Number 5

Said to be the prevailing number in nature and art, 5 symbolizes fire and the ‘stigmata’. Multi-talented and with many interests, 5’s are attractive, independent, free-thinking, fast moving, and potentially foot-loose. 5 energies are often very sexual beings.

Resenting restrictions and responsibilities, 5’s can be reckless and self-indulgent.


Positive Attributes:

Number 5 resonates with the influences and attributes of personal freedom, unconventional, individualism, non-attachment, change, life lessons learned through experience, variety, adaptability and versatility, resourcefulness, motivation, progress, activity, experience, travel and adventure, sympathy and understanding, sociability and companionability, release and surrender, influence, sensuality, promotion, natural flair,  vivacious, courage and being courageous, health and healing, idealism, telepathy, pleasure-seeking and pleasure loving, vitality,  vision and the visionary, expansion, opportunity, story-telling,  mercy, kindness, invention, magnetism, competitiveness, imagination, curiosity, cleverness and intelligence, making positive life choices and decisions. Body, sensuality, conflict, the five senses, fingers and toes, able to learn and teach from direct experience, health, expansion, fecundity, grounded in the world, challenges faced in learning from experience.  Freedom-loving, activity, influence, adventurer, sensualist, promoter, natural flair, vivacious, courageous, healthy, sympathetic, motivational, change, idealistic, unconventional, curiosity, magnetic, intellectual, telepathic, experience, pleasure-loving, vitality, visionary, expansion, opportunity, story-telling, imagination, individualism, healing, choice, mercy, kindness, invention, resourceful, magnetic, competitive.

Number 5 relates to making positive life choices and decisions andlearning life lessons through experience.

The Ruler : 

Relates to:
The Planet: Jupiter

The Hierophant Tarot Card


Colour:  Blue


The adventurer, courageous, passionate, responsive, quick to grasp and learn, sympathetic, great traveller and/or explorer.

Negative Traits:

Negatively, Number 5 relates to being rash, irresponsible, dislikes confinement and routine, inconsistent, unreliable, thoughtless, restless, non-committal, inactivity, stagnation, fear of change, rigid in thought, lacks vitality.


The focus of 5 is to attain greater stability. The law of 5 is ‘freedom in action’. The number 5 is masculine, introvert and relates to the star sign Leo. The related Tarot card representative of the 5 vibration isThe Heirophant.

Number 5 symbolizes curiosity and freedom and change, and represents the five senses of humanity. 5 is the pivotal point between the numbers 1 to 9 and represents a variety of experiences through its developed senses, and offers many opportunities for choices and decisions for the future. There is constant activity and curiosity about life for the 5 vibration.

The 5 individual will have the opportunity to learn the true meaning of change in their life. Life for the 5 energy will be filled with freedom, constant change, curiosity, adventure and un-attachment and the 5 energy will live more, see more and experience more life experiences than any other vibration.

The number 5 symbolizes the principle of multiplicity, progression and passion and signifies the need for change, variety and new growth. 5 is the broadcaster – disseminating information and asking questions. 5 is a public number – outgoing, fast-moving and mercurial. The 5 vibration is acting, daring, non-conventional, unpredictable and attracted by the physical senses and indulgences. The 5 energy is pragmatic and opportunistic and can be very, very persuasive.

The 5 energy is the natural detective. They are very intellectual, versatile, investigative and imaginative. They are welcome to change and experience into their lives and they need freedom of thought, action, ideas and lifestyles. 5 is unconventional and does not follow the crowd or the more accepted modes of life and they need the freedom to be able to express themselves in their own way. The 5 energy does not like confinement or routine and has the need for constant change and activity in their lives, which keep them in an ever-changing lifestyle. There is great flexibility for the 5 energy person and this allows them to stop something and go off in an entirely different direction. Their constant changes of interest keeps them curious about life and everything in it.

The person with the 5 energy is playful and fun. They need to explore their world, inside and out, and it is all about adventure and excitement. The 5 loves to flirt and they are usually the life of the party.

