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Eligos: the Liaison

occult tarot

“Eligos (also Abigor or Eligor) is a Great Duke of Hell, and rules 60 legions of demons. He discovers hidden things and knows the future of wars and how soldiers should meet. He also attracts the favor of lords, knights, and other important persons. He is depicted in the form of a goodly knight carrying a lance, an ensign and a spectre…Alternatively, he is depicted as a ghostly spectre, sometimes riding a semi-skeletal (sometimes winged) horse, or the Steed of Abigor. This is a minion of Hell itself, and was a gift from Beelzebub. It was created from the remains of one of the horses of the Garden of Eden.”

eligosSource: Wikipedia



Working with Eligos: The Court Case & Legal Demon

Demons to Assist with Legal Issues

Daemonic Ritual for Court & Legal Works


In my deck of cards, Eligos is accorded the King of Swords. When path working with the demon, many of his offices I can focus upon. The demon is capable of procuring favor from people in lofty positions within the society. However, he is also well versed in matters of war and can provide forecasts for victories or losses. I however path work with the demon in order to curry favor with people that I deem of repute or dignity.

A spectre is usually symbolic of authority or a powerful position. It is also a common emblem of war or military involvement. When working with this demon, it is worth considering his ability to influence people in positions of power. Alternatively, his acumen in warfare can also be valuable to leaders. The King of Swords is likewise an important and majestic entity who holds sway with important people and can affect their behavior towards the mage.

Symbols of royalty and authority are useful in indicating influence and power. The symbols held by this demon highlight its influence and power as well. In the King of Swords, the archetypes associated with authority, influence, or power must leverage these attributes into an advantage. They have to do so in order to even build upon their positions in life and possibly acquire more clout and power. Military leaders can harness the loyalty of soldiers and bolster their chances of success on the battlefield.

The King of Swords, when it appears in a reading usually highlights and opportunity for one to advance themselves in life. The implication here is that a person who has influence or an opportunity for you may be within your proximity. This is a chance for you to gain even more privileges or climb up the social ladder. When I see this card, I begin to look out for potential opportunities for me to improve my standing with people in authority or influential positions.


The Demon

Eligos is the 15th spirit in the Ars Goetia with dominion over 60 legions of lesser demons. He is described as a Grand Duke of Hell. He is shown as a ghostly rider sitting majestically on a stead. As an angelic being, he is described as having belonged to the Order of the Fly. He is renowned within demonology as having won multiple wars during the War in Heaven. The demon has vast knowledge of warfare and is capable of predicting their outcomes in addition to making appropriate recommendations. Eligos can also teach military leaders how to win the loyalty of their soldiers. He also has divinatory capabilities in being able to discern when future wars or instabilities will occur. His other office is to curry favor with people in important positions – he can therefore be a liaison of sorts for the mage if they so wish.


Significant Symbol – Spectre

This demon’s traces can be found in the ancient Judeo-Christian mythologies. He is the 15th of the 72 demons that were bound by King Solomon as described in multiple grimories. Eligos is said to be a direct servant of the demon Vaal but still enjoys favor with a member of the first hierarchy of demons. He is said to curry favor with Beelzebub who has a more important ranking in hell. He is also related to Fleuretty.

Note – Eligos enjoys the favor of Beelzebub who is a member of the evil trinity


The Message

What am I missing? Where is the opportunity for progress?

I believe Eligos comes to help us grow in life through developing our networks. Even in some areas as mundane as corporate promotions, the function of this demon is profound. You can similarly summon this demon to help you deal with any challenges faced when dealing with influential people. Alternatively, he can help one to avoid legal litigation through influencing the authorities. Seeing as he himself curries favor in Hell with Beelzebub, Eligos is definitely an accomplished liaison. However, high ranking military personnel and leaders should find value in his other office as a warfare expert.

If the opportunity to curry favor with a person presents itself in the immediate future, then the demon should help with the liaising process. If not, then the opportunity can present itself in the next coming weeks. If I am unable to identify any such opportunity then perhaps it has passed or will present itself in the far future. However, I also take caution after the King of Swords is revealed in a reading because it can indicate possible conflict or unrest as consistent with the second office of Eligos.

Eligos is a very persuasive entity as seen by Beelzebub favoring him – this can be seen in the gift of the Steed of Abygor. His ability to draw the favor of influential personalities can prove useful to the conjuror. By improving one’s network and connections, more opportunities for upward social mobility are unearthed. This can be advantageous in helping to reach one’s goals and dreams whether in their personal life, industry, or academia.

The tarot readings and symbolism contained therein are all subjective and open to interpretation. We would love to know what you think of the King of Swords and Eligos. Leave us a comment in the comment section below!!


Image:  photo is the property of BWC

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