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How to Perform The Moon Drawing Ritual

“If I command the moon, it will come down; and if I wish to withhold the day, night will linger over my head; and again, if I wish to embark on the sea, I need no ship, and if I wish to fly through the air, I am free from my weight.”

                                                                                        Thessalian Witches


In Wiccan tradition, on a Full Moon Night, a Moon Drawing ritual is usually performed within a Cast Circle. This ritual also symbolizes the Drawing down of the Goddess. It is usually performed by the coven’s High Priestess who enters into a state of trance.

During this process, the Triple Goddess, who is represented as the moon, is requested to enter into the Priestess and speak through her. While the Priestess is in a state of trance, she speaks and acts as the Goddess.

                                   How to Perform the Moon Drawing Ritual

There are several ways in which this ritual can be performed. The modern form likely originated in Gardnerian Wicca and during this ritual, the High Priestess may recite the Charge of the Goddess. Also, some solitary Wiccans perform this ritual within a circle that is drawn under the light of the full moon. The solitary will stand in the Goddess Pose (both arms held high, palms up, body and arms forming a ‘Y’) and recite a charge, or chant.

Below is a step by step guideline on how to perform the Moon Drawing Ritual


  • Wand, Scourge, Priestess’ Athame
  • Priest, Priestess

Follows: Casting Circle, Witches’ Rune Next: The Charge

HPS stands in God position in N. before altar, holding scourge and athame. Coveners are in S. facing altar.

HP kneels before HPS and salutes her with the Fivefold kiss (as he kisses her womb, she opens into blessing position).

HP again kneels before HPS who stands in Goddess position (right foot slightly forward). HP invokes the Goddess, saying:



I invoke thee and call upon thee,

Mighty Mother of us all,                (touch right breast)

bringer of all fruitfulness;             (touch left breast)

by seed and root,             (touch womb)

by stem and bud,             (touch right breast)

by leaf and flower and fruit,

by life and love  (touch womb)

do I invoke          (raising wand)

thee to descend upon the body of this thy servant and priestess. Here, speak with her tongue, touch with her hands,

kiss with her lips,

that thy servants may be fulfilled.


As he invokes, HP touches HPS gently with wand upon r. breast, l. breast, womb and upon the same three places again.

As he finishes the invocation, he spreads his arms in adoration (still kneeling) and says:



Hail, Aradia ! From the Amalthean Horn Pour forth thy store of love; I lowly bend Before thee, I adore thee to the end,

With loving sacrifice thy shrine adorn.

Thy foot is to my lip [kiss], my prayers upborne Upon the rising incense smoke; then spend Thine ancient love, O Mighty One, descend

To aid me, who without thee am forlorn.


HP stands and takes a step back. All adore in silence as HPS traces invoking Earth pentagram in air before them with athame, saying:



Of the Mother, darksome and divine, Mine the scourge, and mine the kiss, The five-point star of love and bliss – Here I charge you, in this sign.

This completes Drawing Down the Moon. HPS and HP now face the Coven and deliver the Charge.

See Also:

Diary of a Gypsy Witch – What a Moon

Moon Magic – What to do at each phase of the moon


Recommended Items:

Moon Water Bath Oils – 8oz

5″ Moon altar bell




  • The Alexandrian and Gardnerian Book of Shadows
  • Transformative Witchcraft: The Greater Mysteries

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