5 is the number of freedom, fun and an adventure. If people under the 5 vibration do not live their lives filled with adventure their lives may become too ‘dramatic’ as they look for activity and will create chaos if bored. People with the 5 energy have a hard time settling down and have a fear of being trapped and smothered, particularly within relationships.

Responsibility is not easy or comfortable for the 5 energy person, as responsibility requires routines and restrictions. The freedom-loving 5 needs to delegate routine activities to others, and be free enough to satisfy their curiosity so that they can have personal freedom in every direction and on every level. They love travel, sport, languages, arts, science and new people, places and things.

The 5 vibration loves pleasure and needs to watch over-indulgence and impulsiveness. This impulsive nature allows them to enter a situation and be able to discard it just as easily. The 5 energy does not hold onto anything that creates monotony in their life and abhors routine and a dull, monotonous occupation is ‘death’ to them. 5 is the number of progress and growth for without change there is stagnation.

The 5’s personal life may be full of unexpected change and variety and at times they may experience too many changes at once, and this can make them scatter their energies and can lead to a lack of application and discipline, which leaves nothing of lasting value.

The outer-personality of 5 is witty, enthusiastic and full of activity. They are a natural entertainer, using their natural traits of cleverness and charm. Social activities are alive when the fun-loving 5 energy is present. Life is never dull for the 5 energy and those around them. The 5 energy appears to be outgoing and extrovert  –  but the natural introverted energy leads them to an interest in the unknown and metaphysical studies.

Relationships for the 5 person are always in transition and go through many changes. They may have many acquaintances, but few lasting relationships. A marriage relationship needs the recognition of the 5’s requirements in regards to freedom, change and activity. Their partner needs to understand and accept that they need their personal freedom and cannot be clung to. The 5 energy has a great flare for living, and enjoys the good things in life. They are happy to share these with their partner.

Dependence is not a trait the 5 person enjoys at all. Independence and freedom come more easily to them, especially when they have material wealth to go along with living life to the fullest. Most anticipate challenge and are able to accomplish the seemingly impossible. The progressive 5 needs a good education which allows them the freedom of abundance for living life to the full. The 5 vibration needs to cultivate patience and tolerance, as they have a tendency to act and speak with haste and impatience.

The lesson for the 5 person is that ‘one must learn that true freedom can only come from within’.

All too often, the 5 seeks their freedom by moving away and turning their backs on all situations and people from which they can learn the most.


Unpredictable and restless, you are a high risk-taker who hates being tied down and you love change, travel and adventure.

5 is a socially popular number and as children, they never sit still and are into everything. Fearless and restless, they question everything. Number 5 people can excel in many different fields and can be exhausting to watch when small. This energy is good at fixing problems others have given up on.

The focus of 5 is to attain greater stability. The law of 5 is ‘freedom in action’. 5 symbolizes curiosity, freedom and change, and represents the five senses of humanity and represents the variety of experiences through its developed senses, and offers many opportunities for decisions for the future. This makes for constant activity and curiosity about life for the 5 Day Number person.

The 5 Day Number individual will have the opportunity to learn the true meaning of change in their life and they will live more, see more and experience more life experiences than any other vibration.

The 5 Day Number energy is the natural detective and they are very intellectual, versatile, investigative and imaginative. They are welcome to change and need freedom of thought, action, ideas and lifestyles and does not follow the crowd or the more accepted modes of life. They need the freedom to be able to express themselves in their own way and do not like confinement or routine. Their change of interests keeps them curious about life and everything in it.

The person with the 5 energy as their Day Number is playful and fun and it is all about adventure and excitement. The 5  Day Number individual loves to flirt and they are usually the life of the party. If people under the 5 vibration as their Day Number do not live their lives filled with adventure their lives may become too ‘dramatic’ and they may look for activities to keep them occupied and amused and will create chaos if bored. The 5 energy does not hold onto anything that creates monotony in their life and abhors routine and a dull, monotonous occupation is ‘death’ to them.

Responsibility is not easy or comfortable for the 5 Day Number person, as responsibility requires routines and restrictions and they prefer to be free enough to satisfy their curiosity so that they can have personal freedom in every direction and on every level.

