You arrive at the path of establishing a solid, lasting foundation. . .

The Tarot card tens represent the successful completion of a cycle. The Pentacles represent your desire for material success, good health, and a happy home life.

The Ten of Pentacles indicates that having finally achieved your goal, you may rest on your laurels. You have gained (or will gain), wealth, power, and security on many levels. These levels include family, home, assets, health, pets, businesses, personal accomplishments and social status.

Your gains will enable you to enrich your life, enhance your reputation and provide a firm financial foundation for your family, business, or community.


The Ten of Pentacles shows a community scene (buildings, archway, people, dogs) with ten golden coins (wealth) floating in the foreground.

An elderly gentleman sits in front of an arch (passageway) petting a dog on the head with another dog being patted on the rump by a child (completed cycle). One pillar of the arch is decorated with coats of arms (a legacy).

The face of a spirit (a family member who passed) is hovering on the left side of the arch and a tower or a home under this face.

The older man with gray hair and a yellow beard (the Fool when he gets older) represents retirement and wisdom through life experiences. He wears a robe decorated with grapevine leaves (growth), ripe berries (harvest), a checkerboard (the path of wins and losses) and a branch (the archetype’s life path). This branch leads to a road with more ripe berries (another harvest).

A Crescent Moon (timing of change, new beginning) appears at the end of the branch. These symbols show the timing of an inheritance related to a secure family business and a family home that is being passed down from one generation to the next generation.


  • Astrologically, the Ten of Pentacles is related to the earth sign of Virgo (slow and steady wins the race), earth, the analyst, methodical, industrious, humane, or critical, melancholic, and self-centered).
  • The Ten of Pentacles astrological relative is the planet Venus (Venus is the morning and evening star that guides you to higher ideals. However, Venus is beauty or the beast. The beauty of a relationship that grows, or the beast of a relationship contract that could not achieve resolution and balance), and social urge, sense of value, harmony, tenderness, unions of all kinds, beauty, charm, and good tastes).
  • Timing is within 10 months, years, or during the spring season.

Upright Meaning Guide

You may be the recipient of a family home or a family business that has been passed down from generation to generation. Your family and your home life will continue to provide joy and happiness. You may receive an inheritance, recover from a health issue or gain recognition for various accomplishments (job related, literary, or artistic).

Unexpected financial windfall, lump sum, will, deeds, trust funds, inheritance, solid foundations, privilege, inherited issues, ancestry, family home/ business/ responsibilities/ values/ support/ issues/ riches, old money, affluence, business empire, domestic bliss, contracts, pensions, long term financial security/ stability, being conventional/traditional, settling down, pre-nuptials, marriage, marrying into money,

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)

In a general context, the Ten of Pentacles represents solid foundations, security, and happiness in all areas of your life. Like all Pentacle cards, it is usually connected to financial or material issues so you can expect especially good things in those areas of your life when it appears. It is also a good card to get in relation to family as it represents family responsibilities, family values, and support. You could find yourself tracing your ancestry or discovering your family tree when it appears. You may be feeling very close to your family at this time, as the Ten of Pentacles can signify domestic harmony. Or you may be looking forward to a family event, celebration or gathering. This Minor Arcana card can represent being conventional and embracing old school traditions. Life should be stable and settled when it appears in your Tarot reading.

Love & Relationships (Upright)

In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Ten of Pentacles is an indication of long-term security and stability. Your relationship will be based on a solid foundation when this card appears in your Tarot reading.

It is also the Minor Arcana card of domestic harmony or bliss and can signify a conventional or traditional approach to family values. If you have been hoping for a deeper commitment, this card can indicate that it is on the way as it usually signifies moving in together, settling down, engagement, pre-nuptial agreements, and marriage.

It can also represent marrying into a wealthy family.

The Ten of Pentacles bodes well for you and your family’s future and can signify that provisions are being put in place to secure it, such as buying a house, setting up a pension or making a will.

If have been going through a rough patch, it can indicate that you or your partner’s issues may be inherited or conflict may be arising from a difference in backgrounds or family traditions. These issues can be resolved if you recognize the root cause of the conflict or if you are willing to compromise and find a way to merge your traditions and create new ones that are unique to you.

If you are single, the Ten of Pentacles can indicate that a new love will come into your life. This may be someone who shares your values and could potentially be someone you will want to settle down with or have a long-term relationship with.

Money & Career (Upright)

In a career context, the Ten of Pentacles is a good omen as it can signify a business becoming an empire. It can also indicate that you may go into business with your family. It can also indicate that your new or current job is secure and will provide you with stability long term. This Minor Arcana card can also represent working for a company that is traditional or conventional. In a financial Tarot spread, the Ten of Pentacles is a great card to get! It usually signifies an unexpected financial windfall such as an inheritance or lump sum of money coming to you. It can also signify putting financial provisions in place for the future such as starting a pension, making a will or setting up trust funds. The Ten of Pentacles represents wealth, affluence, privilege, family riches or old money.

