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How to Perform Self Hypnosis

The word “hypnosis” is derived from the Greek word “hypos,” which means sleep. However, hypnosis is not a sleep state. It is a combination of commands and visualizations that induce a natural trance state. It is essentially a way of reprogramming how we think. If you are dealing with a lifelong bad habit, hypnosis is one tool that can be used to correct it.

The forefather of modern hypnosis theory is Franz Anton Mesmer. In Western culture, many people are skeptical about the subject of hypnotism. This skepticism stems from some of the original theories on the subject. However, in present day, hypnotism has been accepted as a conventional therapy that can be used to treat several health issues. It works by reaching a relaxed state whereby it is possible to sink deeper into our minds and rewrite or reprogram our subconscious.

Benefits of Self Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis puts you in contact with the source of your subconscious programming. You can either add or remove elements that prevent you from being your best self. Even science has proven that hypnosis can be used to rewire your brain.

Self-hypnosis enables you to control when, where, and how you rewire your brain. It is a powerful tool everyone should use. The more you do it, the faster and more effective it becomes.

Note that hypnosis is not:

  • A mystical state
  • Mind control
  • Unconsciousness
  • Brain-washing
  • A peculiar altered state.

While in a hypnotic state an individual is aware, in control and able to come out of hypnosis when s/he wishes to.

Hypnosis relies on the trance state, which is characterized by the following traits:

  • Heightened imagination
  • Extreme suggestibility
  • Absolute mind and body relaxation.

How to Perform Self Hypnosis

Performing self-hypnosis is simpler than you might think. Below are simple steps to take.

Preparing for Hypnosis

Choosing a location:

Find a quiet location and set up every item that you would need. Decorate it with colors that match your intention.

Wear a comfortable clothing. Remove any item that could interrupt you suddenly e.g., phone, pet, etc. Play relaxing music to set the mood.

You can sit on a comfortable seat or lie on a bed. Whether you sit or lie, ensure that you do not cross your legs or any part of your body.


Make yourself comfortable, both mentally and physically. Perform a simple breathing exercise to relax your body and mind.

Close your eyes and try to get rid of all feelings of fear, stress, or anxiety.Ensure that your mindset is calm before you begin.

State your intention

Why do you want to perform hypnosis? To get rid of an addiction, or to be more confident in yourself? Whatever your goal is, state it clearly with affirmative words. If your intention is to be confident, say, “I am confident.”


Your goal will be the source of your visualization. Meditate and focus on it. Imagine yourself being confident, feel it. This would prepare your mind for the hypnosis. Continue to meditate until your energy level is raised.

Enter a deeper state of mind:

This is one of the most important stages. To get into a deeper state of mind, focus your gaze on a corner of the wall in front of you.

Feel your eyelids as they get heavier and slowly begin to close.

While keeping your eyes focused on that spot, take a gentle breath in. Count from one to five, and feel yourself grow tall as the air streams gently into your lungs.

Now, hold your breath for a moment and relax, breathing out all your tension with it.

Visualize every part of your body relaxing.

Visualize the accomplishment of your goals. For example, if your goal is to be bold, visualize yourself standing boldly in front of a crowd.

Affirm it:

Affirm your intentions using positive words. For example, you can say: “I am bold!” or, “I am confident.”

Continue your visualizations and affirmations for some minutes. When you are satisfied, you can exit the hypnotic state.

How to Exit the Hypnotic State

There are several methods to exit from a hypnotic state. I will mention a few of them.

Set an alarm

Every hypnotic exercise should be timed. An alarm will awaken you when the time is up. Set your alarm tone to something soothing so that you aren’t startled.

Count backward

When you are ready to exit, just count backward from number 5. Open your eyes slowly, shake your fingers and toes, and roll your shoulders.

Falling asleep

Some persons end their sessions by falling asleep. While this might be a good option, it could also interfere with how well you consciously remember the details of your visualization.


Self-hypnosis can be a successful way of reducing stress and opening the mind to new ideas. There are several tapes and MP3s that can be used to aid this exercise. However, before using any them, ensure that they were produced by a trained hypnotherapist.

Always start every session with an open mind. If you failed in your first trial, don’t give up. The more you practice, the more successful it will become. Self-hypnosis has worked for many people and may also work for you only if you believe.




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