The 5 Day Number’s personal life may be full of unexpected change and variety and at times they may experience too many changes at once making them scatter their energies which can lead to a lack of application and discipline.

The outer-personality of 5 Day Number persona is witty, enthusiastic and full of activity and they are natural entertainers, using their natural traits of cleverness and charm. Social activities are alive when the fun-loving 5 energy is present and life is never dull for the 5 energy and those around them.

Relationships for the 5 Day Number person are always in transition and go through many changes and they may have many acquaintances, but few lasting relationships. A marriage relationship needs the recognition of the 5’s requirements in regards to freedom, change and activity. Their partner needs to understand and accept that they need their personal freedom and cannot be clung to. The 5 energy has a great flare for living, and enjoys the good things in life and are happy to share these with their partner.

Dependence is not a trait the 5 Day Number person enjoys at all. Independence and freedom come more easily to them, especially when they have material wealth to go along with living life to the fullest. Day Number 5 people generally anticipate challenge and are able to accomplish the seemingly impossible.

The 5 vibration needs to cultivate patience and tolerance as they have a tendency to act and speak with haste and impatience.

The lesson for the 5 person is that ‘one must learn that true freedom can only come from within.’

All too often, the 5 seeks their freedom by moving away and turning their backs on all situations and people from which they can learn the most.


Positive Characteristics:

The most common trait found in 5 Destiny Number individuals is their ability to adapt and change freely as they are free spirits who have a sense of adventure and curiosity about life. They have a desire to expand their horizons and gain insights into the lifestyles of other cultures as they have a talent for finding common ground with nearly everyone they meet and are easy going, happy-go-lucky, friendly and approachable.

5 Destiny Number people are highly inquisitive individuals who consider hands on experience to be the best teacher in life. Many of them are deeply intelligent, philosophical and spiritually-minded.

Your challenge is to avoid skipping from one job or relationship to another and/or starting things but never finishing them.

Your purpose is to help others make necessary changes in their lives.

Negative Characteristics:

The 5 Destiny person is always prepared to take a chance and may get into difficult situations as a result of impulsive decisions and hasty action. Number 5s should try to balance their impulsive natures with common sense in order to avoid unnecessary risks.


Number 5 have a tendency to know a little about a great number of subjects, but are experts in none. Because they are always looking to the future to what they can learn about next, they do not bother to research the current subject fully, but learn enough to have a superficial understanding. This can be an irritating trait to people who regard themselves as experts and resent the attitude of the 5 Destiny person. 5s however, are unlikely to be aware of the resentment as they tend to be very self-absorbed and unaware of the effects of their actions on other people. Not all people whom number 5s meet will share their open-minded approach to life and they may encounter people who are offended by their lifestyle and attitudes.


In relationships, people with a 5 Life Path or Destiny need to have plenty of personal space and room to move, for without their personal freedom they become restless and irritable.

Number 5s are likely to have many relationships and experiencing a series of broken relationships is often a part of their path. They are adventurous in the area of romance and want to have a wide variety of experiences and their easy-going natures and genuine interest in people means that they will never be short of admirers. Number 5s find most people attractive and interesting and so will take up many of the offers.

Number 5s are naturally wary of commitment and responsibility and will be reluctant to settle down. They will not give their partners false hope, however, and they will not make promises that they do not intend to keep. The partner of a number 5 Destiny will know where he or she stands. If Number 5s declare their love for their partners then this will be an indication that they are serious and wish to make a commitment.

If Life Path Number 5s experience difficulties in their relationships they will be likely to avoid the problem/s and may look for solace elsewhere. However, number 5s will find no pleasure from infidelities as the problems that they were trying to run away from will still exist and they will have introduced new difficulties to the situation. Honesty and openness can strengthen a relationship and avoid future difficulties.

Number 5s are loving and caring and partners can be sure that life will never be dull with a number 5 in their lives. Once a common understanding has been achieved, relationships between Number 5s and their partners will generally be harmonious.


Number 5s are committed to being good parents and will give their children all the support and encouragement that they need. As parents, Destiny Number 5s are aware of the importance of allowing their children space and respect to choose their own directions. Number 5s and their children will generally enjoy relationships based upon mutual respect.

