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Eight Common Games to Summon Spirits

Since the evolution of man, he has always had a strong desire to contact the spirits. The reasons for this desire range from the quest for knowledge, companionship, freedom, power, etc.  In the ancient time, different rituals were carried out by priests to communicate with these spirits.

The desire to communicate with spirits has also generated several “games” that can be used to summon ghosts. Although, some of these games are often dangerous as they open a connection between the individual and spirits. Below is a list of some games that can be played.

1. The doors of the mind:

In this game, the individual is expected to meditate with the aim of finding answers to questions bothering his mind. You must close your eyes, relax and visualize being in a wide corridor with plenty of doors and rooms. As you walk through the door you might find positive and negative responses. You might also find a representation of your greatest fear. To return to the real world, you would need someone to guide you back or an alarm that would distract you while you are still in trance.


This game is said to have a Japanese origin. It must be played at nightfall. To play, you must choose a room and light 100 candles in a circle and put a mirror on the surface of a table. Then the participants are expected to narrate a ghoulish tale.  As each tale ends, the storyteller is expected to douse a single candle.

With each story, the room will darken more and more; and when the last candle has been extinguished, someone or something terrible would be waiting in the darkness.

It is said that the spirits in the stories told may manifest themselves after the last candle has been extinguished.

 3.The Dark Reflection:

This game boosts your good luck charm but first, you must survive a streak of bad luck for a whole night. You can either carry out this game alone or as a group.

To play, you would need a mirror, lighter and a candle. While looking at the mirror, focus on all your negative energies and exhale them into the mirror till it fogs up.

Then, take the candle or the lighter and stick the mirror to the flame until there is a dark stain. Finally, you should smash the mirror and be on guard for the worst.

During the rest hours of the night, it is said that evil entities will torment you and if you are able to survive till dawn then your luck would become good and magically ensuring success in everything you do.

4. The Midnight Game:

This game is scary and I don’t see any reason why anyone would want to play it. In this particular game, you are expected to summon the midnight man to your place of residence via a sort of blood magic. When he appears, you might have to spend the rest of your night running around your house and trying to avoid him. What happens if he catches you? Well, he might trap you in the hallucination of your worst fears for some hours or he will rip out your innards.

Besides, even if you go through the game unharmed, don’t assume that the midnight man is completely gone because he might just be somewhere waiting for a perfect time to catch you.

5. The telephone game:

For this game, you need a phone and you must make sure you are alone. To start, you must turn off all the lights and make a line of salt outside the bathroom door. Then take your phone and a flashlight, and lock yourself in the bathroom. You must use your cell phone to call the home phone, which could result in … well, something answering from the other side.

If that happens, hang up immediately. You should also peek into the toilet, and hang up if you see disturbances in the water or if you hear noises somewhere in the house.

6. The Sage:

The Sage requires 10 players. They should sit in a circle, everyone should take out a cell phone and call the person to their left; making sure everyone starts the call at the same time. Usually, you might get a busy signal but it is possible that one caller would get through to the Sage. You can ask him any question but he would also ask you questions. And if he doesn’t like your answers…. you are going to have a bad time.

7. The face of the Devil:

This ritual should be done alone. To play, you need twelve black candles and a room in which there is a large mirror. Minutes before midnight, the player must lock himself in the room, turn off the lights and light the candles.

Once the player is in front of the mirror, he should close his eyes and open them just as the clock strikes midnight. Then, you can see the Devil’s face in the mirror.

8. Tsuji-Ura:

To play Tsuji-Ura (or the game of fortune), you need a comb and something to cover your face with; and you can play alone or accompanied.

It is said that when this game became popular in Japan, many people committed suicide because the Tsuji-Ura did not give them the prediction of the future they wanted, or this was not beneficial.

It starts when you go to a crossroad at dusk. One finger should be passed along the comb, to produce a sound while reciting three times “Tsuji-Ura, Tsuij-Ura, give me a true answer”. Then you must wait for a stranger to pass. When you see him coming, each player must cover his face with some object.

When the stranger is near, the player must ask him to tell him his fortune. If the stranger refuses or does not respond you can wait for another to pass and repeat your request.

Finally, please note that if you ever decide to try any of the mentioned games, then you should be ready to bear any consequence that might result thereafter. If you are a novice in dealing with spirits and ghosts, then you must seek guidance before getting involved in all those things.

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