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How To Summon The Spirit Of Cain


According to certain Rabbinic Literature, there is this interesting notion that states that Cain was not the son of Adam but that of Samael. It was said that Samael had appeared to Eve as a serpent, seduced her and the fruit that was born was Cain. Meanwhile, some apocryphal versions of the story state that Cain was actually the son of Adam and Lilith.

According to some ancient texts, the reason why Cain’s offerings were rejected by God was because he was actually a half human and half demon. His demonic nature made him envious and jealous of his brother whom he later killed.

Cain is an ancient spirit which can be sought in the hidden places of the earth. He knows the secrets of the earth and can be consulted when seeking for hidden things. He appears as the wizened old man, robed and hooded who walks the path of old.  He is referred to as “The Father of Witches” since he received the book of black art and the belt of the devil in shadowy rites.

Cain, being the son of Satan and Lilith, is a flesh and blood embodiment of the Luciferian Path. He serves as the symbol of the initiate on joining the Antinomian Path.  After the death of Abel, he wandered East to the Land of Nod and according to some Jewish Lore, he begat daughters who seduced and copulated with the fallen angels, the Watchers.

How to Cast the Shadow of Cain:

This is actually one of the early Luciferian rites of initiation. It was designed to dedicate the sorcerer into the Cainnite Antinomianism path. To perform this ritual, you can use the Grand Luciferian Circle as a means of Self dedication, the Immolation of the Spirit by assuming the mask of the Witch-Begetter, Cain the Blacksmith.


Get a very large cloth then paint the image of the Grand Luciferian Circle.

Ensure to point the tip of the Triangle towards the North, as that is his sacred direction.

Your altar may also face the North. Get two blacks and one red candles. Light the three candles and place the two blacks on each side and the red on the center. This represents the Luciferian Trinity – Samael – Lilith – Cain.

Hold the Athame up and recite while facing the North:

I call forth the infernal shadows which nourish my body and soul,’

I invoke the circle which empowers my form of being,

From the North, I invoke the force of Cain, being my shadow of self

Let the Blackened Flame illuminate from this very Forge!

From the West, I invoke the force of Anиbis, the Opener of the Way

Let the Violet Light of the Dead empower my


From the South, I invoke the force of Thoth, whose lamp illuminates my path

Let the Fires of Wisdom and Self Discover Guide my path!

From the East, I invoke Set, being the fire and strength of spirit

Reveal thy essence as Azal’ucel, the Fiery Djinn of Change and Rebellion!


Using the Grand Luciferian Circle, light one single black flame in the center of the altar. You may wish to have a symbol of Cain or Baphomet at the head of the altar.

Using an Athame, hold the blade facing the North, visualize the image of Cain and as you recite imagine your own body becoming the mirror-image of Cain. The essence of this ritual is to affirim that YOU are the first and last, Azothoz, of Alpha and Omega, the ONLY God that is.

The aim of this is to lay a foundation that the Magickian is accountable alone for his or her own sorcerous path. Have a chalice filled with liquid to drink from, and this shall serve as a symbol of Abel’s blood.


In the Circle of Cain does the Devil take flesh

By the hammer, skull-fetish and forked stave does thy Will announce

Weave thy magick in the Sun and the Moon, both shadows shall cast

With thy bride are Dragon-Children Born

When Lilith spreads her bloodstained legs



Nema! Livee morf su revilled tub

Noishaytpmet ootni ton suh deel

Suh tshaiga sapsert tath yeth Vigrawf eu za sesapsert rua suh vigrawf.

Derb ilaid rua yed sith suh vig

Neveh ni si za thre ni Nud eeb liw eyth

Muck mod-ngik eyth

Main eyth eeb dwohlah Neveh ni tra chioo Rertharf rua!

O’ Cain, spirit born of fire and darkness, shadowed initiator!

O’ Cain, who wanders the earth from deserts to forests –

Brought forth from the womb, flesh -born son of the Dragon and the Harlot Goddess, mother of Witch Blood.

Spirit and Lord of the Blackened Fires of the Forge, who tested the blood mark as an X upon the brow, whose mark is also the darkened ink of the well of the Peacocks scribe.

О’ Cain, who was awakened by the Skull bearing Omen of Abel –

Lord of Beasts and initiator of sorcerous fire, werewolf shapeshifter!

Let me see within and beyond the Caul of Lilith ‘s veil!

Father and brother of the caves wherein are ancient shades,

Who hold the book of dreaming which is the primal word of the serpent-

Cain, Lord of Beasts and transformation, I summon thee, invocate thee within —

Shall your lightening strike upon the forge and illuminate my spirit!

Take your left hand; mark an “X” for the crossroads on your forehead. You may do such in your own blood if you wish.

‘I deny God and all Religion

I curse, blaspheme, and provoke God with all despite

I give my faith to the Devel, and my worship and offer sacrifice to him

I do solemnly vow and promise all my progeny unto the Devel

I swear to the Devel to bring as many into his society as I can

I will always swear in the name of the Devel.

My brow marked in blood, horned walker of worlds!

Strike now with thy hammer, shall the Eye of the Serpent open forth!

Unveiled in the Nightside do I come forth!

That I walk the path of Dragon born,

Caster of the first circle of emerald and crimson flame.

Gatekeeper and Horned shape shifter — open forth the fiery path!

Illuminate the blackened flame!

Shall I awake the serpent born in the Devil’s Skin – CAIN I


The Formula of the Embodiment of Cain

Tubal – Cain, horned lord and first of witches blood

О Cain, who with the hands of the devil do bless

The bone charms under the moon

Nomadic daemon that as first born is illuminated

With the fire of Shaitan, thy father

From the forge does the spark fly

Those who dream unto thy path may become through it

Thy bloodletter, which struck the flesh clay of Abel

Is blessed with the blood dripping kiss of the serpent’s tongue

The skull in thy hands a place of dwelling

From where the shades of the tomb do gather

In the devil’s name I conjure thee

Cain, Qayin

From the deserts, from the forests, shall I become in your name…

I drink in honor of the Horned One

I drink the blood of Abel I become as the Beast on earth

Hail thou self, О Cain awakened!

Drink from chalice, end ritual.






  • : The Grail Research & Esoteric Writings of Boyd Rice, The Luciferian Legacy)
  • Luciferian Witchcraft – Book of the Serpent – Micheal Ford
  • The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology – Written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley -a leading expert on the paranormal – Copyright © 2009 by Visionary Living, Inc.
  • The Beginning of Luciferian Magic By Micheal W. Ford

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