Home and Leisure:

Number 5s have a wide diversity of interests and will spend their leisure time expanding their knowledge and experiences. They are keen to learn about alternative lifestyles and have an interest in politics but lack the commitment to become fully involved in either. They spend a great deal of time dipping into books, watching films, documentaries and discussing what they have learned with friends and peers.

Number 5s will accept invitations to gatherings where they will be able to get into discussions with other people and their love of conversation means that they will not want to go to noisy nightclubs.

Travel is a common interest for Life Path Number 5s and they will frequently plan their next adventures on their way home from their most recent journeys. Travel for number 5s should be an opportunity to expand their knowledge of other cultures, and package holidays will leave them cold. More exotic destinations are likely to appeal to Number 5s or, if finances do not allow this, they will want to go somewhere away from the usual tourist resorts closer to home.

Home could be anywhere to Destiny Number 5s, and they are able to put down roots and feel comfortable wherever they find themselves. Number 5s will not spend their time creating the perfect home because they could easily pack up and move on at a moment’s notice.


Careers are not all that important to Number 5s and they view work and employment as merely a means to an end to fund their lifestyle and allow them the money to travel. Number 5s do not like responsibility and will not feel a sense of commitment to their employers. They need freedom in their lives and find the routine structure of work a bind. Number 5s are disinclined to tackle any difficulties in their workplace and if they are unhappy they will simply move on.

Number 5s do best when they have careers that incorporate their interests and talents. Careers in the travel business have an obvious attraction, and number 5s flourish as travel agents and holiday representatives. Occupations that allow number 5s to make the most of their communication skills are equally suitable, and they can become accomplished teachers and lecturers.

People born with the Destiny Number 5 will probably change careers many times, especially in their twenties and thirties. Later in life Destiny Number 5s are more likely to feel able to settle down to one career once they have explored many of their interests.

Freedom is of the utmost importance to the 5 Life Path person, and they enjoy being self-employed.


Orange is a colour that is well suited to people born with the 5 Destiny Number as it reflects their bright and cheerful disposition and positive nature.


People with the number 5 as their Motivation Number want variety and change in their lives and they need to feel free and unrestricted in order to explore life and have adventures. They are adaptable and versatile people who enjoy the challenge of adjusting to new environments and need to be able to expand their knowledge by having new experiences. They need to travel to broaden their horizons and can become restless and frustrated if they find that their life does not move at a fast enough pace to meet their needs.

Having 5 as the Soul Urge number suggests that change fuels the fires of your inner-passions and you have an inquisitive mind and a thirst for adventure that is only slaked by the collecting of unusual experiences and plenty of travel. You appreciate the fact that life is short and are bound and determined to make the most of every minute you have on this earth.

One of the challenges of this Soul Urge number is setting down real roots and solid foundations in life.


Number 5 as the Life Challenge number usually defines a character that can be unreasonable, indecisive and easily irritated. They have impulsive natures and often run into trouble because they are unable to see the consequences of their actions beforehand. In their early years this may result in an incomplete education or a number of false starts in the career/employment sphere. And as adults your challenges may manifest as an inability to make decisions and/or acting in an overly emotional as opposed to a logical way.


Body, sensuality, conflict, the five senses, fingers and toes, the ability to learn and teach from direct experience, health, expansion, fecundity, grounded in the world, challenges faced and learning from experience.

Hidden Tendency Character:

The adventurer, courageous, passionate, responsive, quick to grasp and learn, sympathetic, great traveller and/or explorer.


Rash, fickle, thoughtful, endlessly distracted.


The focus of 5 Hidden Tendency is to attain greater stability. The 5 Hidden Tendencies individual will have the opportunity to learn the true meaning of change in their life, and life for the 5 Hidden Tendency energy will be filled with freedom, constant change, curiosity, adventure and un-attachment. The 5 Hidden Tendencies person will live more, see more and experience more than most others.

The number 5 symbolizes the principle of multiplicity, progression and passion. The 5 vibration is action, daring, non-conventional and unpredictable and is attracted by the physical senses and indulgences. The 5 Hidden Tendencies energy is pragmatic and opportunistic and they can be very, very persuasive.

