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Furfur causes love between a man and a woman

  • Other names: Furtur
  • Rank: Great Earl
  • Goetia demon #34
  • Rules: 26 legions of demons under his command. Though some say 29
  • Sex: Male


  • He is a liar unless compelled to enter a magic triangle where he gives true answers to every question
  • speaks with a rough voice.
  • He is depicted as a hart or winged hart, with a fiery tail;  and also as an angel. To some authors he changes from hart into angel when compelled to enter the magic triangle.

What can he do for you?

  • Furfur causes love between a man and a woman
  • Effects the weather: creates storms, tempests, thunder, lightning, and blasts
  • Teaches on secret and divine things.

Furfur featured in media, books, and films

  • In the role-playing game In Nomine, Furfur is the Demon Prince of Hardcore.
  • In the Visual Novel series Umineko no Naku Koro ni, Furfur entered a demonic contract with Beatrice the Endless Witch and appears alongside Zepar.
  • Furfur is the name of one of Sinbad’s Djinns in Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic.
  • A race of deer-shaped nature demons with this name exists in the web comic Run Freak Run.

In demonology, Furfur is a powerful Great Count of Hell. He is the 34th Spirit mentioned in The Lesser Key of Solomon. This Earl rules over 26 Legions of demons. The name ‘Furfur’ in Latin means “bran”. However, it seems like the name is a variation of “Furcifer” the Latin word meaning ” rascal”. He is also a Day Demon.


Other names:  Furtur, Furfures

Rank: Countess

D/N: Diurnal

Legions: 26

Dates: February 19th – February 28th (Connolly) (Day Time)

Sacred Numbers: 13, 29, 28, 12, 11, 1

Alternate Dates: February 19th – February 29th (Tikaboo) September 8th – September 12th (Runyon)

Zodiac: Virgo 15-20; Pisces 0-10; Aries 10-14

Planet: Mars

Direction: South

Tarot: 9 of Pentacles/Disks; 8 of Cups

Element: Fire (Under Ziminiar); Water; Earth

Metal: Iron, Copper, Silver

Colours:  Red, Pink, Silver, Black

Plant: Cypress

Gematria: 572

Incense: Dragon’s Blood

Demonic Enn: Ganen menach tasa Furfur


He takes the form of a bat-winged deer with an inflamed tail and he has human legs and arms.  Sometimes, in order to deceive the exorcists, he appears in the form of a very beautiful angel.

In his demonic form, Furfur has a greyish skin, accompanied by a long black mane crowning his head with a helmet.  His body is muscular and well-formed, then on his back is a pair of wings that allow him to fly freely.

On his muscular arms are bracelets used for protection. His eyes seem to shine as the flame of hell. And his hands end with sharp nails that can scratch and make blood flow easily.  His chest is engraved with fire.

In his human form, he appears as a beautiful woman with blond hair, blue eyes, and white wings. Furfur speaks with a hoarse but strangely soft and musical voice.

Characteristics of Demon Furfur:

  • This demon triggers devastating storms, thunderstorms, and heavy lightning. He can easily fill a clear sky with dark stormy clouds.
  • Furfur loves to tell lies and can be very tricky. This demon responds only to abstract things and likes to divert the conversation. If you are able to force him into the magical triangle, then he would transform into a beautiful angel and speak the truth to the conjurer.
  • He has a great passion for war and can incite feelings of strife in his followers.
  • Furfur often creates love feelings between a man and a woman and promotes marital relations.
  • Furfur can reveal the secret thoughts of others and give useful answers about hidden and spiritual matters.

Working with Goetia Demon Furfur

Furfur can teach the witch the art of astral shapeshifting and also grants her protection against enemies. When possessed with this spirit, the witch becomes very skillful in spewing out heresy to deceive and mislead people.

This demon rules over introspection, attraction, transformation, carnal ego and aggressive behavior. He can cause havoc on a person’s introspection and promote the destruction of one’s ego. This demon teaches the witch matters of divinity and esotericism.

A ritual to summon Furfur should be carried out during the day, using red candles and in a quiet place, preferably outside your house, and surrounded by cypress trees. According to S. Connolly in the Daemonolatry Goetia, Furfur is the demon of fire scrying and you can invoke him to raise the energy during or before a ritual. Unlike other authors, Connolly said that Furfur would always speak the truth if asked the right question. Those who seek the assistance of this demon should do it respectfully.

Apart from the traditional demonic ENN for Furfur, below are some other chants that are used while working with this demon.

Agios Ischyros Furtur Divus Ab Qliphoth

“Numinous and Mighty is Furtur, the Spirit of the Qliphoth!”

Ave Doctus Pernimius Furtur

“Hail to the Great and Wise Furtur!”

Obveni Furfur Agenti Ex Acharayim

“Come, Furfur, Emissary of the Backwards Tree!”

Existe Furtur– Advoco Comitis Furfur

“Appear, Furtur– I Call Earth Furfur!”


Savannah’s Encounter with Furfur

When I am working with FurFur, I like to show my devotion by offering a “prayer” or giving praise, as below. She helps me with my love spells for clients, and to provide knowledge on other matters. I offer blood on the sigil at my altar.



Countess FurFur

Accept this blood offering as my respect and devotion to your divine power and knowledge.

I request you continue to keep myself and my loved ones in your divine favour.

By Belial, Baal, Balberith, and the Daemons of Earth,

May we be blessed with your abundance.


Similar Demons

  • Malphas
  • Sitri
  • Paimon
  • Gremory
  • Vual

Grimoires where demon Furfur was mentioned:

  • Dictionnaire Infernal
  • Book of Incantations
  • Lesser Key of Solomon,
  • The Book of Spirits,
  • The Discoverie of Witchcraft,
  • The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum



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