
Engraving of the Hammersmith Ghost in Kirby’s Wonderful and Scientific Museum, a magazine published in 1804

A ghost is the soul or spirit of a dead person or animal that can appear to the living.


Samhain, the Celtic roots of Halloween, marks the beginning of the dark, incubatory half of the year. It’s also the moment when the veils between the realms of living and dead are sheerest. Thus it’s the time around the world to contact one’s ancestors, pay tribute and honor to them, and engage in necromantic practices of various kinds. Hungry ghosts are also believed to abound— those without family or friends to feed and remember them.

The understanding of what constitutes a ghost depends largely on what one believes happens to the soul after death or, in fact, on how one views the soul during life.

Personally, I believe the ghost or spirit never leaves Earth until there is no-one left to remember the one who died. When I am a ghost, I know I would like to hang around to see my family, see what they are doing and be involved in their life as much as I possibly can. When I go over to the next place, I would like to think that I share that next place with the people I care about most.

In traditions that revere and communicate with ancestors, death forms a different kind of crossroads: will the soul take a positive turn and accept the responsibilities of an ancestral spirit or will it transform into a ghost?

If it does transform into a ghost, will this be a helpful, benevolent or at least unobtrusive, quiet ghost content to linger near the living, or will it transform into a malevolent, spiteful, resentful, mischievous, trouble-making ghost?

The road taken at that crossroads may depend on the actions of the living: were proper funeral rites given? Was the body treated with respect and care? Were any needed spiritual precautions offered?

Among many traditional philosophies, those who die violently far from home or whose funerals and/or graves are neglected have the capacity to evolve into wandering semi-malevolent ghosts or worse.

Respect to the Dead

  • In Buddhism, there are a number of planes of existence into which a person can be reborn, one of which is the realm of hungry ghosts. Buddhists celebrate the Ghost Festival. If the hungry ghosts are fed by non-relatives, they would not bother the community.
  • In China – the fifteenth day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar is called Ghost Day and the seventh month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month, in which ghosts and spirits, including those of deceased ancestors, come out from the lower realm.Paper offerings are burned for one’s own personal ancestors. However, extra offerings may be given to placate any hungry, wandering ghosts.
  • In Mexico, November 2nd, the Day of the Dead, is a national holiday. Families congregate in cemeteries, visiting loved ones, repairing and caring for graves. In addition to offerings made for ancestors and relatives, many add candles for forgotten souls, those who have no one to welcome and care for them. These candles, with additional offerings, may be placed on the family altar or as independent offerings by the roadside, for passing ghosts.

How do you know if a ghost is present?

  • Candles that burn dim, low, or blue may indicate the presence of a ghost
  • An unexpected chill in the air may indicate a ghost
  • A frequent observation is that the presence of ghosts is indicated by a significant decrease in temperature—a cold spot
  • Ghosts may signal their presence through specific fragrance, a sort of aromatic calling card

What does a ghost look like?

Descriptions of ghosts vary widely from an invisible presence to translucent or barely visible wispy shapes, to realistic, lifelike forms

Can you coexist with a friendly ghost?


Peaceful, mutually beneficial coexistence may not require any spells or removal style clearances from the home.

Judika Illes says, “Many homes feature the presence of a ghost who wants nothing more than to linger in the presence of loved ones. If the ghost isn’t bothering you, there is generally no need to exorcise it; actions to do so may in fact antagonize the ghost and cause trouble.” (1)


  • At midnight on Halloween bury apples at crossroads to feed hungry ghosts.
  • Place offerings of milk and barley outside under the stars to ease the ghosts’ hunger, prevent their mischief, and to accrue their blessings.

Can I contact or talk to the ghost?

The deliberate attempt to contact the spirit of a deceased person is known as necromancy, or in spiritism as a séance. Other terms associated with it are apparition, haunt, phantom, poltergeist, shade, specter or spectre, spirit, spook, and wraith.

The popular way to talk to a ghost in your home is through the Ouija board, and we have written about this extensively on this site.