The 5 Hidden Tendency energy is the natural detective. They are very inquisitive, intellectual, versatile, investigative and imaginative. They welcome change, adventure and experience into their lives and need freedom of thought, action, ideas and lifestyles. 5 Hidden Tendency people are unconventional and do not follow the crowd or the more accepted modes of life and they need the freedom to be able to express themselves in their own way. The 5 Hidden Tendency energy does not like confinement or routine and has the need for constant change and activity in their lives. There is great flexibility for the 5 Hidden Tendency person and this allows them to stop something and go off in an entirely different direction at their will. Their change of interest keeps them curious about life and everything in it.

The person with the 5 Hidden Tendency energy is generally charming, playful and fun. They need to explore their world, inside and out, and everything is about adventure and excitement. The 5 Hidden Tendency person loves to flirt and they are usually the life of the party. If people under the 5 vibration do not live their lives filled with adventure, their lives may become too ‘dramatic’ and they may look to create chaos if bored.

Responsibility is not easy or comfortable for the 5 Hidden Tendency energy person as responsibility requires routines and restrictions. The freedom-loving 5 needs to delegate routine activities to others and be free enough to satisfy their curiosity so that they can have personal freedom in every direction and on every level.

The 5 Hidden Tendency vibration loves pleasure and needs to watch over-indulgence and impulsiveness and their impulsive nature allows them to enter a situation and be able to discard it just as easily. The 5 Hidden Tendency energy does not hold onto anything that creates monotony in their life and they abhor routines.

The 5 Hidden Tendency personal life may be full of unexpected change and variety.  At times they may experience too many changes at once, and this can make them scatter their energies which can quickly lead to a lack of application and discipline, which leaves nothing of lasting value.

The outer-personality of 5 Hidden Tendency person is witty, enthusiastic and full of activity. They are a natural entertainer, using their natural traits of cleverness and charm. Social activities are alive when the fun-loving 5 energy is present and life is never dull for the 5 energy and those around them. The 5 energy appears to be outgoing and extrovert  –  but the naturally introverted energy also leads them to an interest in the unknown and metaphysical studies.

The 5 Hidden Tendencies vibration needs to cultivate patience and tolerance as they have a tendency to act and speak with haste and impatience.

The lesson for the 5 Hidden Tendencies person is that ‘one must learn that true freedom can only come from within.’


People with number 5 as their Inner-Self or Karmic Number appear to be multi-talented individuals who can turn a hand to whatever takes their fancy. They seem to be adaptable individuals who have the ability to captivate an audience. They appear to be constantly on the move and looking for new challenges and seem to be constantly in pursuit of new experiences and opportunities to broaden their horizons. They can come across as unpredictable and transient and need a great deal of independence and personal freedom.


–  The Chameleon

People with 5 as their Expression Number are open and adaptable in their interactions with other people as they have a versatile approach to life and are happy to embrace all cultures, races, traditions and lifestyle choices. They do not like to have restrictions imposed upon them and have a strong need for personal freedom and independence. They are interested in discovering about the various theories relating to thepurpose of life and their own soul mission, and are always receptive to new input and ideas from other people. They have an optimistic approach to life and view every new experience as an opportunity to learn something new.

People with the Expression Number 5 may find that some people are distrustful of their unconventional approach to life.

5 Expression Number individuals express themselves best through the movement of energy. They are often blessed with numerous talents and abilities and have the potential to sustain a couple of careers at once. Their deepest desire is to travel and experience as many new things as possible.

5 Expression Number people are philosophical individuals who are endlessly fascinated by human nature. Their highest potential is the imparting or delivery of the kind of wisdom that could never be taught in a school ,although many of them also make great teachers in the traditional sense.


When you have the Karmic Lesson number of 5, you attract the bestkarma by sacrificing the spotlight to others once in a while, no matter how untalented they may seem to you. You must learn to realize that everybody has a right to express themselves without judgement or criticism from you.

Dispensing with pride and learning to be humble is often corrective to your karma.

