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Khil, creator of earthquakes

Khil is one of the inferior demons mentioned within the Grimorium Verum. He is also mentioned within the Secrets of Solomon that was published in the 1600s. There are otherwise no mentions of this demon within other major mainstream grimories. He is one of the eighteen inferior / servitor demons ascribed to service under the command of Duke Syrach. The demon is described as very potent and malevolent therefore implying that only the most experienced conjurors should attempt his invocation.

Khil is able to cause massive storms and astral chaos when he pleases and at any part of the globe. This power over nature can similarly be harnessed by experienced conjurors and used to gain an advantage within the spiritual world. Very little is known pertaining to this demon as a result of his obvious potency and the implicit danger. It is also noteworthy that the sheer scale of his powers surmount the needs of ordinary conjurors thus making him a rare prospect for invocation.

Like the other demons within his hierarchy, it is thought that Khil was first mentioned by Alibek the Egyptian circa 1517 during the publication of the Grimorium Verum. Despite the seemingly lowly ranking as the sixth of the servitor demons of Duke Syrach, this demon remains very potent and must be accorded the utmost respect during rituals. Since, very little is known regarding this demon it is presently unknown whether he is nocturnal, diurnal, or both.

The ritual for summoning Khil is akin to that which is used to see the spirits wandering in the air at any given place. The ritual is said to reveal prodigious things and it is only the bravest of the most experienced mediums who will be able to stand these visualizations. If successfully invoked, this immensely powerful entity should be shown the most respect in order to minimize the likelihood of malevolence while increasing the chances for a desirable outcome.



The oldest accounts of this demon can be found within the Secrets of Solomon. There are no evident links between this demon and Middle-Eastern mythology or early Graeco-Roman myths. Furthermore, it is not telling where the demon’s origins within Judeo-Christian accounts came from. It is only plausible that the demon was previously a popular pagan god whose name was Latinized with the advent of Christianity and condemned as a resident of hell. The oldest mentions of this demon are within the Secrets of Solomon which was published circa the seventeenth century.



Rank: Sixth of the Inferior Demons under Duke Syrach

Color: Black

Incense: Walnut oil



Very little is known regarding this demon. Presently, there is no information regarding his humanoid form. There are also no accounts of whether the demon appears as a monstrous entity or not. Let us know!


The “Demonic Enns” of Khil

Veni, veni, o comitis Khil

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Khil


The sigil of Khil

Attributes of Khil

  • This demon is capable of causing earthquakes of all scales at any place on the globe. This is obviously a malevolent power which is implicit of the demon’s potency and the underlying danger in summoning him. Only the bravest and most experienced of conjurors should attempt his invocation.
  • Khil is confused with Khleim in certain reports. Both of these entities are described to have served King Solomon albeit in different capacities. The latter is exclusively mentioned with the True Keys of King Solomon while the former is relatively unknown within mainstream demonology.
  • The demon is thought to have first come into mainstream conscience with the publication of the Grimorium Verum in 1517 by Alibek the Egyptian. This is an unconfirmed assertion seeing as the exact year of publication for the grimorie cannot be determined as of the present.
  • There are reports which posit the name “Klio” as an alternative to Khil although the name is hardly ever used within the context of practice.


When to summon Khil

There is no discernible instance during which the demon should be summoned as his office is primarily to cause astral chaos and earthquakes at different parts of the globe. His powers can however be harnessed and channeled into productive tasking by the most experienced and brave of mediums. As previously stated, the ritual for summoning Khil is the same one used to determine the spirits flying around in the air.


Items required:

  • Athambe (sacrificial knife) made on the day and hour of Jupiter with the moon crescent. If it cannot be made, it can be bought at the same time and consecrated.
  • Brain of a cock (if you use something different, let us know how the ritual worked out for you.)
  • Dust from the grave of a dead man – must have touched the coffin
  • Walnut oil
  • Virgin parchment
  • Virgin wax



  • This demon is very potent and dangerous from description alone. It is therefore necessary to accord him the utmost respect during rituals.
  • The conjuror should also take care to protect themselves from otherworldly energies by mentally picturing a protection circle and entering it.
  • Over-reliance on the demon’s power should also be avoided as it may affect the psychological parts of one’s life.



  • The ritual for summoning Khil is outlined within the Grimorie of Pope Honorius.
  • The conjuror should prepare by balancing their energies through engaging in meditation.
  • The following words must be written on the virgin parchment and the demon’s sigil drawn on it: “GOMERT KAILOETH
  • Mix the virgin wax, walnut oil, brain of the cock, and dust from the grave together on the virgin parchment and wrap it.
  • The package should then be set on fire and burnt whereupon the conjuror will be able to perceive Khil and make their requests known to him.
  • After completion of the ritual, the demon should be dismissed respectfully through the following prayer:

Go in peace, Khil, whence you came, peace be with you, and come every time I shall call you, in the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit + Amen“.

Similar demons to Khil

  • Klepoth
  • Hicpacth
  • Frutimiare
  • Clistheret
  • Clauneck
  • Agares


Encyclopedia of Demons in World Religions and Cultures

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