Ouija Spirits

How to call on a specific spirit or demon using the Ouija Board

Abraham Hicks talks about the Ouija Board

Can I protect myself from the ghost?

There are basically two types of ghost spells:

  1. Spells to provide protection from troublesome ghosts and keep them far away
  2. Spells to obtain access to ghosts and their powers

Spells to provide protection from troublesome ghosts

Boneset Ghost Spell

by Judika Illes

Boneset guides ghosts elsewhere, attracting protective, benevolent spirits instead. Boneset may also be used to protect people and animals from “ghost sickness,” the illness that some believe may emerge after extended contact with the dead. The most potent boneset is found growing on or near graves. Supplement it with white pine for added enhancement.

TIP – Hang fresh boneset branches over doorways, or burn young boneset branches and twigs within a cauldron to drive away existing ghosts.

Get Away Ghost Spell Backwards Candles

  • Light a white candle after dark.
  • Carry it in your right hand while holding a handful of salt in your left.
  • Walk backwards through every room in your house sprinkling salt through your fingers. As you are doing this, tell the ghosts to get lost, aloud or silently as you deem appropriate.
  • At the topmost, furthest point of the home, extinguish the candle.

Herbs & Curios

  • Scatter beans around your property to deny entry to ghosts for a year.
  • Tiger lilies planted near doors and windows allegedly prevent the entry of ghosts.
  • Burning ground coffee (rather than brewing it, although you can try that, too, having a cup in the process) allegedly repels ghosts as well as malevolent spiritual entities.
  • If the ghost has taken up residence in your home or within another building, hanging alyssum up in every corner of a house will allegedly exorcise it.
  • Ghosts hate pine trees and avoid places where they grow. If it’s not possible to surround your home with living pines, bring small living trees within it and situate them strategically. Decorate with images that resonate strongly of life: ankhs, hexagrams, and  imagery (abstract or otherwise) depicting human genitalia. (In case you weren’t sure what to do with that Thai penis amulet, this is the perfect opportunity.) This allegedly drives away the ghost, or at least makes it feel extremely unwelcome.

Spells to obtain access to ghosts and their powers

Ghost Co-existence Herbs & Curios

  • Keep lilies in your home and garden. They won’t repel ghosts or banish them but they will keep the ghosts well behaved, preventing them from causing harm or mischief.
  • Keep ghosts happy and goodnatured by maintaining the fragrance of benzoin and sandalwood in the home.
  • Maintain fresh bay laurel branches and/or leaves within the home.

Ghost Keep Away Spell Don’t Cross that Line, Ghost!

by Judika Illes

Create a boundary line over which ghosts allegedly will not cross.

  1. Place three peeled cloves of garlic in a bowl, together with one handful of sea salt and one handful of fresh rosemary leaves.
  2. Grind and mash the ingredients together.
  3. Sprinkle them to create a boundary, as needed.

Rest in Peace Send Off Spell

Restless ghosts may be laid to rest by giving them the proper funeral they may never have had.

1. Place a small doll in a tiny coffin.
2. Have a great send-off.
3. Bury the coffin in a remote area or even in a cemetery itself.

In conclusion

It’s important to remember that many ghosts mean you know harm. They have been in your environment for a long time, and plan to remain in your environment well after your time has expired. We recommend that if a ghost is not bothering you (personally), or not interfering with your energy or with your home in a way that impacts you, that you let the ghost be.

Sometimes, if you are not used to working with the spiritual world, you may instantly believe that a ghost is malevolent, and so we have written extensively about the various types of ghosts and spirits on this page here.


Types of Negative Energy & Entities

Ghost Removal Ritual: Banish ghost spell

If you are being attacked, it may be a different type of entity which is attacking you, and so it’s important to read the types of negative entities and energies page, to help you determine what is happening to you. Remember that if you are unable to remove the ghost yourself, or if you need our help in removing a ghost or negative energy or entity, BWC provides this unique and specialised service.

SERVICE – Ghosts &; Spirit Removal

Source & References

Big Book of Practical Spells by Judika Illes

Ghosts –

Ghost Festival –


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