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How to Perform the Lesser Ritual of Pentagram

In modern occultism, The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (or LBRP) is a basic ceremonial magic ritual. It was used by the original order of the Golden Dawn. It is a highly dynamic ritual that involves visualization, evocation, and pronouncing certain words of power and prayers.

This ritual is aimed at banishing unwanted elements from the magician’s circle while calling certain spiritual forces to fortify and guard the circle. It is usually performed before any magical operation.  Every student of the Golden Dawn Order is taught this ritual before they are initiated into the inner circle.

How to Perform the Lesser Ritual of Pentagram

Although, some modern-day orders suggest that some magical equipment be used during this ritual, kindly note that the original Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn did not use any.

Items needed:

  • Tau robe
  • Altar
  • Sword ( dagger, wand, or athame is needed to draw the pentagram and gesture to the points of the Qabalistic Cross)
  • Your magical jewelry (if any).


Stage one

Perform the Qabalistic Cross:

This is meant to harmonize the elements of the magician into a single focused self.


  • Stand in the center of your room, facing east, and imagine a brilliant white light descending from above to the top of your head.
  • Touch your forehead and vibrate ATEH (Thou art)
  • Imagine that same brilliant white light form a 6-inch diameter sphere just above the crown of your head.
  • Touch your breast, move your hand over the groin area, pointing down, vibrate MALKUTH (The Kingdom)
  • Imagine a shaft of light descending from the Crown Sphere and descend to the feet where another 6-inch sphere expands just under your feet.
  • Touch your right shoulder and vibrate VE-GEVURAH (and the Power).
  • Imagine a 6-inch sphere of brilliant white light just next to the right shoulder.
  • Touch the left shoulder and vibrate VE-GEDULAH (and the Glory).
  • Imagine a shaft of light emerge from the right Sphere and cross your breast to expand and form another Sphere at your left shoulder.
  • Bring both of your hands to your breast and clasp them together as if praying and vibrate LE-OLAHM, AMEN (lay-oh-lahm, ah-men).
  • At this point, imagine clearly the cross of light as it extends through your body. You are now standing in the center of a cross of light that reaches the ends of the universe.


Stage two

Creating the Pentagram

Draw the pentagram in the air with each of the points facing each of the cardinal points. The points shall be associated with the name of a God.

How to Draw the Pentagram:

  • Turn to the south and make the first point of the pentagram. Say “adni” (Ah-DOHnai).
  • Turn to the west and make the second point of the pentagram. Say “ahih” (Eh-HEHyeh).
  • Turn to the north and make the third point of the pentagram then say “agla” (Ah-GehLAh).
  • Turn to the east and make the fourth point of the pentagram and vibrate “yhvh” (YAH-weh).


Stage three:

Invoking the Archangels

Each of the cardinal points represents an archangel.

How to invoke them:

  • Spread your arms straight out to the sides, so that your body forms a cross.
  • Visualize an angel wearing yellow robes and standing in front of you. Say:

 “Before me Raphael (Rah-Fay-el).”

  • Visualize an angel wearing blue robes with some orange highlights and standing in front of you.


“Behind me, Gahb-ray-EL (vibrate the name).”

  • On your right hand, visualize an angel wearing a red rob and say,

“On my right hand, Mee-chai-EL (vibrate the name.)”

  • On your left hand, visualize an angel wearing a green rob and say,

“On my left hand Uriel (Ur-ee-el)”

Final Stage:

Face east again and visualize the flaming pentagrams around you.


“For about me flames the pentagram.”

Then visualize a brilliant hexagram within your chest and say,

“And within the column shines the six rayed star.”

End the ritual by performing the Kabalistic Cross one more time. According to some occultists, you are expected to stamp your right foot in the end.


The lesser ritual of the pentagram can be used to clear and define the astral space. It can also be used to open and close a ceremonial working. There are some rules you must abide by to have a successful LBRP experience.

During this ritual, be focused and avoid every form of straying thought. Such thoughts would make you lose the energy of the ritual. Also, ensure to visualize a flaming pentagram, and when you have started drawing the pentagram, do not let the point of the dagger fall; otherwise, you will be returning the energy back to the earth.

You may have noticed that some Judeo Christian names were used in the ritual above. Over the years, some magicians have replaced those names with suitable substitutes. Note that the names should be vibrated and not merely spoken. While vibrating them, feel the power and energy of the divine name running through your fingertips and into the pentagrams. In conclusion, the LBRP introduces the practitioner to the basic skills required for the mastery of magick.






  • Magick for Beginners: An Introduction to a Magickal Life By Sharon Fitzgerald
  • Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram an all-in-one Guide for the Practicing Magician

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