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Demons Invocation Time and their Zodiac Signs in September Edition

In 2020, I provided a basic list of Demons Invocation time and their Zodiac signs. Because that blog receives so much attention, I thought I would break down that information and share more details for each demon by month for my fellow worshipers.

As we transition from Virgo to Libra, September is a month charged with potent energies that align with specific demons, each governing certain days and zodiac signs. Understanding these connections can enhance your ritual work and allow you to invoke the right spirits at the most powerful times. Below is a guide to the demons associated with each period in September, along with the corresponding zodiac signs and invocation times.

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is a sign of meticulousness, order, and precision. The demons associated with Virgo harness these energies to bring clarity, wisdom, and protection. During Virgo season, rituals focusing on health, wealth, and learning are especially powerful.

September 10 – 14: Marax

  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo (19°-23°)
  • Ruling Demon: Marax
  • Description: Marax is a demon known for his wisdom and ability to impart knowledge of astronomy and liberal sciences. He can also locate hidden treasures and protect against dangers. Invoking Marax during this period is ideal for those seeking to deepen their understanding of complex subjects or who are in need of protection and guidance.
  • Invocation Time: Marax is best invoked in the early morning hours, particularly between 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM when the veil between worlds is thin, allowing for deeper spiritual connection.

September 15 – 19: Goap

  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo (24°-28°)
  • Ruling Demon: Goap
  • Description: Goap, also known as Gaap, is a mighty Prince who rules over 66 legions of spirits. He can transport people quickly across great distances and influence the minds of men. This period is powerful for rituals involving communication, travel, and persuasion.
  • Invocation Time: The ideal time to invoke Goap is during the afternoon, from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM, when the sun is at its peak, providing the necessary energy for powerful transitions and communication.

September 20 – 24: Marbas

  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo (29°-33°)
  • Ruling Demon: Marbas
  • Description: Marbas is a demon known for his abilities to heal and inflict disease, as well as to reveal hidden truths. Invoking Marbas during this time is potent for health-related rituals or for uncovering secrets and hidden knowledge.
  • Invocation Time: Marbas is best summoned during the late evening, between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM, a time associated with healing and reflection.

September 25 – 29: Botis

  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo (34°-38°)
  • Ruling Demon: Botis
  • Description: Botis is a Great President and Earl who reveals the past, present, and future. He can reconcile friends and foes and provides counsel in times of trouble. This is an ideal time for rituals focusing on mending relationships, gaining insight into future events, or seeking guidance.
  • Invocation Time: The most effective time to invoke Botis is at dawn, around 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM, when the energy of the new day can be harnessed for guidance and reconciliation.

Libra: September 23 – October 22

As we move into Libra, ruled by Venus, the focus shifts to balance, harmony, and justice. The demons associated with Libra carry these energies, making this a time for love, legal matters, and partnerships.

September 23 – 27: Zepar

  • Zodiac Sign: Libra (1°-5°)
  • Ruling Demon: Zepar
  • Description: Zepar is a demon who specializes in love, seduction, and lust. He can cause women to fall in love and intensify sexual attraction. Invoking Zepar during this period is potent for love spells, enhancing romantic relationships, or rekindling lost passion.
  • Invocation Time: Zepar is best invoked during the night, from 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM, when the energies of passion and desire are strongest.

September 28 – October 2: Salleos

  • Zodiac Sign: Libra (6°-10°)
  • Ruling Demon: Salleos
  • Description: Salleos is a peaceful and calm demon who promotes reconciliation and helps foster love between people. This time is perfect for rituals aimed at resolving conflicts, enhancing emotional bonds, or fostering peace in relationships.
  • Invocation Time: Salleos can be effectively summoned in the early evening, around 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM, when the energies of harmony and peace are most accessible.

Using This Knowledge in Your Practice

To make the most of these invocation times, prepare your ritual space with the appropriate tools and symbols for each demon. Consider the elements associated with their zodiac signs (Earth for Virgo and Air for Libra) and incorporate corresponding colors, herbs, and offerings. Timing your rituals to coincide with the peak energies of these periods can amplify your intentions and help you achieve more powerful results.

Remember, when working with demons, respect and precision are key. Always approach your ritual with a clear mind and a focused intent, ensuring you are fully prepared for the energies you are about to invoke.


September offers a rich tapestry of energies as Virgo gives way to Libra. Whether you’re seeking wisdom, protection, love, or reconciliation, the demons associated with these periods are ready to assist you in your magical endeavors. By aligning your rituals with the zodiac and the ruling demons of each period, you can tap into a deeper level of spiritual power and bring your desires into reality.

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