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Wherever humans are, spirit beings are there too. Unfortunately, not everyone believes this fact. Our ancient fathers spoke to spirits and gods through oracles. Whether it involves angels, ancestors, demons, saints, or nature spirits, communicating with these entities has become predominant in most religions in the world.

What are spirit guides?

These are beings that lived and transitioned into the Other world and instead of reincarnating, they have chosen to be spirit guides as a way of continuing their soul’s evolution. Not all spirit guides were humans. Some spirit guides live as energy, in the cosmic realm, while high-level spirit guides exist as shiny light beings. During our lifetime, we are paired with different guides. Some are meant to be with us for a specific time, others stay with us throughout our life.

Working with spirit guides is a wonderful experience that opens us to great color and wonder. It enables you to connect with loved ones that died. For you to succeed in contacting your spirit guides, you must develop your degree of perception. This requires steady practice and persistence.

Spirits can manifest through signs, symbols, sound, or as a shadow. They can be seen physically or intuitively. Many individuals experience the presence of spirits through the sense of smell, touch, or sight.


There are different types of spirit guides that you may encounter. We have non-human spirit and human spirit guides. The non-human spirits consist of the angels, nature spirits, animal spirits, etc. The human spirits include living humans who go out of their bodies on an astral journey and the spirits of those who have died. The following are categories of spirit guides accepted by modern spiritualism.

Master Teachers 

These are illumined beings who were masters upon the earth. After death, they evolved and became spiritual guides. They are often revered in different religions. Master teachers oversee the spiritual development of those who work with them. Examples of Master teachers are Buddha, Mary, John the Baptist, and many others.

Guardian Angels

Every human being has a guardian angel. The duty of the angel is to protect and love the individual unconditionally. Guardian angels work with people irrespective of their faith and spiritual beliefs. While some persons are aware of their existence, others go through life without knowing their guardian angel. Are you feeling so frustrated? If yes, you can find succor in your guardian angel.

Spirit Animals

This could be a pet you once had or another spirit that takes the form of an animal to reach you. Spirit animals always have something to teach you. They can also serve as close companions. They manifest in your dreams, visions, during meditation, or even in the physical world.  

Departed Loved Ones

It could be your daddy, grandmother, or even a best friend that left this physical world but they continued to guide your steps while on the other side. They can appear in your dreams to reveal things to you. These guides work tirelessly to keep evil far away from you.

Helper Angels

These angels roam about the world looking for humans to help in specific situations.

Message Bearers 

They amplify our intuition and guide us in finding information.

Door and Gate Keepers 

When extra protection is required, the door and gatekeeper guides are called upon. These guides often take the form of a giant and are called upon when greater strength and energy are required. Most mediums work with these guides for protection in the inner realm. They keep negative entities away when the inner channels are opened. They also guard the physical body of the medium when he is in trance.

Joy Guides

They help us connect with our inner child. Their main aim is to bring happiness to us. Joy guides usually take the form of a child or a young adult. They are the easiest guides to connect with. They encourage you to embrace the little things that make life fun.


  1. Invoke your guides


  • Find a comfortable location where you will not be disturbed. Start by setting the spiritual scene. You can light a candle, surround yourself with crystals then say a prayer.
  • Sit down or lie down comfortably.
  • Close your eyes and perform a progressive relaxation exercise.
  • Let go of all negative or distracting thoughts.
  • Visualize any pleasurable scenario.
  • When you have reached a state of relaxed awareness, call upon your guide.
  • You can say:

“Come unto me, my guides.

 I want to know you,

Please reveal yourself to me.

My heart is open,

I want to feel your love.

Come to me now.

Guide me with your divine wisdom,

Share my thoughts and dreams.

I am here. I am ready to meet you.”


Visualize a figure standing in front of you then start your communion with the figure.

Do not be overly anxious. Do not feel skeptical. Just relax and feel his presence.

When he comes, you might feel a tingling sensation on your body or a sense of warmth. It could be anything but what matters is that you will become aware that your guide is present.

Some persons experience this on the first trial, others have to practice severally before they can feel the presence of their guide.

  1. State your Intention:

What do you want them to do for you? State your intentions clearly. After making a request, ask for a sign to prove that your guide heard you. Spirit guides can play any role in your life. They can offer insight, advice, guidance, and clarity but it is up to you to decide whether to accept it or not.

3. Spend more time with them:

Spirit guides are always with us, however, most of us don’t spend time communicating with them. How do you intend to build a friendship with someone you don’t talk to very often? Learn to spend more time connecting with them.

  1. Ask for a name:

You can ask your spirit guides for a name, if you don’t get any response then you can name them. Addressing them with a name can help you build a stronger relationship. Also, don’t fail to treat them with respect.


When you close your eyes and withdraw your senses from the physical world, you enter into a different realm of life. This is where you can unveil mysteries and discover your spirit guide. Creative imagination is the key to unlocking the doors to spiritual awareness.

Your spirit guides are not meant to scare you. That is why they will only manifest to you if you want them to. They are not meant to control you and will never violate your choice. They will teach you when you are ready to learn. If along the line you notice that they are no longer teaching you, it could be because you are yet to practice the last lessons you were taught.

Spirit guides teach us to be strong-willed. Although they are always available to help you, they still encourage you to do things by yourself and only seek their assistance when it is necessary. They are non-judgmental. Even when we ignore or disobey them, they will still help us. Your spirit guide can become your best friend if you want. They are very loving, supportive, and caring. Have you discovered your spirit guide? Please, let us know in the comment section.

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