Gusion is also known as Gusoin, Gusoyn, Gusayn
Gusion can assist you by creating unbelievable opportunities for your success. This is achieved by providing you with the ability to focus on what is important and let go of the background noise. You could say that Gusion is Demonic Adderall!
Gusion is no fool and has unbelievable abilities to understand the truth of the summoner. You cannot fool him. Should you not be a follower within the left-hand path, he may give you no favours. Of course, that is where we can help by acting as mediators between you and the Demon. That doesn’t mean you’re expected to be a practising occultist or be seen by the everyday person as a witch and/or a follower of Satan to receive his favour. You just need to be a person of integrity who is working your spiritual growth on the path of enlightenment.
A gentle warning to LHP Followers
The path of Lucifer/Satan requires a certain depth of character and the protection of others on this path. Creating issues in public forums where outsiders can judge Lucifer or Satan based on the followers is heavily frowned upon and those individuals will not receive the blessings from Gusion.
In fact, this is true of many of the Demons who will ignore those who shine a negative light on the dark path.
And if this is you in constant fights and arguments with others on the path (so you can be right and others are wrong), Gusion can help you with your own character development so you don’t find the need to build your own ego by insulting and degrading other people’s journey.
Of course, I’m not telling you what to do I’m just sharing with you the best way to receive and maximise your relationship with demons.
Gusion is protective and will protect you and those who are loyal to Lucifer/Satan.
Grimore Descriptions:
“The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King” (1904) Written by S.L. MacGregor Mathers
- The Eleventh Spirit in order is a great and strong Duke, called Gusion. He appeareth like a Xenopilus. He telleth all things, Past, Present, and to Come, and showeth the meaning and resolution of all questions thou mayest ask. He conciliateth and reconcileth friendships, and giveth Honour and Dignity unto any. He ruleth over 40 Legions of Spirits.
“Pseudomonarchia Daemonum” ( 1583 ) Written by Johann Weyer
- Gusoin [Gusoyn] is a great duke, and a strong, appearing in the forme of a Xenophilus, he answereth all things, present, past, and to come, expounding all questions. He reconcileth freendship, and distributeth honours and dignities, and ruleth over fourtie [and five] legions of divels.
- He serves as an intermediary of sorts between the living world and the spirit realm and some accounts have labelled him a diplomat.
- This demon is able to tell of things both past and future although he will only do so if it fits his particular line of work.
- Another of his abilities is the power to grant one position of power, honor, and dignity.
- Gusion is also able to form new friendships and make the conjuror popular among previously unfriendly folk.
- He can also reconcile people who are feuding in line with his office as a diplomat. Through sheer speech, he is able to bring all personalities to a consensus.
Gusion has no Judeo-Christian origins and cannot be found within Middle Eastern mythology.

The “Demonic Enns” of Gusion
- Secora vesa aneti Gusion
- Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Gusion
- Veni, veni, o Comitis Gusion
Metal: Copper / Lead
- Consider offering him praise and adoration consistently, especially if he is your guiding demon
- Gifts and offerings based on the correspondence above are always best
- Tattoo: Sulfur Cross/Cross of Leviathan
“He is depicted as a baboon or according to some, in the form of a “xenophilus.”

There are varied accounts regarding his appearance although the most predominant manifestation is that of a baboon with a “dog-like face”. In this form, he is described as a “cynocephalus”. Most accounts picture him with a string of beads wrapped around his forearm in this form.
The foregoing manifestations differ greatly from others that posit that Gusion appears like an extraterrestrial creature. In this form, he is described as having slit eyes and a thin mouth. He wears a white robe and appears calm and void of malevolence. Furthermore, he glows so much that it is impossible to make out his exact appearance.
Another manifestation is described as having thin wispy hair and a tanned skin tone. In this form, he has high cheek bones and glowing white wings. His presence brings about a calming effect and a sense of security or comfort to the conjuror.
Still, the Dictionnaire Infernal states that he appears as a camel. There is no image of Gusion in the Dictionnaire Infernal. In the Dictionnaire Infernal it is stated that Gusion appears as a Camel instead of a Dog Head ( Cynocephalus ) as mentioned above.
Attributes of Gusion
- This demon has a flair for words and speaks in an honest manner albeit in a blunt manner. He is regarded as an intermediary of sorts between the living world and the spirit realm.
- His ability to tell of the past and future is similar to several other Goetia demons although he has reservations regarding the extent to which he delves in divination.
- Gusion is able to bestow nobility, honor, or dignity upon the conjuror if they so wish. He can also grant positions of authority within hierarchies.
- He can also be called forth to reconcile feuding parties or form new friendships. He is able to bring feuds between friends and foes alike to an end.
- He is also able to make the conjuror popular among people who were previously unfriendly.
When summoned…..
- Gusion speaks honestly and bluntly.
- Gusion has a way with words and will answer questions frankly when summoned. It is worth noting that such questions should relate with his particular set of skills and attributes in order for desirable outcomes to be realized.
- The aforementioned calming effect experienced when he is invoked means he is a preferable demon to work with for beginners.
How to Summon Gusion
Items Required:
- Yellow candles
- Gusion’s sigil
- Sandalwood incense
- Copper / Lead items
- Aloe leaves
Ritual Time: Gusion is strongest between May 10th to May 14th as well as between July 2nd and July 12th. However, you are welcome to try this ritual at any time as we do ourselves.
- Begin by setting up you’re working space in a northerly direction. Meaning that you should be facing north when you’re speaking to Gusion. (If you’re doing the ritual in a group then the person leading the ritual should be facing north).
- You should have prepared a petition with what you’re requesting or have that written in your book of shadows. When you summon the Demon you should know what you want to ask rather than trying to work it out when you have the Demon in your presence.
- The Demon sigil should already be created and placed in the centre of your altar space. Outdoor rituals are fantastic as well and if so you would either draw the sigil in the dirt or in some of the liquid you withdraw the schedule on the ground.
- We are using the JUPITER aspects of Gusion in this ritual, and so Aloes is a great herb to burn.
- Aloes is great for adding extra power to rituals. Aloes is a classic herb in ceremonial magick. It has a very psychoactive scent. Chinese medicine uses aloeswood for obsessive thinking, nervousness, and exhaustion. In Ayurveda, it drives away evil spirits and helps clear mental illness.
- Should you not have Aloes, then sandalwood is fantastic as well. In fact it probably is better to use sandalwood because of the unethical harvesting issues happening with Aloes.
- Light the incense and the candle/s.
- Optional – Call the quarters (Call a demon to each direction for protection and to witness)
- Optional – Invocation of Lucifer (OPening prayer to Lucifer or Satan)
- Begin humming the demon’s enn, while you raise power. Thinking about your desire
- Welcome the demon
- State your goal
- Burn the sigil or the petition
- Thank the demon and close the quarters
- Leave offerings
- Close the ritual
Take notes in your journal.
Read More about Gusion
Gusion: The Master of Public Relations
Original Post By Max:-Feb 10, 2019
Reviewed & Edited by Savannah: May 15, 2022