Others first impression of you might be of an egotistical or judgmental individual.


Number 5’s are great communicators and make excellent social anthropologists, archaeologists, teachers, writers and historians. They are the public figure, speaker or lecturer, reporter, philosopher, salesperson, advertiser, developer, speculator, designer, performer, real estate agent, celebrity agent and travel agent. The 5 energy is also the natural detective due to their inquisitive nature.

The 5 vibration creates turning points and freedom from restrictions imposed during the 4 Personal Year. Travel for pleasure, adventure or additional education might be part of the overall picture this year.

During the 5 Personal Year positive opportunities may present themselves on all fronts, and many of the obstacles from previous years seem to have slipped away. Your hard work is rewarded with more personal freedom and a break from restrictive routines. There is always some kind of positive pay off for you by the year’s end.

There can be movement and necessary changes both within the person and outside influences and it is a time when new projects can be undertaken and new interests are likely to come into your life. This year is also good for pursuing new employment opportunities and/or making new friends. You could also choose to change residence.

The 5 Personal Year is one of  ‘never a dull moment’ and will move along very quickly. Pay attention to details, especially when driving and when attending to details of a finer nature as things are often not what they seem during a 5 year.

This year has a strong bearing on your future and it is a year of progress and growth. It demands that you be alert and up to the minute as to what is going on in your world. As the year opens you will sense, subconsciously, that new conditions are waiting for you to take advantage of. They may appear as changes, ups and downs, or unexpected adventures which may come up from time to time. Sometimes relationships at a distance and travel are highlighted.

Changes of environment, new relationships, new contracts, new plans, more freedom, more variety and enterprise colour your affairs. They may not be drastic or difficult, but rather just a freshening change of interest that may even take you into the public spectre, to travel, or  to join in on a group activity. You may find you are restless, wishing for more social activity and new outlets for your energies. There will be a strong feeling of ‘don’t fence me in’ so take advantage of the changes and the greater freedom and progress presenting to you.

You may begin something which will carry on through the year, possibly even into the future, and you could be rewarded for past efforts. This year, if lived right, can be a marvellous year. The changes, even if unexpected, can be thrilling and exciting and by years’ end you will be satisfied with what you have accomplished, and pleased about the changes made.

This year promises rewards and progress from what you developed the previous four years and opportunities come your way to advance you in various directions. This year encourages flexibility, and may bring some risks, but rewards are what the year wishes to bring.

A drawback of this year is that it can make you feel like not working much or bring a tendency to shirk responsibility.


The Destiny or Life Path Number 5 people may find this year that their desires for freedom become noticeably stronger. They must realize that it is not always physical freedom that they need, though it is easy to believe that this is what they want. Their main need is freedom of expression and this can best be achieved through the arts. This can provide an excellent release for their needs, while helping to attain their personal calmness during the 5 Personal Year.



Surprise the 5 energy person with some tickets to a show or something interesting, different and fun that they would never dream of buying for themselves as 5 really loves surprises.

Both sexes love appliances, gadgets, music, DVD’s and books and new technology. Sporting gifts such as a set of golf clubs or a hi-tech tennis racquet, and snazzy travel accessories such as micro-binoculars or a go-pro are also much appreciated by the 5 person.

MAY  – The Month You Were Born

The month we were born has a great influence on our character and gives an indication of how our younger, more formative years will influence our adult lives. The events that occur can help to shape our life path which is in activation primarily from the ages of 28
to 56.

If you were born in May the number 5 will play a significant role in your life. Self expression may be important to you and you may be a talented musician, performer, actor or writer. You have a high respect for authority and you believe in the sanctity of marriage. You value your friends highly and spend a lot of time socializing.

May is a 5 month and in Numerology 5 is a change, adventurous and freedom-loving energy.

During May, things are not always as they seem. As May begins, you may sense, subconsciously, that new conditions are waiting for you to take advantage of.  During May, be on your toes around friends, family and colleagues, as their attitudes (and your own) can change suddenly for no apparent reason.

