or the Goetic Demon “BAEL”
History of Beelzebub
Beelzebub was a prince of the Seraphim, just below Lucifer. Beelzebub, along with Lucifer and Leviathan, were the first three angels to fall. He tempts men with pride and is opposed by St. Francis of Assisi
Beelzebub was also known as Achor by the Cyreneans, which probably meant ‘Lord of the High House’, referring to the Canaanite chief god ‘Baal the prince’. This title could only properly apply to Solomon in his temple, so the Jews changed the name to Beelzebub which translates as ‘Lord of Flies’, possibly because of his supposedly role as creator and controller of the flies in the Philistine city of Ekron.
One of the oldest and most famous demonic figures, Beelzebub also had command over disease — flies congregate around the corpses of the dead, and spread disease from the dead to the living — and his role is to tempt men with pride. He was called the prince of devils by the Pharisees.
According to the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus, Jesus gave Beelzebub dominion over Hell in gratitude for helping remove Adam and other pre-Christian, unbaptized ‘saints in prison’ and bringing them to Heaven, over Satan’s objections. In those early days, Satan outranked Beelzebub. By the sixteenth century, however, demonologist Johann Wierus was listing Beelzebub as supreme chieftain of Hell, with Satan below him.
According to demonology’s lore, when Satan first rebelled, he recruited several very powerful seraphim, Beelzebub among them, to fight at his side. Once he took up his new residence in Hell, Beelzebub learned to tempt men with pride. When summoned by witches or sorcerers, he appeared in the form of a fly, because “Lord of the Flies” was his nom de guerre, as it were. He’d acquired it by visiting a plague of flies upon the harvest of Canaan, or, perhaps, simply because flies were once believed to be generated in the flesh of decaying corpses. Another tale suggests that God created every creature, except the fly — which was made by the Devil.
Those who are close to Beelzebub know he is Enlil. This is from him personally. Enlil was the original “Bel” which later evolved into “Baal.” “Baal” means “Lord,” “Master” “Baal the Prince.” Beelzebub/Enlil was a very popular and well-known God who had cities named after him with the prefix “Baal” all over the Middle East.
Most people who have studied the occult know he is very close to Satan and they both go back to the “beginning of time” here on earth; Enlil and Enki. He is Father Satan’s half-brother. Along with his brother Ea/Satan and Astaroth, he wound up in the grimoires as one of the Crowned princes of Hell and was labeled as “evil,” as were our other Pagan Gods.
“Baal Zebub, the Healing God of Ekron, later became one word–Beelzebub–which came to represent evil and idolatry in the New Testament of the Bible.”
-Excerpt taken from- “Syria” by Coleman South, 1995

Beelzebub is best known as the God of the Philistines, He ruled over the city of Ekron. He is second in command to Satan. The Ancient Philistines worshiped Him under the name “Baalzebub.” Beelzebub is “Lord over all that Flies”. Wherever he was worshipped, he was known as God of the weather and meteorology. He also controlled the airways when the Nephilim came to Earth. His name was perverted by the Hebrews to mean “Lord of the Flies.”
Beelzebub takes care of in-fighting between dedicated Satanists. Satan wants unity and Beelzebub enforces this. He can be very strict as Satan does not approve of dedicated Satanists cursing each other.
He appears as a giant fly if you summon him.
- Beelzebub appears several times in the New Testament, but only once in the Old Testament, and never in apocalyptic literature.
- Beelzebub is the Patron of all of the Orient, Martial Arts and Asian Culture. He was Prince of the Seraphim and He has a raspy voice
- Beelzebub/Enlil is the God of storms, atmospheric conditions, the wind, the rain and the element of air. He is also the God of Entomancy. Entomancy is a method of divination by interpreting the behavior of insects. Beelzebub is also a Master of Astrology and the Zodiac.
- The name Beelzebub is sometimes associated with the Canaanite god Baal.
- His ziggurat of Nippur was called, “Fi-irn-bar-sag.” He is the God who hurls his thunderbolts and lightning against the enemies of Satan. [More than one Christian church has met with disaster on occasion]. He is considered to be a gracious life-giving and life-sustaining God, taking care of his people, the beasts of the field, the fowls of heaven and the fishes of the sea. “Enlil [Beelzebub] is both a God of war and God of peace; a destroyer and protector, defender, restorer, upbuilder; inimical, hostile and most gracious.” [6]
Invocation of Beelzebub
This would be used when Opening the Nine Locks of the Abyss
Beelzebub, I invoke thee.
Beelzebub, I summon thee.
Beelzebub, I conjure thee.
Come forth, Beelzebub, and manifest thyself
Within this body, this temple which I have prepared.
Come forth, Beelzebub, and manifest thyself.
Come forth, Beelzebub, and manifest thyself.
The Revolution of Beelzebub, a book by Samael Aun Weor | My intentions were in the long run to perform the greatest task in the cosmos, which was to take Beelzebub out of the Black Lodge and transform him into a disciple of the White Lodge.” —Samael Aun Weor |
Herrmann, “Baal Zebub”, Becking, B., & Horst(1999). Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible | On the basis zebub, ‘flies’, the name of the god was interpreted as ‘Lord of the flies’; it was assumed that he was a god who could cause or cure diseases.”, |
Similar Demons

