How to Create Your Own Full Moon Ritual as a Solitary Witch

full moon ritual

A full moon is a special time for many Pagans and witches. It is a time of completion, of culmination, and of rebirth. It is a time when our magick is at its strongest, and when we can most easily manifest our desires. If you would like to perform a full moon ritual, there are a few things you will need to do in order to ensure that it is successful. In this article, we will go over what you need to do in order to perform a full moon ritual.


The full moon is a time of spiritual power and transformation. It’s a time to connect with the divine and tap into the energies that are available during this special phase of the moon. A full moon ritual is an ancient practice used by witches and magicians to honor, celebrate, and work with the energies of the full moon. With a few simple steps, you can create your own ritual to honor this powerful lunar phase every month.

Moon rituals are a type of ritual that is traditionally performed during a full moon. There are a number of ways to perform a moon ritual, but the most important thing is to be prepared. By taking the time to gather your supplies, choose your timing, cast your circle, call upon the elements, and focus your energy and intentions, you will be able to get the most out of your ritual.

What Should You Request During a Full Moon Ritual

Since the Moon is about finishing things up – cleaning, releasing, removing that which no longer works for you – it is a great time to journal about your deeper internal thoughts, and then let all of that spent energy out, watching it burn away (safely, of course). The Full Moon is about bringing our intentions and emotions front and center so that we can work through them, heal what needs healing, and eventually let it go — which is why the full Moon’s light is totally ideal to charge up and purify your crystals.

For your Full Moon intentions, you can either focus on what you would like to bring into your life (because a full moon is peak of the moons cycle) or on something you would like to let go (because every day after the full moon, moonlight diminishes, reflecting your own capacity for letting go).

Moon Phases

The full moon is the phase of the moon when it is at its brightest. This phase is associated with abundance, power, and manifestation. Black Witch Coven enjoys coven rituals during full moons so we can focus our energies on our personal goals for the coming month. We look at what thoughts or actions have not served us over the past month and realign our power of manifestation toward our desires.

Are you wondering what the other moon phases can help you magically achieve? The most important thing is to be aware of the energy of the particular phase you are working with. Below is a brief overview of some of the other moon phases:

Waxing Moon: The waxing moon is the phase of the moon when it is growing larger in the sky. This phase is associated with growth, new beginnings, and fertility.

Waning Moon: The waning moon is the phase of the moon when it is shrinking in the sky. This phase is associated with release, letting go, and endings.

New Moon: The new moon is the phase of the moon when it is not visible in the sky. This phase is associated with new beginnings, rebirth, and hope.

How to Perform a Full Moon Ritual

There are a number of ways to perform a moon ritual, but the most important thing is to be prepared. Each person or coven will have its own style to perform rituals. Black Witch Coven includes the Goddess (such as in the typical drawing down the moon event performed by every coven), however, also includes a God or Goddess known to assist with the specific astrological or planetary challenges for that moon phase. You are encouraged to modify any ritual you find online or in a book, and personalize it for your own beliefs and magical expression.

By taking the time to gather your supplies, choose your timing, cast your circle, call upon the elements, and focus your energy and intentions, you will be able to get the most out of your ritual.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Gather your supplies. You will need a few basic supplies to perform your ritual, such as candles, incense, and a vessel for water.

2. Choose your timing. Full moons occur once a month, so you will need to choose a date and time that works for you.

3. Cast your circle. This is an important step in many rituals. You will need to create a physical space in which to perform your ritual.

4. Call upon the elements. This step is meant to connect you with the natural world and the energies of the Earth.

5. Perform your ritual. This is the most important part of the process! This is where you can focus your energy and set your intentions for the ritual. Be sure to follow any guidelines and traditions that are important to you.

6. Thank the elements and close your circle. Once you have completed your ritual, take the time to give thanks to the elements. This is a way of honoring the energy you have called upon and acknowledging the power of the ritual.

Gather your supplies

Gather items that are meaningful to you, such as crystals, herbs, and offerings. Spend some time gathering the items that are meaningful to you and that will help you create the energy you desire for your ritual. You will also need things such as candles, incense, and a vessel for water. Consider adding decorations to your space to help you create a visual representation of the energies you are hoping to bring into the ritual.

Choose your timing

Full moons occur once a month, so you will need to choose a date and time that works for you. Depending on your tradition, this may be dictated by an astrological chart or by a particular calendar. If you plan on doing this ritual with others, make sure to pick a time that works for everyone who will be participating.

Cast your circle

This is an important step in many rituals. You will need to create a physical space in which to perform your ritual. Take the time to create a sacred space that will help you remain focused and connected to your intentions. Traditionally, the circle is cast twice – first with salt, and then with smoke – so you will need to have these items on hand. Take time to call upon the elements and to invite them into your circle.

Call upon the elements

This step is meant to connect you with the natural world and the energies of the Earth. You will need to call upon the four elements – fire, water, earth, and air – in order to invite them into your circle. Pause and imagine that each of these elements is encircling you and is working to assist you in your ritual. You can also call upon the energies of the moon itself and ask for its assistance in your work.

Perform your ritual

This is the most important part of the process! This is where you can focus your energy and set your intentions for the ritual. Some choose to chant, meditate, or write down their intentions during this part of the ritual. You may also want to take part in activities such as drumming or dancing. Be sure to follow any guidelines and traditions that are important to you.

Thank the elements and close your circle

Once you have completed your ritual, take the time to give thanks to the elements. This is a way of honoring the energy you have called upon and acknowledging the power of the ritual. Close the circle by reversing the process from when you opened it. Thank each of the elements for their assistance and energy.

When you are done, take a few moments to rest and reflect on the power and beauty of the ritual you just performed.

Additional Tips

Crystals (if used) should be charged with energy from whatever ceremony you are doing, but choose to leave them outside at night so they are fully charged before the moon’s brightest glow. If you are the type that keeps crystals to meditate on, to do chakra work, or simply to wish you luck, a full moon can help to keep them at their most powerful. You could put four quartz crystals around you — one near your head, one next to your feet, and one on either side of you — to boost energy during this moon phase.


Performing a full moon ritual can be a powerful experience. The most important thing is to be prepared and to make sure you are open to the energies that you are calling upon. By taking the time to create the space, call upon the elements, and focus your energy and intentions, you will be able to get the most out of your ritual.

If there is any part of this article you need me to expand upon – let me know!

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