Health (Upright)

In a health context, the Ten of Pentacles is usually a good card to get as it represents long term stability which suggests a healthy life is possible long term. If you have been having any health issues, it may be worth looking at your family history to check if the issue you are experiencing is inherited. This card can indicate that you will have the support of those around you through any health issues and it is usually a good omen for healing.

Spirituality (Upright)

In a spiritual context, the Ten of Pentacles can indicate that you are finding peace and happiness in all areas of your life. Your spiritual journey has led you to this point, where you have manifested that which makes you truly happy and fulfilled in your life. Enjoy it and remember to share your blessings with those around you.

Reversed Meaning Guide

Ten of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Disputed inheritance/ being excluded from/not leaving a will, unexpected changes, financial disaster, bankruptcy, huge losses/debts, collapse of an empire, illegal activity, money laundering, rocky foundations, losing everything, family feuds/ burdens/ neglect, domestic disputes, fighting over money, divorce, “new money”, faking wealth/affluence, instability, breaking traditions, unconventional, marrying for money, cold-heartedness

Something is undermining your security and happiness. Your family life, marriage, or business have become unstable. This problem may be a temporary bump in the road or the result of a poor foundation. Your marriage may end, or has ended, and arguments may ensue over the division of assets. Your business may be suffering for various reasons (loss of revenue, poor investments). Financial problems are becoming a burden and you’re not enjoying life.

General meaning and interpretation (Reversed)

In a general context, the Ten of Pentacles reversed can represent rocky foundations, insecurity, and instability in your life. There is an element of dishonesty associated with this reversed card and a warning to steer clear or illegal or shady activities as they will not go well for you. It is not a great card to get in relation to family as it can signify family feuds, family burdens, neglecting the family, domestic disputes and disputes over a will or inheritance. You may not be feeling very connected to your family at this time as the Ten of Pentacles can signify disharmony or dreading a family event, celebration or gathering. This Minor Arcana card can represent being unconventional and breaking with traditions. You may experience sudden or unexpected changes or losses or you may be feeling like you have lost everything when it appears. Remember, however, that it is often the most difficult or challenging situations that give us the opportunity to learn and grow.

Love & Relationships (Reversed)

In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Ten of Pentacles reversed is not a great omen as it can be an indication of instability, insecurity or divorce. Your relationship may be based on rocky foundations or you may be neglecting your relationship for materialistic pursuits when this card appears in your Tarot reading. Or it can simply signify that you may be questioning whether your relationship will be stable in the long term. It is also the Minor Arcana card of domestic disputes or disharmony and can indicate that you and your partner may be having arguments over money or finding that financial burdens are putting a strain on your relationship. This card can signify an unconventional or non-traditional approach to family values or relationships. The Ten of Pentacles reversed can also represent marrying for money rather than love. If you are single, the Ten of Pentacles reversed can indicate that you are not looking for a long term relationship or may not be ready for a committed relationship. At this point, you may just want a fun, casual relationship. Alternatively, it can indicate that a non-traditional or unconventional relationship may be on the horizon.

Money & Career (Reversed)

In a career context, the Ten of Pentacles reversed is not a good omen as it can signify the breakdown or collapse of a business empire. It can also indicate illegal activity or dodgy business deals. It can suggest that your current job may be insecure and may not provide you with stability long term. However, this Minor Arcana card can also simply represent working for a company that is traditional or conventional. In a financial Tarot spread, the Ten of Pentacles reversed can signify an unexpected financial disaster, huge losses or debts and bankruptcy. It can also a disputed inheritance, fighting over money, being excluded from a will or not leaving a will or making provision for your loved ones. The Ten of Pentacles reversed can represent “new money” or faking wealth or affluence.

Health (Reversed)

In a health context, the Ten of Pentacles reversed can indicate a sudden unexpected change in terms of health. If this has resulted in a health issue for you, the Ten of Pentacles reversed is a strong indicator that your illness or condition may be genetic or inherited.

Spirituality (Reversed)

In a spiritual context, the Ten of Pentacles reversed can indicate that something may be blocking you from experiencing true fulfillment. This can signify a focus on materialism to the point of cold-heartedness. If that is the issue, you will need to refocus on your true inner spirit in order to find happiness. Alternatively, this card can mean that you will find yourself considering other unconventional spiritual paths when it appears as it can indicate a break with convention or tradition. Be open to this exploration.


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