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Enepsigos: The Moon Goddess


Enepsigos is a female demoness mentioned in the Testament of Solomon. She is known as the moon goddess that can shapeshift into different forms. She can shapeshift into a titian in the Greek mythology called Kronos.

In the Testament of Solomon Chapter 64: 1-7, King Solomon interrogates this entity, and she acknowledges herself as a moon goddess with three forms that represent the three phases of the moon; waxing, waning and full moon. She can also shapeshift into a woman with two heads. King Solomon bound this demoness with a triple-link chain.


Just like Hecate, this demoness is linked to the art of witchcraft since she is connected to the moon. She is a fallen angel who dwells in the moon. Enepsigos claims to hover around the moon, pulling down great power from it. She is thwarted by angel Rathanael, who sits in the third heaven.


Similar Spirits

  • Ashmedai
  • Hekate
  • Kronos


Abilities Of Enepsigos:

Enepsigos can see and predict the future accurately. This was confirmed when she told Solomon that his kingdom would be destroyed by Kings of Persia, Medes and Chaldeans. This act will be followed by the seizing of the tools in the temple of God in Jerusalem, and these tools will be used to serve other gods.


She also predicted that the vessels used to entrap demons would be broken and destroyed by men, and the freed demons would roam all over the world swaying the hearts of men from serving their creator.

Enepsigos also stated that the Son of God will be born of a virgin and shall gain supreme dominion over the demons of the world and beyond. The Son of God shall be called Emmanuel, meaning “God is with us”. The sum of the letters of this Son of God will be six hundred and forty-four (644).


Solomon didn’t believe her words and decided to bind her for all eternity. However, the manifestations of her prophecies began when his kingdom was divided. Strange women led them astray and made them worship idols.


Testament of Solomon, F. C. Conybeare translation (1898):

“I am Enêpsigos, who also have a myriad name … What seekest, what askest thou? I undergo changes, like the goddess I am called. And I change again and pass into possession of another shape. And be not desirous therefore to know all that concern me. But since thou art before me for this much, hearken. I have my abode in the moon, and for that reason, I possess three forms. At times I am magically invoked by the wise as Kronos. At other times, in connection with those who bring me down, I come down and appear in another shape. The measure of the element is inexplicable and indefinable, and not to be frustrated. I then, changing into these three forms, come down and become such as thou seest me; but I am frustrated by the angel Rathanael, who sits in the third heaven. This then is why I speak to thee. Yonder temple cannot contain me.”


Another account of the prophecy is as follows.

“In the Testament of Solomon, Enepsigos is bound by King Solomon with a triple-link chain and is made to prophesy. She predicts that Solomon’s kingdom will be divided and the Temple of Jerusalem will be destroyed by the kings of the Persians, Medes, and Chaldeans. The tools in the temple will be used to serve other gods. The vessels used to trap all the demons will be broken by men, and the freed demons will go throughout the world, leading men astray until the Son of God is crucified. This Son shall be born of a virgin and shall be the only one to hold power over all demons. His name is Emmanuel (Emmanouel), the letters of whose name add up to the numbers 644. Solomon does not believe Enêpsigos and has her bound in unbreakable chains. But later he witnesses the truth of part of her prophecy when he is led astray by women to worship pagan gods, and his kingdom is divided by God.”







4.The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology.





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