Girtablullu or aqrabuamelu is one of the creations of Tiamat. The title “Scorpion Man” was given to him in the Enuma Elish. He is the gatekeeper and lord of all underground creatures and dwells in deserted towns. He rules the desert at night. He also serves as the guardian of forbidden gnosis and forgotten knowledge. His temples are buried underground beneath the desert sand in the underworld. When the sun disappears from behind the horizon that is when he appears through the gate of sunset. When summoned, he appears with a host of monsters, scorpions, forming from the sands and rocks.
In Gilgamesh Epic, Girtablullu is often accompanied by his female cohort, a scorpion-woman divinity, together they protect the gate of the twin-peaked Mashu Mountain, where Shamash rose. In early mythology, this demon manipulated heavenly bodies and was identified with the constellation of Sagittarius. He offers protection against evil demons. In artworks, he is often shown alongside the Sun God. Due to the poisonous power possessed by this demon, he probably might be associated with the Samael qlipha.

Girtablullu is a fierce bearded monster that has a human head, the body of a scorpion, a snake-headed penis and sometimes he appears with wings. There are times he appears wearing the horned cap of divinity. He bears a terrifying Melammu which drapes mountains.
Sometimes, he is seen with a ball of fire at the end of his tail. With that, he crushes and burns down whoever gets in his way. He also manifests in the form of a dragon that rules the powers of the rising sun.
A practitioner can call upon this spirit when seeking for strength and inspiration during struggling and hard times. He prefers to be offered the vital essence of the conjurer. When evoked, he appears as a huge black scorpion or as a half-man, half scorpion. He teaches the magician how to use spiritual venom both in malefic and self-empowerment rites.
Gritablullu holds the keys to transforming one’s consciousness through the ecstasy of pain and pleasure. He also teaches the practitioner astral shape-shifting mechanism. This demon has solar and fiery energy. In a rite of invocation, he enters the practitioner’s flesh through the solar plexus then his energy is spread throughout other body parts. At first, the practitioner would feel an agonizing pain, which changes into ecstasy. During this stage of transformation, the practitioner’s eyes are opened to see visions of being torn to pieces. Then he is recreated with the flesh and essence of the demon.
How to Invoke the Spirit of Girtablullu
Items Needed:
- The sigil of Girtablullu
- The practitioner’s blood
- Ritual blade
- Image of the Key of the Night
- Parchment
- Draw the demon’s sigil on the parchment with few drops of your blood or use the blood to trace the lines of the glyph.
- Use the blooded ritual blade to trace the Key of the Night in front of you, above the altar.
- Envisage it shining with a dim, fiery light.
- Visualize that the Temple is being filled with dark, intoxicating smoke. This will charge the Temple with the essence of the spirit.
- Stare at the sigil for some minutes while chanting the demon’s name in a low whisper.
- Visualize how the glyph becomes activated and glow with the venomous energy of Girtablullu
- At this point, a gateway is opened within your inner mind and through it you shall receive the energy of the demon.
- When the Temple is fully charged, and you are ready to begin the invocation, speak the following words.
By the Blood of the Dragon which is my own Essence,
And by the Key of the Night, I call you, Girtablullu!
Fearsome Scorpion Man, Guardian of Arcane Knowledge, and Forbidden Secrets!
Come to me, Fierce Lord of the Desert,
And cloak me in your venomous essence!
Arise from deserted cities beneath the sands of time,
With your army of scorpions, And empower me with your primordial
Terror! Enter this flesh which I offer you as Temple,
Poison my blood and replace it with your Venom,
Through the rites of your noxious alchemy!
Hear my call and come to me!
Inspire and bless me with your timeless wisdom,
Reveal to me secrets of your intoxicating ecstasy,
And let me taste your dreadful essence from within!
Grant me the power to destroy my enemies,
Rip their flesh and devour their souls,
Paralyze their limbs so that they could not strike back,
And let their blood turn into burning poison!
Enter this Temple of Flesh, Inject your seething Venom into my Soul,
And intoxicate my dreams with a thirst for lost knowledge!
I invoke you in the name of the Dragon!
In Nomine Draconis! Ho Drakon Ho Megas!
Going Further:
Burn the parchment with the sigil and as the smoke arises, it shall carry your wishes to be united with the spirit’s essence to the planes. Visualize how the gates of your soul open up to be filled with the essence of this spirit. This would take you into a trance of possession. At this point, let your consciousness merge with the essence of this demon through visual meditation or sexual ecstasy.
Visualize your soul ascending beyond the boundaries of fleshly senses and feel how the spirit’s energy enters into you and replaces your blood. While this transformation is ongoing, you will feel a burning sensation for a while then suddenly you will experience an ecstatic feeling.
At this point, let the visions flow freely and continue to explore the powers of this demon which are now yours to command. Let your focus be on your goal. You can use the venomous energy of this demon upon a specific target. If your goal is to harm your target, do the following:
- Visualize yourself in the form of a scorpion.
- Visualize your target standing in front of you then quickly strike his solar plexus with the spirit’s venom.
- Visualize how the venom spreads to other parts of his body.
- Your victim will experience a burning sensation. His flesh, soul, and spiritual centers will be damaged. In the physical world, this results in weakness, a blood disorder, convulsion, paralysis, numbness, or swellings.
A strike from this demon is lethal so don’t joke with it. Whatever is your intention, just envision it and it will be done. When you wish, you can end the working and return to your mundane consciousness. Finally, thank the spirit and close the ritual.
Rituals open the gateways of the soul and those doors can never be closed again. For that reason, I strongly advise that casual experimentation with these rituals should be avoided. Due to the complex nature of this ritual, I would suggest that you have some experience before practicing this ritual. Also, whether you are experienced or not, kindly tread with caution because these are not designed for dabblers. They are designed for serious pathworking.
- Grimoire of Tiamat by Asenath Mason
- Maskim Hul Babylonian magic by Michael Ford
- SEBITTI: Mesopotamian Magick & Demonology By Michael W Ford