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Gods and Demons: Similarities and Differences

A god is a supernatural being that is considered sacred or divine. This being often has powers greater than that of man. However, they interact with man in ways that carry him to new levels of consciousness. Different religions have different gods they worship. Monotheistic religions believe in the existence of one God, polytheistic religions accept multiple gods while nontheistic religions recognize the existence of a pantheon of deities, however, they deny the existence of any supreme or eternal creator.

Generally, gods are conceived to be incorporeal and corporeal. These attributes can be taken literally or in a way of analogy. While some religions describe their gods without making reference to gender, others use terms that are gender-specific. According to Huw Owen, the term “god’ has a bewildering range of meanings and significance. Over the years and with all the different researches that have been made, there is no universally accepted consensus on what a god is.

According to scholars, gods are divine concepts manifesting in ideas and knowledge, in a form that combines excellence in some or all aspects, wrestling with weakness and questions in other aspects, heroic in outlook and actions, yet tied up with emotions and desires. In other cases, the deity is a principle or reality such as the idea of “soul”.


The first written evidence of gods can be traced to early 3rd millennium BCE and that was probably before prehistoric beliefs. Ancient Egyptians worshipped numerous gods and some of which were mentioned in Egyptian texts. James P. Allen estimated over 1400 gods. About 200 deities were mentioned in Pyramid texts which include, Neith (creator goddess), Anubis, Ra, Horus, Min (fertility god ), etc. Most of these gods represented physical phenomena, social aspects of life, physical objects, or hidden immanent forces. For example, Shu represented air, and god Sia represented abstract powers of perception. During this era, only sacred kings had rights to withstand the gods.

The ancient Mesopotamian culture had several gods that were exclusively anthropomorphic. They were envisioned as beings with a large physical size, immortal in nature, and with extraordinary powers. In Sumerian culture, there were several gods with multiple functions. The important gods were known as Anunnaki. We will not forget to mention the gods in ancient Greek religion. Zeus was considered the king of the gods, and Eos was the Greek goddess of dawn. Greek gods varied and were celebrated with festivals and rites.

Ahura Mazda is the name of the creator god in Zoroastrianism. He is considered the most powerful being in all of existence. He has a twin brother who is also his rival named Angra Mainyu. According to Zoroaster, the daevas were evil spirits created by Angra Mainyu and sent to sow evil in the world. It is believed that Ahura Mazda will defeat his rival one day so that good will triumph over evil once and for all.

Who are demons?

Demons are supernatural beings prevalent historically in different cultures, religion, folklore, literature, etc. Unlike angels, demons are typically associated with evil.  According to medieval demonology, these spirits are considered harmful because of their ability to possess an individual. Demons can be conjured and controlled.

The term “demon” is derived from the Greek word daimon which means “spirit or divine power”. The actual translation of demon means “replete with wisdom” connoting that demons are highly knowledgeable creatures. The Greek term does not connote any evil or malevolence.

In Egyptology, the borders between a god and demon are sometimes blurred. Both demons and gods can act as intermediaries to deliver messages to man. Although, according to some Egyptian texts, demons are subordinates to gods. Some of them are associated with specific gods and they only act based on the order of the god. However, there are still other demons that act independently.

Based on their conduct, the demons mentioned in Ancient Egyptian texts were divided into two major classes: the guardians and wanderers. While the guardians are known for protecting and controlling the affairs of a particular territory, the wanderers are known for moving all-around to execute the task assigned to them by higher gods. These sets are majorly responsible for causing chaos, misfortune, death, plague, mental illness, possession, etc.

There is a subcategory of wanderers that cause nightmares by entering the human body. The influences of wanderers cannot be destroyed in the human world however it can be warded off through the use of magic.


Both demons and gods are immortal ethereal beings. The distinctions between them are in their opposites but it also depends on the person defining them. What is considered a god in one culture might be considered a demon in another.

Generally, demons are considered as malevolent beings while gods can either be malevolent or benevolent. In ancient Egypt, there were four main gods that were worshipped. They were Amun, Horus, Hathor, and Maat. Amun was a malevolent being, Maat was benevolent while the other two were somewhere in between.

Gods have control over certain situations while demons are known to represent a reaction to those situations. In Mesopotamian mythology, gods are the foundation of the universe. They have specific responsibilities in the cosmic order and structure while the demons are considered to have limited functions in this area. Majority of these gods are assumed to rule over dry land with the exception of Ea, who reigns in the depths of an ocean abyss. On the other hand, demons are said to have residence in the seas and mountains. Some exceptions are the Seven Maskim who are affixed to all elements and can dwell wherever they wish.

In understanding gods and demons, you must learn about their symbols and anthropomorphic forms as stated in myths and religion. Depending on their attributes, animals are often used to represent gods and demons. For example, Tiamat is known for manifesting as a camel with horns, bound feet, and a cut off tail, and the daughters of Anu appear as gazelles. Lions are symbols of power and mastery upon the earth, serpents are symbols of wisdom and the underworld, eagles for power and accomplishment in the air, bulls depict strength. When demons discovered that most men feared them, some appeared in a disguised form. An example of such was illustrated in a Greek work of art that depicts the god Hercules disguised in a lion skin.

In conclusion, demons are strongly present in sorcery and magical incantations. This is because they love being conjured to manipulate others. According to an online source, they are counteracting beings that don’t act in accordance “with the natural order” except they are forced by a higher power.

While working with these entities, they become more powerful by our continual energy and offerings during rituals. It is through this means they are able to interact with us subconsciously. If an initiate decides to go further and deeper in working with a particular spirit, he might find himself exhibiting and exercising the powers of the spirit. Are you considering working with a demon god? If yes, kindly go through our blog to see the different demons we have written about.. Also, in the coming weeks we shall  discuss how to work with some Babylonian gods and demons, so stay tuned.


See Also:

Demoness Agrat: The Snake Hair Witch

Abaddon the Destroyer Death Spell

Lucifer Evocation/Praise Altar


  • MASKIM HUL Babylonian Magick by MICHAEL W. FORD
  • https://   wikipedia.  org/wiki/Deity
  • https://en.   org/wiki/Demon
  • https://en.  wiki/  Pagan_god
  • https://www.   com/  logos-overseer/daimon

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