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Dorochiel, second spirit under the King of the West

Dorochiel is one of the aerial spirits of King Solomon who is ranked as the tenth within the order and second in command under Amenadiel – in this regard he is only behind Malgaras. He is granted dominion over the west by north. Dorochiel is described as a mighty prince having forty great dukes serving him in the day and a similar number serving during the night. Within the Ars Theurgia however, only twenty-four of the diurnal servitors and twelve of his nocturnal servitors are mentioned and their seals provided for practice purposes. Dorochiel has innumerable numbers of lesser demons serving under his command in general.

Of the daytime servitors, the first twelve who appear before noon are Magael, Artino, Efiel, Maniel / Efiel, Suriel / Maniel, Carsiel / Suriel, Carsiel, Fabiel, Carba, Merach, Althor, and Omiel. The remnant diurnal servitors of Dorochiel who appear past noon are Gudiel, Asphor, Emuel, Soriel, Cabron, Diviel, Abriel, Danael, Lomor, Casael, Busiel, and Larfos. These demons are summoned according to planetary hours with the first only being viable in the first hour of the day and so forth. The first twelve demons of the day have forty servitors apiece whereas the remaining twelve have four hundred lesser demons under their command apiece.

The identities of the first twelve demons of the night serving under Dorochiel are Nahiel, Ofisiel, Bulis, Momel, Darbori, Paniel, Cursas, Aliel, Aroziel, Cusyne, Vraniel, and Pelusar. This group of demons can only be summoned within the planetary hours leading up to midnight. The second group of nocturnal demons attributed to Dorochiel are Pafiel, Gariel, Soriel, Maziel, Futiel, Cayros, Narsial, Moziel, Abael, Meroth, Cadriel, and Lodiel. The second group must be summoned during the twelve hours after midnight with one hour increments. Each of Dorochiel’s servitors is mentioned alongside their seal for the purposes of practice.

Dorochiel first came into mainstream consciousness with the 1499 publication of the Steganographia by Johannes Trithemius. Much of the Ars Theurgia is derived from this publication as well. The servitors of this demon are described as being courteous and willing to do the bidding of the conjuror therefore making him an attractive prospect for all levels of experience. The willingness and obedience of his servitors is implicit of benevolence although he must be treated with the same respect as other demons to increase the likelihood of desirable outcomes.


Dorochiel is a fallen angel like the other aerial spirits of King Solomon who are mentioned within the second book of Lemegeton. As previously stated, his entry within the Ars Theurgia borrows heavily from the publication of the Steganographia in 1499 by Johannes Trithemius. This 1499 publication makes the first time which he is mentioned within recorded history.

There are no associations of this demon with Graeco-Roman mythologies of antiquity with his ties to King Solomon forming the only links with ancient Middle Eastern accounts. As a fallen angel however, it is plausible that Dorochiel was an olden pagan god who was only cast as a demon with the advent of Christianity during the Middle Ages.


Rank: Second under the Emperor of the West

Direction: West

Gender: Male

Element: Air


Besides the descriptions of his servitors as being courteous and willing to do the bidding of the conjuror, there are no other descriptions of Dorochiel within credible grimories. The conjuror is thus tasked with perceiving his demonic energy as opposed to actually seeing him.

Depiction of the 31 aerial spirits

The “Demonic Enns” of Dorochiel

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Dorochiel

Veni, veni, o comitis Dorochiel

The sigil of Dorochiel

Similar demons to Dorochiel

  • Padiel
  • Malgaras
  • Barmiel
  • Maseriel
  • Asyriel
  • Camuel

Attributes of Dorochiel

  • This demon is ranked as the tenth demon in the order and second in command under the Great Emperor of the West. He is only second behind Malgaras in dominion over the western cardinal point.
  • Dorochiel has forty demons serving him during the night and another forty serving him in the day. Of these, only twenty four from each category are mentioned within the Ars Theurgia however.
  • His servitors are described as willing and courteous within the Ars Theurgia. This makes Dorochiel a tempting prospect for inexperienced conjurors as the risk of punitive malevolence is low.
  • The ritual for summoning Dorochiel is akin to that used in invoking other aerial demons as it involves the use of a glass receptacle or a crystal stone to bind the demon.

When to summon Dorochiel

The divine magical abilities of Dorochiel as a fallen angel can be harnessed by conjurors for use within demonology. He can be called forth to provide counsel on magical matters and issues pertaining to the spirit world.

Items Required:

  • Girdle tied around the waist of the conjuror
  • The seal of the demon worn on the chest
  • Four inch diameter crystal stone / Glass receptacle
  • Table of Solomon designed in the artistic model shown

Ritual Time: This demon can be called forth during both the day and night seeing as he is both nocturnal and diurnal. This is evidenced by his two distinct sets of servitors who are called forth either in the day or night respectively.


  • This demon is very potent given his large contingent of servitors. It is therefore necessary to accord him the utmost respect during rituals although he can be invoked by relatively inexperienced conjurors.
  • The conjuror should take care to protect themselves from otherworldly energies by mentally visualizing a protection circle, opening, and entering it.


  • The medium should prepare themselves for the ritual through engaging in power meditation.
  • The attachment of Dorochiel to the element of air requires that the ritual is conducted in a spacey location.
  • The conjuror should wear the seal of the demon and tie a girdle on their chest and around their waist respectively.
  • The conjuror should hum the following conjuration prayer: “Wee Conjure thee O thou mighty dorothiel, who ruleth as King in the West & by North, wee Invocate.”
  • Once the demonic presence is felt, the conjuror should respectfully state their wishes or queries prior to the dismissal of Gediel and then wrapping up the ritual.


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