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Forneus, the thirtieth spirit


Forneus is a demon ranked as a Great Marquis of hell and the thirtieth of the seventy-two Fallen Angels that were trapped in a brass vessel by King Solomon in the days of antiquity. He is primarily a protection demon who served in both the Order of Thrones and the Order of Angels prior to his fall from grace. He is mentioned within the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, the Ars Goetia, the Discoverie of Witchcraft, the Lesser Key of Solomon, and the De praestigiis daemonum in addition to several other grimories.

This demon has dominion over twenty-nine legions of lesser demons and it is worth noting that he is a day demon. He is described as an expert in the communicative arts who can manifest to the conjuror in multiple forms
(Human and Demonic). He is always depicted as a huge sea monster when in demonic form although he takes a comely appearance when in human form. In this second form, he is bedecked in red royal robes with a black and white lining. Additionally, he wears a Marquis’ crown on his head.

Forneus is able to bestow a good reputation upon the conjuror if he deems them deserving or worthy. Additionally, he can make one be liked by foes and friends alike. This demon is very knowledgeable and able to teach the art of rhetoric to the conjuror as well as any foreign language that they so wish. He is also able to teach all sciences and liberal arts at the request of the conjuror. Forneus prefers to manifest in his more comely human form where his full royalty is in evidence for the conjuror to witness.


As an angel, this being served within the Order of Thrones and the Order of Angels prior to the rebellion by the Fallen Angels. He was tasked with ensuring that justice and balance were upheld in addition to channeling positive energy. He was particularly responsible for aiding the weak and the helpless and can be called forth in times of injustice or danger.

The demon has no associations with ancient Middle Eastern mythology or Graeco-Roman antiquity. He is plausibly an ancient pagan god who was demonized with the advent of Judeo-Christian based religions and his name distorted through Latinization. His initial identity is thus impossible to conclusively discern as of the present. The earliest mentions of Forneus within recorded history are found in the De praestigiis daemonum which was published in 1536. The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum states the following regarding Forneus:

Forneus is a great marquesse, like unto a monster of the sea, he maketh men woondeffull in rhetorike, he adorneth a man with a good name, and the knowledge of toongs, and maketh one beloved as well of foes as freends: there are under him nine and twentie legions, of the order partlie of thrones, and partlie of angels.


Rank: Marquis

Element: Fire

Direction: North

Metal: Iron / Silver

Planet: Mars

Tarot: 7 of Rods / 4 of Pentacles

Plant: Sunflower

Color: Orange / Violet

Zodiac: 25-29 degrees of Leo / Capricorn

Incense: Jasmine


Forneus is always depicted as a huge sea monster when in demonic form although he takes a comely appearance when in human form. In his second form, he is dressed in red royal robes with a black and white lining. He has black shoulder length hair with bangs, a stern expression, dark eyebrows, and olive tanned skin. Additionally, he wears a Marquis’ crown on top of his head and he is thought to be more preferring of this form compared to his monstrous demonic form.

Demonic form of Forneus

The sigil of Forneus

The “Demonic Enns” of Forneus

Veni, veni, o comitis Forneus

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Forneus

Senan okat ena Forneus ayer

Similar demons to Forneus

  • Barbatros
  • Ronove
  • Camio
  • Kimaris
  • Acharos
  • Sowrges
  • Naberius
  • Furcas

Attributes of Forneus

  • This demon has the ability to teach all manner of foreign languages and the art of rhetoric since he is an expert in the communicative arts. He is also able to teach all manner of sciences and liberal arts.
  • He is able to grant a good reputation regardless of one’s previous deeds. He is also able to make one popular with friends and foes if they so wish.
  • Forneus protects one from the malevolence of evildoers and he can teach about the evil of enemy angels. He is primarily called forth as a protection demon.

When to summon Forneus

As previously stated, Forneus serves as a protection demon mostly although he is able to teach all manner of sciences, arts, and language. He is also able to bestow a good reputation upon the conjuror and make them popular among both their foes and friends.

Items Required:

  • The sigil of the demon
  • Iron / Silver candle holder
  • Suflowers
  • Orange candle(s)

Ritual Time: Forneus is a day demon who is strongest between August 18th and 22nd and between January 11th to January 20th.


  • Like all other demons, Forneus should be accorded the necessary respect to increase the likelihood of desirable outcomes and minimize the threat of punitive malevolence. It is however noteworthy that this demon is very friendly and approachable.
  • The conjuror should ensure they protect themselves from otherworldly energies by mentally envisioning a protection circle, opening it, and entering.


  • The conjuror should prepare by engaging in meditation or breathing exercises to balance chakras and improve their concentration.
  • The demon’s sigil should be prominently displayed at the center of the altar before commencement whilst the orange / violet candle is held by the silver / iron candle holder.
  • The sunflowers should be liberally sprinkled on the surface of the altar before the offering of incense.
  • The jasmine incense should be offered while chanting the demon’s enns deliberately and slowly.
  • The demon manifests within the smoke and flames of the incense offering to listen to the wishes of the conjuror.
  • During engagement he should be treated with respect despite the lack of a malevolent threat and similarly dismissed respectfully.
  • The candles should be snuffed out after the ritual is completed.


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