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Forneus: The Thirtieth Goetia Demon


Forneus is a Great Demon of Hell who rules over 29 legions of spirits. His name seems to have originated from the Latin word ” fornus “,” furnus”. He is the thirtieth spirit mentioned in the Ars Goetia. He was partly of the Order of Angels and partly of the order of Thrones. According to Dr. Rudd’s Goetia, Forneus can be defeated and dominated by Angel Omael.


Rank:  Marquis

Legions: 29

Direction: North

Element: Water (Under Goap), Fire

Dates: August 18-22nd

Alternate Dates: January 11th – January 20th (Tikaboo)

Tarot card: 7 of Rods

Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Leo

Planet: Mars

Metal: Silver, Iron

Color:  Violet

Incense: Jasmine

Plant: Sunflower

Demon Summoning: Daytime

Demonic Enn: Senan okat ena Forneus ayer


According to the original text stated in the Ars Goetia, the demon named Forneus appears in the form of a Great Sea Monster. This demon appears in various forms but his demon form is the most preferred.

According to High Priestess Maxine, Forneus can appear wearing a beautiful deep red robe trimmed in white and black spots. He is very kind and friendly. He has an olive skin, dark eyebrows, piercing black eyes and a black shoulder length hair with bangs. He can take many different forms but mainly prefers his human form.


  • This demon teaches his followers the Art of Rhetoric.
  • He gives them a good name and makes them to be loved by their friends and foes.
  • He gives the knowledge and understanding of tongues to his followers.
  • According to S. Connolly, in the Demonolatry Goetia, Forneus helps individuals to win legal battles. He can also influence others to favor the summoner.
  • He understands the evils of enemy angels.
  • Forneus can be invoked as a bestial force of self-awakening, which can be submerged in the depths of the subconscious.

Similar Demons to Forneus

Other demons with the ability to understand and teach different languages:

  • Barbatos
  • Ronova
  • Acharos
  • Camio
  • Kimaris

Working with Demon Forneus:

Most people consider demons as bad creatures that intend to hurt us, but when it comes to Forneus, what he does is to protect an individual from the acts of other evil doers. While he was serving at the Angelic Order, his duty was to assist in channeling positive energy.

He also ensured that everyone, especially the weak, was served justice. After he became a demon, he continued working in a similar manner and that is why people summon him when in danger and in need of justice.

It is very simple to consult this demon. All you need is to set up your altar using orange colored candles which should be placed on an iron candle holder before it is being lit. Also, you might need to offer him some sunflowers or whatever he might ask of you. This ritual should be done during the daytime.

If you wish to get positive results then you should carry out every step judiciously. Avoid any form of distraction and after the consultation, be hopeful that he would grant all your requests.

The Invocation of Forneus for the turning of a foe by Spelwerx

Do you have a foe you wish to turn into a friend? If yes, then take the following steps and ask Forneus to grant your desires.

Get a piece of paper and form a square with it. Copy the symbols into the four corners and write the name of the foe you intend to transform into a friend.

Draw a circle then place the paper into it. Then recite the following invocation to conjure up the presence of Forneus so that he might grant your heart desire.

I conjure, constrain, command, and bind the spirit of Forneus,

By the two-edged sword, except thou be obedient, the sword cut thee in pieces,

And condemn thee into the pit of everlasting pain,

Where the fire goeth not out, and where the worm dieth not.

I ask that you attend to my will and command…….(mention the person’s name)

To be brought to me no more as foe but as a friend.

So, this I ask and so shall it be.

After the invocation has been said, you should burn the paper in the fire before dismissing the spirit of Forneus.

Disclaimer: This article is solely aimed at passing information so if for any reason you decide to summon any demon, then you would be responsible for the blessings and curses (if any) that might come from such encounter. When it comes to demons’ consultation, to avoid making fatal mistakes you should always seek assistance from professional practitioners.



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