May is not a month to make big, important decisions,such as quitting your job or ending a relationship. If at all possible avoid or postpone signing any major or binding contracts. If you do, you may change your mind and regret it by the end of the 31 day cycle.

May is a month to take good care of yourself. Treat yourself to a massage, facial or day spa, go on a weekend away with your significant other, or take the night out to enjoy a good meal and a movie with friends. May is an ideal time to do something just for yourself … go out with some friends and enjoy yourself. May is the month to celebrate any occasion you can.

May, being a 5 vibration, is a cerebral month and you will find you have a lot on your mind, and yet, you may also find yourself easily distracted.

If you are in a relationship, May is the month to do something romantic with your partner to enhance the intimacy between you. If you are single, get a group of friends together and do something fun. It doesn’t need to be expensive, just as long as you enjoy yourself.

May is a wonderful month to write down your goals, aspirations and plans. The 5 energy of May promotes research, and if there is something going on around you that you want to know about, then be open to investigating. You will be rewarded by finding your answers and gaining valuable knowledge.

During the month of May, positive opportunities may present themselves on all fronts. Many of the obstacles from previous months will seem to fade away and your hard work will be rewarded with more personal freedom and a break from restrictive routines. There will be some kind of positive pay-off by the month’s end.



E is the second vowel in the alphabet and has the numerical
equivalent of 5. A person with the initial E is generally a warm-hearted, loving and compassionate soul.

Negatively, a person with the letter as their initial can be unreliable and a bit flaky at times.


N is the numerical equivalent of the number 5 and represents imagination. People with the initial N are intuitive and communicative, but negatively can be predisposed to jealousy.


W is the numerical equivalent of the number and represents self-expression. People with the initial W are usually very artistic and creative in all that they do.

Negatively, people with W as their initial can be greedy and take too many risks.


Positive Attributes:

Body, sensuality, conflict, the five senses, fingers and toes, able to learn and teach from direct experience, health, expansion, fecundity, grounded in the world, challenges faced in learning from experience, freedom-loving, action and activity, influence, adventurer, sensualist, promoter, natural flair, vivacious, courageous, healthy, sympathetic, motivational, change, idealistic, unconventional, curiosity, magnetic, intellectual, telepathic, experience, pleasure-loving, vitality, visionary, expansion, opportunity, story-telling, imagination, individualism, healing, choice, mercy, kindness, invention, resourceful, magnetic, competitive, the adventurer, passionate, responsive, quick to grasp and learn, sympathetic, great traveller and/or explorer.

A person with the number 5 name energy is the thinker and the observer. They are clever, versatile, analytical and a very quick thinker and no one pulls the wool over your eyes! You have the ability to do so many things well and with the influences of the number 5 Name energy you are highly flexible and well equipped to making and accepting change. With the 5 energy you always seek excitement and are sometimes a bit of a risk-taker. You are imaginative, and often, through your unconventional way of thinking, are naturally able to solve complex problems with ease.

Negative Attributes:

Rash, irresponsible, dislikes confinement and routine, inconsistent, unreliable, thoughtless, restless, non-committal, inactivity, stagnation, fear of change, rigid in thought, lacks vitality, fickle, endlessly distracted.

Too much of the 5 personality could bring out the tendency to become restless and impatient, which may make you inconsistent and unable to stay focused on any one direction or project for too long. You may have the tendency to become overly-sensitive to boundaries that you may feel are being place upon or around you. This could be displayed more noticeably if you sense that your freedom of speech or action is being thwarted or restricted.


The focus of someone with the number 5 as their Name Number is to attain greater stability. The energy of 5 represents a variety of experiences through its developed senses, and offers many opportunities of all kinds for this individual. There is constant activity and curiosity about life for the 5 name vibration and they are attracted by the physical senses and indulgences. The 5 energy is pragmatic and opportunistic and can be very, very persuasive.

The 5 Name Number individual will have the opportunity to learn the true meaning of ‘change’ and life for the 5 name energy will be filled with freedom, constant change, curiosity, adventure and un-attachment. The 5 energy will live more, see more and do more than any other vibration.

