moon magick

Working With The Moon

This is the time when the Moon shines with all its glory and this is considered a very important Esbat.

The energy of the moon is well documented, not only by us occultists, but by all who earn a living from the land or sea. Think fishermen, farmers and all people who live from the land!

Working within the Moon phase, is one of the keys to success in spell casting and rituals for witches, and those who desire to work within the laws of nature. The Moon effects everything including our moods and actions. Ever notice that people seem to be more wound up and crazy during the Full Moon?

As a witch or warlock, you will need to know about the times and seasons of the witches’ year. These are the correct times when you will be able to recharge your magical batteries and draw down to yourself the new currents of elemental power to work your spells.

The elemental power tides of the universe are marked by the movements of the stars, the sun, and the moon. Though these heavenly bodies are not the actual sources of the power, they are the main indicators of its ebb and flow in our universe.

Whenever you wish to perform a magical act, you must work taking these power tides into consideration, in the same way a navigator of a boat times his movements to utilize the sea tides to his best advantage. Of course, you can work against the tide, but it is self-defeating for the beginner, and is best left for times of emergency or until such a time as you have reached a degree of sureness in your practice.

The sun and the moon are the two great hands of our cosmic clock. Whereas the hour hand or sun governs the seasons of the year, the moon or minute hand governs the sea tides and the hidden workings of the deep mind. As such, this heavenly body rather than the sun is the main concern of witches.

In European mythology the sun has always been seen as a symbol of a male divinity, the moon a female one. However, worship of the moon as a supreme deity evolved much earlier than that of the sun. It is said among witches that in England at least the cult of the moon goddess predated the Druidic, solar religion, and that it is from this early Prytanic religion that four of the great annual witch festivals are derived.

Basically, there are two sides to the moon’s character; when she is waxing, the bright moon; and when she is waning, dark of the moon.

All spells of a constructive nature should be performed when the moon is bright, that is, waxing to full. These would include love magic of any sort, sorcery designed to bring luck or success, fertility charms, protection, countermagic, and of course divination.

An old witch verse goes thus:

Pray to the Moon when she is round

Luck with you shall then abound

What you seek for shall be found

In sea or sky or solid ground …

As soon as the full moon is passed, we embark upon the dark of the moon, as the light wanes and nights get blacker. During this period you will perform all operations of a destructive or “black” nature, such as spells of attack and vengeance, binding operations (ligature) to prevent people from doing certain things, agricultural magic designed to eliminate pests or weeds, charms to cool off passions in another, and certain works of necromancy, that is, summoning ghosts of the dead.

BWC Full Moon Timing

Celebrating the full moon event event is not just for goddess worship. What the modern world would call a Black Magic Witch, has been honourng both the gods and the goddess forms during the full moon events for many centuries. BWC is not Wiccan (Wicca is a religion, so our events for the full moon may look like one of the modern Wiccan rituals from the outside, however, the differences, and the purpose for our full moon ritual is significantly different.

The ‘Witching Hour’ usually refers to the Midnight hour during a Full Moon. It has always been regarded as a particular potent time for Magic, as the Moon is neither Waxing nor Waning, and midnight is considered the time between the Days- in between time in between worlds.

During the Full Moon time, all magic work is empowered, all magical work is fertile.

We summon specific deities on this note to hear our challenges and to ask for help, or to be with us while we work through our human challenges. We are not asking for miracles, but we are asking the living gods and goddesses. Who is someone, to be with us while we’re having this human experience. We have the energy of the full moon to help connect with these gods to make the request as powerful and as strong as possible.

Deities of the Full Moon

All Goddesses can be invoked during the Full Moon however, the Mother aspect of the Goddess was more associated with the Full Moon. The Sacred Woman who has given birth, or is carrying a child. The Woman that holds all potentials.  The Mother that has given birth to all things is honoured and celebrated. A few examples of Goddesses associated with the Full Moon in their Mother aspects.

  • Selene (Luna)
  • Demeter (Ceres)
  • Aphrodite (Venus)
  • Hera (Juno)
  • Isis
  • Toci
  • Freya
  • Aradia
  • Pachamama
  • Mama Killa
  • Oya
  • Yemaya.

At BWC as occult practitioners and witches, we honour Lucifer during the full moon as well. This may include honouring other male deities during this full moon event. We pay respect to the Goddess/Mother Aspect, but include Lucifer in all we do.


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