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INVOCATION TO AZ: The Mother of Witchcraft


This ritual is designed to issue forth the Dragon Goddess into manifesting in either the Warlock or the Witch irrespective of gender orientation, sexual preference, and identification. This ritual enables each individual within the path of the Yatuk Dinolh to understand and explore both the feminine and masculine aspect of their being.

Ritual Preparations and Procedures:

  1. The temple should be decorated with images of death, crimson and the feminine aspects of dark witchcraft. You can use a Babalon riding the Dragon, Lilith, Kali, Hel and other dark goddesses of Wicca or Luciferian Witchcraft.
  2. Adorn the altar with crimsons and shades of blood. Then hang the Babalon sigil in the front of the altar. Note that this force is a universal daemonic goddess who takes many forms and the uninitiated might find it difficult to understand.
  3. Get a chalice and fill it with elixir of your choice. You will also need a Black Hilted Knife or evocation Dagger.
  4. Light up red and black candles.
  5. Visualize the woman of your dreams. Imagine the aspects of your life you seek growth in. As you invoke, visualize yourself as Babalon and let this force speak through you.

Recite this:

“The Abyss which gave me being has no bounds over my existence. I, who am known as the Blood Goddess AZ stands before the Eye of Ahriman, awakened and alive. I hold the cup of fornication, the elixir of life, to announce and rejoice in my divinity.

I am the Great Whore, presiding over the Sabbat of witches, to let all taste of my joys. I stand before all other white goddesses, those who in their happy Gelds have grown from my darkness, my shadow to proclaim them as unfertile, barren and rotting from their fear and lack of balance.

I kiss them gently as a mother then with a movement of my mind, rape and spill their blood into my cup of desire. I am the goddess of death and life. I join in rapture with the Infernal Dragon, Samael – Ahriman, whom brings my joy in I and union.

Upon the back of the Beast I ride, and brought forth the Antichrist who shall grow unseen before and through many.

The age of ignorance and servitude is over. While fornicating, call my names that are many, AZ, BABALON, LILIТН. Spill your seed in my name, in my glory and in my desire.

I am the model for which all women shall seek to channel. My gateway is through ecstasy, through the mirror, between the breasts of the scarlet woman.

I stand before the impotent mother called Mary and laugh at her sterile incompetence. This failure of a mother and feeble spirit that cowers behind her son is to be no more!

For every woman who cannels and invokes me, whom shall take the name of Witch and Scarlet Woman shall one by erase her manifestation in this world.

I shall bring the doctrines of Witchcraft through a new method, which shall be of twilight workings many can embrace. I shall not reveal all of which I am to them, as they cannot grasp my terror and beauty.

This need not concern them, as my Will shall manifest through each Goddess who dares invoke me! I spit in the mouth of impotence and within me shall you find the Union of Opposition.”

  1. After making that recitation, lift up the cup to the Sigil of Babalon then recite:

“I am within all and may be summoned by the vessel of the skull…. the blood is the life!

I am Vampyre, I am shadow, I am the Devouring Demon which drains the life of the weak, I give the Blackened Flame

of Life to those who may face me…

Azi.. .Azaka… Babalon… .Nasu. ..AZ..AZ… .AZ!”

At this point, you can end the ritual by performing the necessary closing rites according to your tradition.







  • The Beginning of Luciferian Magic By Micheal W. Ford

Further Reading:

  • The Grail Research & Esoteric Writings of Boyd Rice, The Luciferian Legacy)
  • Luciferian Witchcraft – Book of the Serpent – Micheal Ford
  • The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology – Written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley -a leading expert on the paranormal – Copyright © 2009 by Visionary Living, Inc.

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