The 5 name energy is the natural detective as they are very intellectual, versatile, investigative and imaginative souls. The 5 name person is generally unconventional and does not follow the crowd or the more accepted modes of life and are open-minded and curious about life in all its forms. They need the freedom to be able to express themselves in their own way and do not like confinement or routine. There is great flexibility for the 5 name energy person and this allows them to stop something and go off in an entirely different direction. Their change of interest keeps them curious about life and everything in it.

The person with the 5 name energy is playful and fun and love to flirt. They are most often the life of the party. If people under the 5 vibration do not live their lives filled with adventure, their lives may become too ‘dramatic’ and they may look for activities to create chaos if they get too bored.

Responsibility is not easy nor comfortable for the 5 name energy person as responsibility requires routines and restrictions and they would prefer to be free to satisfy their many curiosities. The 5 vibration loves pleasure and needs to watch over-indulgence and impulsiveness as their impulsive nature allows them to enter a situation and be able to discard it just as quickly and easily. The 5 energy does not hold onto anything that creates monotony in their life and they abhor routine and a dull, monotonous occupation or lifestyle.

The 5 Name Number’s personal life may be full of unexpected change and variety and at times they may experience too many changes at once, making them scatter their energies which can lead to a lack of application and discipline.

The outer-personality of the 5 Name person is witty, enthusiastic and full of activity and they are a natural entertainer, using their natural traits of cleverness, wit and charm. Social activities are alive when the fun-loving 5 energy is present and life is never dull for the 5 name energy and for those around them.

The 5 energy appears to be outgoing and extrovert  –  but the natural introverted energy leads them to an interest in the unknown and metaphysical studies.

Relationships for the 5 Name person are always in transition and go through many changes. They may have many acquaintances, but few lasting relationships. A marriage relationship needs the recognition of the 5’s requirements in regards to freedom, change and activity, and their partner needs to understand and accept that they need their personal freedom and cannot be clung to. The 5 name energy has a great flare for living and enjoys the good things in life. They are happy to share their spoils with their partner or significant other.

Dependence is not a trait the 5 name person enjoys at all as independence and freedom come more easily to them, especially when they have material wealth to go along with living life to the fullest. Most anticipate change and challenge and are able to accomplish the seemingly impossible. The progressive 5 name energy needs a good education which allows them the freedom of abundance for living life to the full.

The 5 vibration needs to cultivate patience and tolerance, as they have a tendency to act and speak with haste and impatience.

The lesson for the 5 name person is that ‘one must learn that true freedom can only come from within.’

All too often, the 5 Name Number person seeks their freedom by moving away and turning their backs on all situations and people from which they can learn the most.


Travel industry, agents of all kinds, sales, finances, anything creative, counselling.

KARMIC NAME NUMBER 5 You attract the best karma by sacrificing the spotlight to others once in a while,no matter how untalented they may seem to you. Let them shine anyway and realize that everybody has a right to express themselves without judgement or criticism. Dispensing with pride and learning to be humble is often corrective to your karma.

Others’ first impression of you might be of an egotistical or judgmental individual.5 ADDRESS / HOUSE NUMBER


A number 5 house is a very busy place and one can feel a restless air of activity as soon as you walk in the door. This is a home where people get together and talk about all sorts of things and there are always people popping in and out and coming and going. It can be like a miniature railway station at times, and the 5 house can be an exciting address to live in, particularly for singles.


People who are connected with communications, new information and transport all seem to be at home in a number 5 house. The telephone is an essential and a much needed item in a number 5 house and this also applies to the car. This is due to the restless nature of the number 5 as its occupants likes to be out and about, circulating and making contact with people and places.

Children in a 5 house often have a great interest in bikes or motorbikes. This number also tends to produce a highly-strung, rather nervous type of disposition and it does seem to be difficult to sit and do nothing in a number 5 house.

There is always something about the 5 house that you do not like. Combat this by using bright colours on the walls and camouflaging areas that are not to your taste.


Life with the 5 vibration car can be chaotic and hectic. There are always people coming and going, places to see and new connections to be made.  Annoying little mechanical things often go wrong with the 5 car.


CREDITED: Joanne Walmsley, Sacred Scribes