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How To Perform the Lesser Ritual Of The Hexagram

The Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram is one of the rituals written by Thelema founder, Aleister Crowley. This ritual was created to assist the students in learning different elementary aspects of banishing and invoking powers related to the elements. In the Golden Dawn system, LRH is a ritual one receives after being initiated to the Adeptus Minor 2 grade. It has been adopted by all magick practitioners.

The Sun, being the source of matter and energy in the solar system, affects the different elements in the world. The thing is that when we gaze up at the sun, our soul immediately assumes the same shape of the sun by creating an association. Through the LRH, we can access the powers of the Sun in its various manifestations. Each element is related to one another, and the Sun is a powerful energy that binds everything.

The Hexagram

The hexagrams are situated in different directions according to astrological order. Each of the hexagrams is formed from two basic triangles, but these triangles form four different hexagrams which are:

  • Fire hexagram
  • Air hexagram
  • Water hexagram
  • Earth hexagram

Fire hexagram: Imagine a hexagram made of fire being an integral part of yourself. This type of hexagram creates radiant energy that drives us.

Air hexagram: The air hexagram is ever-expanding and inspirational. Just like air, it can increase the fire energy around us.

Water hexagram:

The hexagram of water represents the solar feelings that we can sense. It also refers to the love for all things that the sun generates. After all, the Sun is a generous provider to all living things on earth.

Earth hexagram:

The hexagram of earth represents solid, mobile and tangible solar energy, which forms matter. It is represented by love and expansion. As quintessence energy, it re-balances itself and creates dynamic harmony.

How to Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram can be performed with either your pointer finger or a wand.


  1. Face the East and perform the Kabbalistic Cross.
  2. Stretch out your both arms to form a cross and say the following Hebrew letters:


  1. While saying the letters, draw them in the air from right to left. Visualize them glowing in blue light. Say

“Yod Nun Resh Yod” which is pronounced as yode-oon-raysh-yode.

  1. Extend your arms into a cross once more and say, “The Sign of Osiris Slain.”
  2. Raise the right arm to point upwards, keeping the elbow square, and lower the left arm to point downwards, keeping the elbow square, while turning the head over the left shoulder looking down so that the eyes follow the left forearm, and say:

“L, The sign of the Mourning of Isis.”

  1. Raise both of your arms, palms forward, to form the letter “v.” The angle between them should be about 60 degrees. Tilt your head back and say:

“V; the Sign of Typhon and Apophis”

  1. Cross your arms on your chest to form the letter “X,” with your palms facing you. Bow your head and say,

X, the Sign of Osiris Risen.”

  1. Now form each letter with your arms as it is pronounced, L V X. Then extend your arms to form the Osiris Slain position (cross) and say,

“LVX (lukes).”

  1. Keep your arms extended and say,

“The Light……..”

After a moment, fold your arms on your chest (form an “X” again) and say,

“………of the Cross.”

  1. Now extend your arms to form a cross again and, as you say the following oration, slowly start to raise them up to the “V” position, while gradually tilting your head back:

Virgo, Isis, Mighty Mother,

Scorpio, Apophis, Destroyer,

Sol, Osiris, Slain, and Risen,

Isis, Apophis, Osiris.

  1. Then strongly vibrate IAO (ee-ah-oh).

Your head should be tilted back completely by now, and your arms should be in the shape of a “v.”

  1. Become aware of a glowing white brilliance above you and say,

“Let the Divine Light descend.”

  1. Slowly lower your arms to form an “X” on your chest again and, as you do so, feel the Divine Light descending through your body. Let it energize you for a few moments.

Drawing of the Hexagram

For this ritual, Fire is in the East, Earth is in the South, Air is in the West, and Water is in the North.

Step 14:

Walk to the East of your circle and with your finger or wand trace the banishing Hexagram of Fire while vibrating the word:

ARARITA (ah-rah-ree-tah).”

This hexagram consists of two equilateral triangles, both apices pointing upwards. Begin at the top of the upper triangle and trace it in a dextro-rotary direction. The top of the lower should coincide with the central point of the upper triangle.

Step 15

Walk to the South of your circle and trace the Hexagram of Earth with your finger or wand while vibrating the word

“ARARITA (ah-rah-ree-tah).”

This hexagram has the apex of the lower triangle pointing downwards.

Step 16

Walk to the West of your circle, and trace the Hexagram of Air while vibrating the word:

“ARARITA (ah-rah-ree-tah).”

This hexagram is like that of Earth; but the bases of the triangle coincide, forming a diamond.

Step 17

Walk to the North of your circle, and trace the Hexagram of Water while vibrating the word

“ARARITA (ah-rah-ree-tah)”

This hexagram has the lower triangle placed above the upper so that their apices coincide.

Step 18:

Complete your circle by carrying the light to the East again. To close this rite, you can either repeat steps 1-13 or perform only the Kabbalistic Cross again.


Explanatory Notes

The following are the interpretations of some of the terms used in the ritual.

“Yod, Nun, Resh, Yod.”

This is I.N.R.I. in Hebrew alphabets.

“Virgo, Isis, Mighty Mother.”

Virgo associates to Isis as a virgin, the Great Goddess, mother of Horus, and wife of Osiris. This part, like all the others, also have qabalistic meanings.

“Scorpio, Apophis, Destroyer.”

Scorpio associates to Apophis, the Apophis-snake, who destroys chaos in Egyptian mythology.

“Sol, Osiris, Slain and Risen.”

Sol, that is sun, associates to the slain and risen Osiris.

“Isis, Apophis, Osiris, IAO.”

IAO is a magickal formula. This formula is the principal and most characteristic formula of Osiris, of the Redemption of Mankind. “I” is Isis, Nature, ruined by “A,” Apophis the Destroyer, and restored to life by the Redeemer Osiris.


This is an abbreviation for the Hebrew phrase, “One is His beginning. One is His individuality. His permutation is One.”


The Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram is performed in most workings usually after performing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. So you should be thoroughly familiar with LBRP before starting with LRH.

The LRH is a solar working done with the intention of counteracting the existing forces of normality which restrict evolution. Generally, solar workings can affect one’s whole being. A practitioner who internalizes this ritual would probably experience physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual changes..



Kabbalah, Magic & the Great Work of Self Transformation: A Complete Course


  • The lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram By Konstantinos
  • Magick for Beginners: An Introduction to a Magickal Life By Sharon Fitzgerald
  • http://www.   org/f aerie/lhr.html
  • http://www. sacred magick. com /download/top_download.php?act=top1
  • https:// hermetic. com/stavish/rituals/hex-notes
  • https://www. nickfarrell. it/lesser-banishing-ritual-of-the-hexagram/
  • http://www. tryskelion. com/mag_mag_lesser_ritual_hexagram.html
  • https://www. pinterest. com/pin/747597606878372347/


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