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occult tarot

Hagenti: The 48th Spirit of The Lesser Key of Solomon

Demons of the Goetia

Haagenti: the Alchemist

“…Haagenti is a Great President of Hell, ruling thirty-three legions of demons. He makes men wise by instructing them in every subject, transmutes all metals into gold, and changes wine into water and water into wine. Haagenti is depicted as a big bull with the wings of a griffin, changing into a man under request of the conjuror.”

Source: Wikipedia



In my personal deck of cards, I have given Haagenti the Magician tarot card because of its correlation with skill and resourcefulness. To stay consistent with the Occult Tarot deck however, I will give him the Queen of Pentacles. I hope that this thread allows me to draw one Oracle card daily for inspiration and guidance. I also hope that one of our revered demons can respond to me at some point.


The Pentacles correlates with the element of Earth. The element of earth is thought to associate the subject with their interactions with external or physical phenomena which manifest as: health, finances, business, work, property and material possessions. These are essentially tangible items that arise from the subject’s dealings with their environment. There is need for the subject to dissociate themselves from material things in order to gain control.


Pentacle Archetypes are usually fixated on material things such as finances and wealth. They are described as being practical, career-oriented, and in some cases philanthropic. They can also be egotistical, possessive, greedy, or even over-indulgent. In the Queen of Pentacles however, they have to take care not to become so focused on material wealth that they become detached from other important things.


The Queen of Pentacles tarot card belongs to the court cards of the Minor Arcana. If this card appears upright in a reading, it is taken to mean financial well-being, functional parenting, or a nurturing outlook towards life. When it is reversed, it is interpreted as conflict either at home or at work or self-care. I call this card the “Nurture Card” because the Queen of Pentacles is associated with maternal instincts.

The Queen of Pentacles shows her sitting on a throne which is decorated with intricate carvings of various symbols depicting material success – these include fruits, angels, goats, and other excesses. She holds a coin in her hands and looks at it longingly perhaps highlighting this archetype’s preoccupation with material things. Various flora and fauna surround her showing abundance and excesses as well as showing the connection to the element of Earth.


The Demon


Haagenti is a fallen angel and one of the 72 demons that were captured by King Solomon and bound to a brass vessel. He is listed in the Ars Goetia as the 48th of the 72 spirits of Solomon. He is ranked as a Great President of Hell with dominion over thirty-three legions of lesser demons that do his bidding. Haagenti is described as a rather helpful demon given his vast knowledge in all subjects known to man.


Significant Symbol – Earth


Haagenti’s association with the element of Earth correlates with his office which is to turn all manner of metal into gold. The earth constitutes the entire physical or external environment which human beings interact with in order to realize attributes such as health, wealth, property, and other material predispositions. It is noteworthy that gold is a valuable item that ties this demon to the suit of Pentacles.


Haagenti is usually depicted as a monstrous entity. He manifests as a mighty bull with the wings of a griffin although he usually adopts this form when going into battle. This demonic winged bull-like monster has horns that are described as being like axes that can cut through any defenses. However, the demon is able to take on the shape of an attractive human being upon the request of the conjuror.


The origins of this demon are difficult to trace as he cannot be found in old Graeco-Roman mythology or even early Middle Eastern texts. His placement among the 72 Goetic demons however means he has Jewish or Abrahamic roots. Among the credible grimoires that make mention of this demon include: the Luciferian Goetia, the Ars Goetia, the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, the Daemonolatry Goetia, and the Dictionnaire Infernal.


Note – this demon is thought to be among the most helpful towards human beings because of one his creations, the philosopher’s tool which is an important component of alchemy.


The Message


Is there a lesson I am missing? Should I show more caring for other people?


I believe that Haagenti comes to help human beings with his superlative knowledge of every subject. His transformational powers of alchemy can also provide one with untold wealth. In the same vein, his ability to turn water into wine can prove valuable when applied in the right context. When path working with him, I usually focus on his office of teaching because it is the simplest undertaking when dealing with this demon.


If the Queen of Pentacles appears upright in my tarot readings, my first instinct is usually optimism because it bodes well for my financial independence. It can also mean that I am good at caring for the people or things that I hold dear. When it is reversed, I usually take extra care because it implies some undesirable outcomes are forthcoming. I will often wait one to two weeks to see the outcomes of said readings.


Within the specified time, Haagenti should respond through providing an opportunity to learn some valuable information. If the reading was reversed, then I usually anticipate a disagreement or conflict with someone in my close circle – in such an instance, the wisdom imparted by this demon can help to navigate the conflict and reconcile. If no such opportunity arises then I usually just assume that the chance is yet to come or has since passed.


The tarot readings and symbolism stated here are all subjective and open to interpretation. We would love to know what you think of the Queen of Pentacles and Haagenti. Leave us a comment in the section below!



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