Man is a multifaceted being composed of body, mind, soul, and spirit. Through daily living, he encounters different frequencies of energy both negative and positive. When negative energy is accumulated, it could result in anxiety, depression, bad luck, failure, fatigue, etc.  Spiritual cleansing is a practice of cleaning and removing negative energies from the aura of an individual.

There are several methods of spiritual cleansing but in today’s article, we shall consider cleansing with an egg. The use of eggs in spiritual cleansing is an ancient Hoodoo practice. Egg is considered a symbol of life and growth. It can be used in container spells for protection, removal of curses, and in love spells.

The first time I learned how to work with eggs was when I was fifteen years old. My grandmother was a healer so I saw her cleansing different people using an egg. You can perform this ritual on yourself, another person, or even a pet.

When can you perform an egg cleansing?

  • When you are battling with mental and emotional blocks.
  • When you feel you have been cursed.
  • When you are feeling stuck in life.
  • When you are being haunted by spirits.
  • When you are experiencing energy drain, insomnia or nightmares.


If you are doing this cleansing on someone else, you need to perform a cleansing bath or brush down before and after the egg cleansing. If you fail to do this, you might end up accumulating more mess on you than you took off them.  This ritual also goes along with prayer work.

Although this ritual can be done on any day of the week, I would recommend Sundays or Mondays. It can also be done at the beginning of a month or a year. To avoid distractions, do this ritual when you are alone unless if you are performing it on someone.


 Items needed:

  • A small glass of tap water (it should be a transparent glass and don’t use plastic or metal.)
  • Egg (one at room temperature is preferable.)


Some practitioners prefer to pass the egg around the individual while avoiding body contact while others would rather let the egg touch the skin of the individual.


  • If you are performing this cleansing on someone, the individual must be without shoes, glasses, jewelry, etc.
  • Start by saying a prayer. Some persons recite Psalm 23 or the Apostle Creed. I have personal prayers I use for this ritual.
  • Make a sign of the cross on top of the person’s head. Start from where the soft spot of a baby is. Check the image below for direction.

  • Start making downward sweeping motions with the egg. You can let the egg touch the skin of the individual with every sweep.
  • You have to work from top to bottom. Always move the egg downward over the body, don’t ever move it upward.
  • You can make the sign of the cross on major points of the body. While sweeping downward, make a bunch of little crosses across the back of the neck. Move to the center of the chest and make a sign of the cross. Move to the center of the back and make a large cross on it.
  • Rub the entire back with the egg then work downwards to the legs.
  • Rub from the back to the front of the legs and when you get to the feet, make a cross on each of the soles.
  • While moving the egg over the body, say your prayers. After the first round, you can repeat this ritual to ensure the entire body has been cleansed.
  • When you are done, break the egg into the glass of water.
  • Finally, read the signs seen.


There are many ways of reading an egg. While there are signs that can be seen as soon as the egg is poured into the water, others can be seen some minutes later. To read these signs, every worker is expected to listen to that little voice that speaks inside and guides him on reading the egg.

Below are examples of some general ways of interpreting an egg.

  • If there is blood in the egg, it means the presence of a crossed condition.
  • The presence of lots of bubbles means the condition has been lifted and brought to the top. It can also mean that the negative energy around you is too much.
  • If the water turns murky, it could be a sign of soul loss.
  • If the water is clear without any abnormality, it means that the individual’s aura is clean.
  • The presence of a white wall could mean an enemy is trying to block you or you are being protected by your guardian angels.
  • The presence of an eye in the egg means someone is watching you. It could be an evil or love eye.
  • If the egg has a rotten smell, it is a bad sign and requires further protection work.
  • If it smells like Sulfur it means the devil has been sent after you.
  • When you see pointy images that look like needles or nails, it means someone has cast black magic spells on you.
  • The presence of black spots could mean that you have a disease.
  • If there are white halos surrounding the yolk that means you make decisions too quickly and need to slow down.
  • If the yoke looks cooked, that is a sign that you are surrounded by negative energy.
  • The presence of swirling figures and clouds mean that you have emotional problems that are affecting all your relationships.
  • The presence of the shape of a person in the egg yolk signifies an enemy. A round face means it is a female and a slim face means it is a male.
  • The presence of big balloons in the water means that you have been trapped in a cage and must get out quickly. This often requires further cleansing.
  • If the end breaks during the process of cleansing, it means that there are strong evil spirits trying to stop the ritual.


If you have been experiencing insomnia or any form of nightmare then this cleansing would make you have a peaceful sleep.

Get an egg and place it in a brown paper bag.

Place the bag under your bed where you usually lay your head.

Leave it there for some days. You can leave it for three days then crack the egg into a glass of water.

Repeat the above procedures three times. So in nine days, you must have cracked three eggs. When you are done with the last one, you will feel better and sleep peacefully.


  • You can flush it down the toilet.
  • You can dump it on a crossroad that you don’t walk through very often.
  • You can dump it in the graveyard.
  • You can pour it under a tree.


Since ancient times, this ritual has proven to be very effective. So whenever you feel you have been surrounded by negative energy, just do an egg cleansing to know the problem and solve it. This ritual often leaves one feeling brand new. If you are yet to give it a try, then I urge you to do so as soon as possible. For those who have done it before, kindly share your experiences in the comment section.


  • https:/  /pandagossips.  com/posts/2191
  • https:/   /curiouscurandera.
  • https://   www.  p  interest.  com/   sugamamapatty/egg-cleansing/



  1. 666.chris.wren says:

    Using a black candle even just envisioning that with your thought/s can do the exact same; The candle will absorb the negative energy from the entity projecting the negative energy. The entity will be attached to the outside of the candle (if you are familiar with Marquis Sabnock) as you light the candle the entity will be returned to the sender who sent such an attack & they will become less vibrant once they call back the attack, they will become vibrant again.

    The rest of the negative energy remaining in the candle once fully burned to the bottom can be tossed in the garbage. I do not perform the egg ritual (the concept is the same though (the outer shell (the entity will attach to it and when you crack it open the entity is then transferred to the contents it actually defeats the return to sender ritual.

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