compassion.

How Astaroth Can Assist with Forgiveness

  1. Understanding Grievances: By invoking Astaroth, you can seek clarity about the reasons behind conflicts or grievances. Understanding the root causes can help soften hard feelings and encourage forgiveness.
  2. Encouraging Communication: Astaroth can assist in promoting honest dialogue between conflicting parties, making it easier to express feelings and resolve misunderstandings.
  3. Empathy and Compassion: His influence can help individuals develop empathy, allowing them to recognize the humanity in others and understand their flaws and mistakes.

Ritual Suggestions

To work with Astaroth for forgiveness, consider the following ritual components:

  1. Create a Sacred Space: Set up an altar with candles, symbols of forgiveness (like a heart or peace symbols), and any offerings you feel are appropriate (such as herbs or incense).
  2. Invocation: Use an invocation that expresses your intention to seek forgiveness and understanding. For example:

    “Astaroth, I call upon you, wise and transformative spirit. Help me to see the truth in my heart and the hearts of others. Grant me the clarity to forgive and the strength to heal.”

  3. Meditation: Spend time in quiet meditation, focusing on the relationships or situations you wish to heal. Visualize the process of forgiveness taking place.
  4. Closing: Thank Astaroth for his assistance, and extinguish your candles to close the ritual respectfully.

By engaging with Astaroth in this way, you can work toward healing relationships and fostering forgiveness, allowing for emotional liberation and growth.


One demon often associated with forgiveness and reconciliation is Asmoday.

  • Role: Known as a demon of lust and passion, Asmoday can also be called upon to help mend relationships and encourage emotional healing.
  • How He Can Help: By invoking Asmoday, practitioners may seek his assistance in breaking down barriers of resentment, facilitating understanding between individuals, and encouraging open communication. He can help soften hearts, making it easier for people to forgive each other.

Ritual Suggestion

When working with these entities, it’s important to set a clear intention. You might perform a ritual that includes:

  1. Candles: Light candles to symbolize the healing of relationships.
  2. Invocations: Use specific prayers or invocations to call upon Asmoday or the other entities.
  3. Offerings: Consider offering something meaningful, such as a handwritten letter expressing your intention for forgiveness.

By focusing on the intention of forgiveness and emotional healing, you can create a conducive environment for these entities to assist you.

Other spirits willing to help in forgiveness

Several spiritual entities across various traditions are known for their roles in fostering forgiveness and healing. Here are a few noteworthy examples:

1. Archangel Raphael

  • Role: Known as the angel of healing, Raphael aids in emotional and physical healing.
  • How He Helps: He can facilitate the healing of wounds caused by conflict and encourage forgiveness through understanding and compassion.

2. Pax (Goddess of Peace)

  • Role: A Roman goddess symbolizing peace and reconciliation.
  • How She Helps: Invoking Pax can help calm tensions and promote harmony in relationships, making it easier for individuals to forgive one another.

3. Kuan Yin

  • Role: The Bodhisattva of compassion in Buddhism.
  • How She Helps: Kuan Yin embodies compassion and mercy, encouraging individuals to open their hearts and practice forgiveness towards themselves and others.

4. Brigid

  • Role: A Celtic goddess associated with healing, poetry, and fertility.
  • How She Helps: Brigid can inspire emotional healing and forgiveness through creativity and nurturing energy.

5. Hecate

  • Role: A goddess associated with magic and the underworld.
  • How She Helps: Hecate can help illuminate the shadows of the past, allowing individuals to confront their grievances and find pathways to forgiveness.

6. Diana (Artemis)

  • Role: The Roman goddess of the hunt and moon, associated with independence and strength.
  • How She Helps: Diana can inspire individuals to let go of grudges and embrace personal growth, making forgiveness possible.

Ritual Suggestions for Forgiveness

  1. Create a Forgiveness Altar: Include symbols or images of the entities you wish to invoke, along with candles and offerings.
  2. Meditation and Prayer: Spend time in meditation, focusing on your intention for forgiveness and calling upon these entities for guidance and support.
  3. Offerings: Consider offering flowers, herbs, or incense that resonate with the qualities of the entities you are invoking, such as lavender for peace or rosemary for remembrance.

By engaging with these spiritual entities, individuals can find strength, understanding, and compassion in their journeys toward forgiveness.

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