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Facts You Didn’t Know About Luciferianism

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According to Wikipedia, Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer. The Luciferian path is often misinterpreted with the modern worship of the devil but the fact remains that Luciferians neither believe in a “devil” nor worship a one side being.

This tradition which was influenced by Gnosticism usually reveres Lucifer but not as the devil, instead, he is seen as a liberator, a guiding spirit or even the true god.

Contrary to the belief in Christianity, Lucifer is a symbol of independence, enlightenment, and human progression. He is often used interchangeably with similar figures from ancient beliefs, such as the Jewish Talmudic figure Lilith or the Greek titan Prometheus.

In recent years, the Luciferian philosophy has been defined in a collective foundation known as the “The Eleven Luciferian Points of Power” which was authored by Michael W. Ford. In a short summary, the basis of the Luciferian philosophy is to cultivate and encourage individuality and self-determined choices that are based on strategic application. It is about a continual cycle and process of Liberation, Illumination and Apotheosis which is “The Triad of the Morning Star”.


The Theistic Luciferians:

These are followers of the Left-Hand Path. This group of Luciferians is more likely to adhere to different dogmata that are put forth by organizations such as the Neo-Luciferian Church or other congregations which are mainly focused on occult, ceremonial magic, and the literal interpretations of spiritual stories and figures.



In the religious or initiatory Luciferian practice, there are basically three types of practices:

Luciferian Magick:

This can also be called higher magick or ascension workings. This form of magic deals with change or something transformational. It usually involves the Watchers which represents the higher faculties of humanity.

Example of such workings include: RITE OF AZAL’UCEL, HVHI – The Invocation of the God of the Averse Tree, the Adversary.


Therionick Sorcery:

This involves bestial workings which are aimed at exploring the atavisms or hidden aspects of consciousness. We also have Lycanthropy and Qlippothic workings under this category.

Example of Therionick Sorcery workings:
Some Goetic sorcery workings, “The Satanic Ritual of Self-Liberation, The Possession Ritual”, THE THERONICK RITE OF CHIOA, etc.


Yatukih Sorcery:
This is primal sorcery which usually involves working with dark elements of nature – serpents, spiders, flies, wolf, toads, and crow. This involves working with Ahrimanic shadow aspects and deals with compelling forces to manifest through activating symbolism or trance inducing aspects of Daeva-yasna, demon-worship within the self.

Examples of workings include:

Rituals from the YATUK DINOIH, Manipulative Magick, Goetic Workings, THE PAITISHA, BOOK OF THE WITCH MOON, etc…


                                       LUCIFERIAN RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS

“For each time when the moon renews itself in the world, Lilith comes and visits all those whom she rears” – Zohar


There are different important holiday dates in Luciferianism. The Luciferian utilizes these dates to conduct magical workings which reflects the attributes of the demons.

Below are some of the major dates and the activities carried out.

Qlippoth = Start of Qlippothic Month
Yatuk Dinoih = Start of Daevayasna/Yatukih Month.
OCTOBER 17 – Duzhyairya Pairikas (Yatuk Dinoih – demoness of thirst)
OCTOBER 23 – Necheshethiron (Qlippoth)
OCTOBER 30 – Ahriman’s Night
OCTOBER 31 – Samhain – Halloween – Hecate Feast
NOVEMBER 16 – Hecate Feast
NOVEMBER 17 – Sama Atar (the Black Flame) of
Daevayasna – Yatuk Dinoih
NOVEMBER 22 – Nachashiron (Qlippoth)
DECEMBER 16 – Az Jeh(Yatuk Dinoih)
DECEMBER 21 – Yule or Winter Solstice (Lilith)
DECEMBER 22 – Dagdagiron (Qlippoth) JANUARY 8 – Hecate Feast
JANUARY 15 – Akoman (Yatuk Dinoih)
JANUARY 20 – Behemiron (Qlippoth)
JANUARY 31 – Imbolg or February Eve
FEBRUARY 14 – Taromat (Yatuk Dinoih)
FEBRUARY 18 – Neshimiron (Qlippoth)
MARCH 16, 17, 18, 19 – Feast of the Black Flame
MARCH 20 – Bairiron (Qlippoth)
MARCH 21 – Vernal Equinox – Ahriman enters creation at 12:PM Noon – Day of the Black Flame.
MARCH 22 – Druj (Yatuk Dinoih)
APRIL 20 – Andar (Yatuk Dinoih) Adimiron (Qlippoth)
APRIL 30 – Beltane or May eve
MAY 3 – Hecate Feast
MAY 20 – Taprev (Yatuk Dinoih), Luciferian Supper of Cain, Tzelldaimion (Qlippoth)
JUNE 19 – Apaosha and Spenjaghri (Yatuk Dinoih)
JUNE 22 – Summer Solstice (Lilith and Nahemoth) – Schechiriron (Qlippoth)
JULY 19 – Zairich (Yatuk Dinoih)
JULY 23 – Shelhabiron (Qlippoth)
JULY 31 – Lughnasadh or Lammas
AUGUST 13 – Hecate Feast
AUGUST 18 – Savar (Yatuk Dinoih)
AUGUST 23 – Tzephariron (Qlippoth)
SEPTEMBER 17 – Astovidad and Aeshma
SEPTEMBER 21 – Autumn Equinox (Lilith and Nahemoth)
SEPTEMBER 23 – Obiriron (Qlippoth)

At this point, if you are a beginner, I want to believe that you have gotten an idea of some key facts about Luciferianism. Well, before drawing the curtain, I would like to show you a summarized method of how Luciferian rituals are performed.



1. Use the Bell to announce the beginning of the rite (if applies).
2. Perform the Casting the Circle of the Dragon ritual or banishing rite.
3. A ritual from the Luciferian Magick, Yatukih Sorcery or Therionic Sorcery category.
4. Drink from the chalice in acknowledgment of your will.
5. Utilize a Staota to strengthen your rite and to forget meaning therefore empowering the subconscious.
6. If using a sigil, charge it or destroy it depending on your choice.
7. Close the ritual and leave the chamber.

To summarize I will like to reemphasize the basic Luciferian principle which highlights the truth, encourages freedom of will and the worship of your inner self. A Luciferian recognizes self-divinity and strives to become more. Also, in Luciferianism, there is no such thing as eternal punishment for wrongdoings.

Thank you for reading this article. If you have any question or comment, kindly leave it below. We hope that you visit this blog very often for more detailed facts about the Left-Hand Path.





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BWC Luciferian Talisman in Pewter

The Official BWC Talisman
• The Bible of the Adversary – Michael W. Ford

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