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Hemah: The Spirit of Wrath and Fury


Hemah is the angel of wrath, destruction and fury who rules over the death of domestic animals in Jewish lore.


Other names: Chemah (in Jewish lore)


The ancient Jewish lore states that Hemah is about 500 (five hundred) parasangs tall and made of chains of black and red fire.

Note: Parasang is an ancient Iranian unit of Itinerant distance, the length of which varied according to terrain and speed of travel. Parasang is also on a more simplistic term, a Persian unit of measurement used to describe the dimensions of the heavens and the distances between them, and the heights of angels. One parasang equals approximately 3.88 miles.

This description according to the Jewish lore portrays the angel of wrath as being of great height and bearing somewhat of a monstrous outlook, a trait similar to angels of Jewish and Christian lore.


Hemah or Chemah resides in the seventh heaven (a popular abode for powerful angels of Jewish lore). According to the Zohar (a group of books on the Jewish mystical which includes commentary on the mystical aspects of the Torah), Hemah is among a trinity of angels in Gehenna or Hell who punishes those who commit the sins of Idolatry, Incest and Murder along with the angels Mashit and Af.

According to the lore, Hemah is said to have swallowed Moses with the help of his brother Af leaving only his legs until God intervenes and forces him to spit Moses out again. Moses in turn kills Hemah for swallowing him.

Af and Hemah are the Hebrew words for “wrath” and “anger”. Hemah and his brother are listed as two out of the six angels who govern the death of several forms of living things and people. Other angels ruling over these deaths are as followed: Mashcit or Mashit who rules over the deaths of children, Gabriel who rules over the deaths of Kings, Kapziel who rules over the deaths of youths and Mashbir who rules over the deaths of animals.

According to the Beit ha-midrash, Hemah (Chemah) and Af are destructive angels to men and animals. This duo has often been let loose by God on the earth mostly on Jerusalem to destroy it for her sins (check: T.B. Shabbat 55a).

Some other angels of punishments are Kezef, Haron’Peor, Meshabber, Masshit.  There are also other destructive angels who are bound within the prisons in Heaven, Tartarus & Hell. Other angels of wrath include: -Kushiel, -Lahatiel, Makatiel, Rogziel, Shoftiel, Pusiel (or Pyriel / Puriel), Hutriel, -Balan, and-Abigor.






5. The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology.  

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