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Divination with Purson: Should I guard my emotions around others?

“Purson (also Curson, Pursan) is a Great King of Hell, being served and obeyed by twenty-two legions of demons. He knows of hidden things, can find treasures, and tells past present, and future. Taking a human or aerial body he answers truly of all secret and divine things of Earth and the creation of the world. He also brings good familars. Purson is depicted as a man with the face of a lion, carrying a ferocious viper in his hand, and riding a bear. Before him, there can be heard many trumpets sounding.”


  • Source: Wikipedia


In my personal deck of cards, I have given Purson the Ace of Swords because of its association with providing a sense of clarity. However, to stay true to the Occult Tarot deck, I will grant him the 4 of Wands. As usual, my hope for this thread is to choose one card per day for providing inspiration and guidance. It is also my hope that one of our beloved demons will reach out to me as a consequence of this thread.


The suit of wands is usually associated with the element of fire which is masculine in nature. Fire has several meanings throughout history including energy, virility, force, recklessness, power, passion, unpredictability, and strength. When it comes to the 4 of Wands, it is thought that the subjects of readings should do more to curb their impulses. It is only in so doing that they can make rational decisions that help to move ahead in life.


Wand Archetypes are some impulsive and unpredictable people. They are liable to act in the heat of the moment without thinking things through first. They will often lash out or react emotionally to anything that goes contrary to their expectations. Alternatively, they make irrational decisions such as impulse buying which usually hurts them in the end. They struggle with strong reactions and often have no restraint in their behaviors.


The 4 of Wands belongs to the Minor Arcana tarot deck. When it appears upright in a reading, it is usually interpreted to mean relaxation, celebration, harmony, or happiness. If it appears reversed however, it is taken to mean hidden happiness, conflict with others, or an impending change. I refer to this card as the “Joy Card” because of its ties to positive sentiments such as the ones felt when someone is celebrating.

The 4 of Wands shows two people dancing while holding flowers in their hands. Their facial expressions all show that they are in a celebratory mood. There is a beautiful wreath in the foreground further emphasizing the notion of jubilation. In the background a family stands close to a castle – this perhaps represents the comfort that comes with the safety of one’s home and implies a satisfied mood.


The Demon


Purson is another of the demons who were evoked by King Solomon in the days of antiquity. He is together with the other 72 Goetia demons a fallen angel. He is listed as the 20th of the 72 spirits of King Solomon in the Ars Goetia. His ranking in Hell is that of a Great King with dominion over 22 legions of lesser demons that do his bidding. Not much else is known regarding him in a manner reminiscent of the other demons included in major grimoires.


His history is albeit rather brief as consistent with the secretive nature of these beings. Prior to his fall from grace, Purson belonged to the angelic order of virtues. He is otherwise not mentioned within early Graeco-Roman or Middle Eastern mythologies. It is only through his placement within the Ars Goetia that we are able to infer his Abrahamic origins – this is because King Solomon was a founding father of the Jewish cultural heritage.


Purson has a decidedly monstrous appearance when he is first summoned. Most accounts portray him as a man who has the head of a lion and clasping a ferocious viper in hand. In this form, he rides atop a mighty bear and may (or may not) play a trumpet depending on the particular grimoire. His appearance is also usually preceded by the sound of several trumpets. There is no mention of whether he abandons his monstrous appearance however.


Note – there are no mentions about whether Purson is benevolent, malevolent, or indifferent towards human mortals. One should therefore be cautious when dealing with this demon lest they are deceived.


The Message


Should I look forward to something new? Should I guard my emotions around others?


It is my belief that this demon can be a useful compatriot of the conjuror. His offices of revealing hidden things and answering questions about the divine can all form a competitive advantage for the conjuror. For instance, he can reveal to one the location of valuable items that have since been lost in time thus setting a precedent for success. Alternatively, his answers on divine matters can constitute hidden knowledge that places any human mortal in a privileged state.


If I see the 4 of Wands appear upright in any of my tarot readings, I am immediately filled with a sense of optimism and gratification. Here, the implication is that something positive will come to me in the near future causing me to be in a celebratory mood. In another case, I may expect to experience true inner peace. If it was reversed however, I will try to guard my emotions in order to prevent me from getting into conflict with other people.


In a week or so, I usually expect that my anticipated outcomes will come to fruition. I however try to be as guarded about things as possible as I prefer to celebrate my wins in private. These will typically occur as a positive development within my field of interest. However, if the reading was reversed then I take caution in how I relate with others for the same amount of time. In this way, I avoid falling prey of the negative reading.



Helpful Resources on The Occult Tarot Series

Divination and Summoning of Demons with Tarot Cards


Occult Tarot by Travis McHenry

Drawing on daemons, symbols, and sigils from ancient magickal grimoires including Archidoxis Magica and the Key of Solomon, Occult Tarot presents a fully realized divination tool to finally embrace and behold the mysteries of the night.

The first tarot deck to faithfully adhere to the Solomonic principles of demon conjuration, Occult Tarot allows practitioners to discover the power of ancient demons and learn to tame the beasts that wander between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Should we be sold out, if you are in the USA you can grab this deck from Amazon.






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