Adey vocar avage Beelzebuth
- Candle color: Black
- Plant: Fern
- Planet: Sun [From Azazel]
- Metal: Iron *[Gold]
- Element of Fire
- Rank: King
- Bael is a Day Demon and rules over 66 legions of spirits. [6]
Figure 1: Sigil of Beelzebub [3]

Figure 2: Reported Appearance of Beelzebub : [4]

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5 thoughts on “BEELZEBUB”
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Beelzubub has been with me now for 11 years. I can attest to the post that he does NOT like other Satanists attacking each other…One of his tennet,s from Satan is to have unity with in Satan’s realm. He is my demonic mentor, teacher and strength. I did not seek him out he found me 11 years ago while I was scrying in a mirror. Amazing things have happend to me from that point. He has changed my entire being and life. He dislikes chaos and fighting among his ranks as he is a commander of 66 legions so go figure. I also believe in the above post also that Bael is another persona for Beelzubub and they are one in the same, for he has told me that men have named him many things but he (laughing) does like Beelzubub …See my post on Lucifer section for a real life accounts that happend to me …He is gracious when you honor him …Again he is a God of War and protection and will protect the unification of Satan’s infernal domain and participants there in. I believe in the un-holy trinity of Satan, Beelzubub, Astaroth! Hail the un-holy trinity as it is the juxapose(alternate) to the other un-free willed slaves of the manipulators of truth. Funny though it took him awhile to reveal his name to me…but I have never asked him why!
Hi! Is there a way we could chat about some of the benefits you’ve seen over the last 11 years while working with him and what it feels like?
It’s also possible that Belial is another alternate persona of Beelzebub: You’ have Beelzebub in the middle and his alternate persona/s beside him that he’ controls.
1: For example making a pact with Beelzebub himself (would mean you’re not under one controlling persona of his (For example Belial likes one to give up something important to them (addictions are great choices to give up.
2: But when you make a pact with the one who has control over these alternate personas of his (those choices are not necessarily essential as long you’ are loyal to him of course. Beelzebub is an amazing demon LORD too work with.
Yes, of course they can if asked (but not forced what makes you’ think someone has asked this LORD too follow you or to put baneful magick upon you unless you’ deserved it of course: and I am sure this demon LORD would be aware of that. Demons are not the satanists slaves per-se but if they’re doing so you’ can not put an hex on a satanist they may/or you’ must have done something to really upset your’ enemy:
However, he is a powerful LORD of MAGICK (Death magick that of hexing and cursing. He’ does not tolerate the same kind cursing one another and provides protection from these attacks – from those’ who are with Satan but unware of it.
This is what he’ explained too me eariler and’ he made the point clear (this is a personal thing’ and should not be shared too change another person/s connection with me as we are all different’.
The reason some are under the impression that Bael and Beelzebub are 2 different demons. Bit like humans some have 2 different personailites or an alternate personaility on-purpose. It’s quiet understanding that’ some feel they are 2 different demon/s; (He understands as to why it’ may come across in’ this way.
1: Bael/ Beelzebub are the same demon; he has made the distinction clear: One is an alternate persona on-purpose and the other is his real personailty simply his true form the more advanced type demonic being of black magick.
2: The same demon’ but Bael is an alternate personailty and can appear as either depending if one is ready for his protection and his skills in magick. he is very happy for those who work under him to connect in-which their belief system correlates with best. For some people’ you’ should call on Bael and ask for knowledge and wisdom: the alternate persona of this great LORD and most people that’ are new to satanism want wisdom and knowledge on magick so Bael would be who you call on. All the advanced stuff (Beelzebub can do himself on behalf of the witch/or the one he protects
3: Connecting with them and can be summoned this way if asked too appear during chanting the ENNS once a connection has been made.
1: Beelezbub: Adey vocar avage Beelzebub:
2: Bael: Alternate Persona: Ayer secore on ca Bael:
Beelzebub is amazing and so his alternate.
Hail Beelzebub.
I’ make pacts with demons quiet easy due too living with Fragile X syndrome (doing pact/s in the normal way is a bit harder so they help me formulate the pact in meditation and doing it symbolically. I’ find they’re very respectful. & Satan has been amazing. If you’ don’t know what Fragile x is (One should read about it.
I’ feel our souls actually communicate on the astral realm.
Hail Satan.
Can someone cast Beelzebub on you to follow you?