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How to Summon Demon Ahriman


Angra Mainyu or Ahriman is the ancient Persian demon of darkness. The name “Ahriman” means “fiendish spirit”. He is associated with the Yatuk Dinoih, the ancient Persian system of hidden witchcraft and sorcery. He is also the Lord of Druj.

Ahriman is the Prince of Darkness and an embodiment of the Left-Hand Path. He is modeled as an Isolate Being that is independent from the natural order.  Ahriman is a shapeshifting sorcerous principle of magick, who is balanced as both physical and spiritual.

He represents individual thoughts, the evil mind, self-deification, and ensorcelment.  After you have chosen to embrace the Left-Hand path, you will go through a process of becoming like the devil. Your body will mutate into an embodiment and carrier of Magickal current.

Working with Ahriman

Ahriman can be invoked as a spirit which is a Guardian of the Threshold, much like the Sufic IBLIS.  Then the sorcerer might choose to invoke the daemon which hisses in many voices. To invoke this spirit, the sorcerer must be of strong will and invoke only for the right reasons.  Also, before attempting to summon Ahriman, you must be very knowledgeable so as to understand and face whatever you might encounter.

The Ahriman Sigil

The sigil has great letters and inside the circle is the Dragon of Darkness. The Black dragon and the Three Avestan letters associated with the Yatukih path can be seen. The circle always holds sigil or letters which announce the nature of the work- the center is the visualization of Ahriman.




Prepare your circle with a system related to the Yatuk Dinoih. Cast the circle to represent the Dragon itself thus this circle is not a protection but a gathering place of shadow. That is to say that it is the focus point of your sorcery.

1. Light a black candle on the altar.

2.  Adorn your altar with the Image of Ahriman or Yatukih Daevas.

3. You will need the Evocation Dagger or Black Hilted Knife. Take the Evocation Dagger, sacred blade of Druj and invoke facing the North, the altar and center of the work.



“Ahriman, who brings Hesham, who is of Samahe, I stand within the circle of the worm to invoke the mysteries of the ancient source of creation and destruction.

From which that you have spoken to me in the sacred dreaming temple, in the Garden of the Arcana of Azothoz, the primal initiator of opposites. I invoke thee! Ahriman, that which opposes the natural order, to become as Alpha Omega itself, as God itself, to create and destroy.

Ahriman, who communes with the ancient dead, sleeping and lusting for the living flesh, I invoke thee! Ahriman, from the ruins of the desert, I call you from your place in the darkness. You who marks form from shadows, daemons of the caves of the earth,

I invoke thee! To your consort, AZ-JAHI, primal goddess of blood and darkness, who manifests as Lilith and Babalon,

Come forth, lift your crimson and let me taste of your infernal Measures.

In the core of your very being shall I shake the foundations of the sacred pillar of Life, absorb its secrets and emerge through the Perfect and illuminated Temple of Darkness!

I invoke thee! I shall come forth as an avatar upon earth! Come

forth within me!” О maker of the material world,

О sacred Druj, I summon thee!”

‘Alas, the gates of twilight open before me.

The dagger drips the blood of the wretched and weak.

Would the sacrifice of the howling wolves seek my very soul? Yet, I may brave them, not stopping to witness their fangs inches away from the very soul.

Algol itself shall tear through me, yet it is a mirror of my own perfection, being and possibility. I go forth through the Arcana of Dreaming and waking, let Ahriman be my guide of shadows!

Going Further;

You should lower the knife, turning the blade towards yourself, then announce your desire to raise darkness through your body. Let your consciousness be focused on Ahriman and all that he represents.

In solitude you shall summon and in isolation will the Blackened Flame ignite.  Do not forget that your words make flesh your desires so choose your creations carefully.

Pay attention to the voices of the shadows but focus more on the voice of your mind.  Meditate on the shape shifting abilities of Ahriman. You can also meditate on transforming into his toad, snake, dragon, wolves, ants, serpents or any other form related to this spirit. At the end of your encounter, record your results.






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