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Empousai: The Shapeshifting Demoness


According to Greek mythology, the Empousa is a demigoddess and beautiful daughter of the Hecate and Mormo. This spirit was initially regarded as a vampire   because of its ability to feed on blood. The empousai share similarities with other Succubus and Lamiae spirits. The Empousai and Lamiai were the ancient equivalent of vampires and succubi–vampiric ghosts and demons.



In ancient Greek lore, the Empousai are terribly ugly, filthy and disgusting to behold at first glance. They possess the hind ends of an ass (a type of donkey) and wear what appears to be a brazen slippers.

Other authors say they have one brass leg and one donkey’s leg, with a monstrous wing and fangs for sucking the blood of young men and eating their flesh. The Empousai also have flaming hair.


  • Empousai are powerful shapeshifters. They take forms ranging from cows, female dogs, and sometimes as beautiful girls.
  • They are blood sucking demonesses who seduce men and eat up their flesh.
  • They often appear at Hecate’s bidding at midday whenever people make sacrifices to their dead relatives.
  • The Empousai are unnaturally strong, devious, vicious and vindictive with terrifying looks and personalities.
  • With their beautiful faces/looks and soft voices, they would lead travelers and young men astray to suck their blood. Young men are their main target because of the virility and masculinity of their body.  Whenever a traveler addressed the monster with insulting words, it used to flee and utter a shrill sound.


The demigoddess appears to be very confident and sly. She seems to hold feelings for Baphomet and doesn’t like Nephilim. She thinks of them as lesser than pure demons. Stories of the Empousai have been told severally by the ancient Greeks even down to the modern. They usually serve as a warning to men to be weary of certain types of women.





4.Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology.


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