Kingu: The Father of Humanity


Kingu, also spelled as Qingu is one of the offsprings of Tiamat. The name Kingu means “unskilled laborer”. He was a god in the Babylonian Mythology. After the death of his father, Absu, he became the next companion to the mother goddess, Tiamat. Kingu was given the Tablet of Destinies which made him powerful. The Tablets of Destinies are clay tablets inscribed with cuneiform writing. On these tablets, all decisions of the gods were recorded so it served as a legal document. Whoever held the tablet ruled the universe.

He was also made a general of the army that went to war against Marduk. Tiamat said unto Kingu

“I have cast the spell for you and made you Greatest in the Gods’ Assembly. I have put into your power rule over all the Gods! You shall be the greatest, for you are my only lover! Your commands shall always prevail over all the Anunnaki.”

Tiamat gave him a mantle of radiance and he bore the horns of power. Kingu had different weapons; a sword forged of blackened flame, a mace, lightning was his power, and Tiamat taught him many sorcerous spells. Unfortunately, both Tiamat and Kingu were defeated during the battle.

After Tiamat was killed, Marduk captured Kingu, took away the Tablets of destinies, and killed him too. Marduk mixed Kingu’s blood with the earth and used the clay to mold the first human being. So all humans are descendants of Kingu. As one of the dead gods, it is believed that he resides in the Underworld, in the Kingdom of Shadows.


When summoned, he often appears wearing twelve tablets around his neck. These tablets are made of dark unearthly substance. They represent the knowledge that was lost with the fall of the primordial gods.

In rites of evocation, he appears in the form of a demon warrior with fiery eyes and snake skin. He is red and manifests as tongues of crimson flames. In his hands he holds a trident and around his arms, coiled snakes can be seen. He can also appear as a red half man and half scorpion.


This demon acts as a mediator between the forces of Chaos that exist outside the Gates of the Night and the conjurer who wishes to access this timeless cosmic current and channel their energy into different works of magic. He gives the practitioner power over hordes of fiends and monsters that wait behind the Gates of the Night.

He represents someone who seizes power and controls forcefully. To invoke him is to listen to your instincts because his blood flows in your veins. His essence is fierce and virile. He pierces the third eye of the practitioner with his flaming gaze then minister to him from within.

He inspires visions and dreams of underground temples with a sacrificial altar stained with blood. The temple is lit with purple or red light and an army of demons gather here at Kingu’s command. When invoked he comes as a swirling vortex of fire that consumes the flesh of the conjurer then his soul is made to rise on tongues of flames. The energy of this demon is dynamic, burning, aggressive, sexual, and penetrating. It can be used for protective, empowerment, and destructive rites.


Sigil of the Key of the Night

Items needed:

  • Few red candles
  • Ritual blade
  • Sigil of Kingu
  • Parchment
  • Key of the Night
  • Dragon Blood Incense


  • Light the candles and prepare the ritual blade.
  • Light the incense.
  • Place the sigil on the altar.
  • Offer your blood and trace the lines of the sigil.
  • Visualize the activation of the sigil. It would be shining and burning with red flames. This would transform the parchment into a living gateway.
  • Place a drop of blood on your third eye which would serve as an entrance point.
  • Gaze at the sigil for some minutes while sending your intent through the Gate.
  • When you are fully prepared to begin the invocation, draw the Key of the Night with the ritual blade then speak the following words of invocation:

Kingu, Ruler of the Void,

First among the Gods of Fury,

Your blood flows through the veins of every human being,

You hold the Tablets of Destiny

The Keys to the Gates of the Dragon,

Where Liers- In-Wait guard the Lost Knowledge,

Awaiting the return of Primordial Gods,

When the world will reawaken through the power contained in human blood,

The ancient legacy of the Dragon.

Kingu, fierce scorpion god,

Guardian of forgotten wisdom,

Come forth from the Womb of the Dragon!

Awaken from the arms of She who holds the world in her timeless


Arise through the blood which I offer you in this ritual,

Manifest through the life substance which I spill in your name!


Kingu is a demon that loves blood sacrifice. At this point, to empower the ritual the practitioner is expected to make an offering of a living being. However, if he is working with only his blood, then he should focus on the sigil and visualize how the red flames rise and spread around the ritual space.

Then speak the following words:

Father of mankind,

Give me the Tablets of Destiny,

And grant me the power to use them,

So that I could rise proud and powerful,

Fortified by the primal essence of the Dragon!

Reveal to me the gnosis of blood that is hidden from the eyes of the


Give me the power to command your army of demons,

To summon those who carry the force of the Void!

Awaken your fire and fury within me,

Overcome my weakness with persistence!

Enter my flesh and inflame my soul with your Draconian force,

So that I could carry the torch of victory

Over the mindless ignorance of the weak,

Treading upon corpses of those

Who choose slavery instead of lust and power!

Lord of Flames,

Awaken my body, my soul, my blood,

Inflame the spark of Divinity within,

Enter my Temple,

And join me in the sacred and unholy sacrament of spirit and flesh!

Come with tongues of fire dancing around,

Consuming the illusions of the world,

And awaken humanity from the slumber of oblivion!

Arouse the hunger for knowledge,

And let mankind rise and reach out for their Destinies!


  • Visualize the flames entering your body and consuming it with burning ecstasy.
  • Feel how the Temple’s atmosphere changes and becomes hot and fiery.
  • Feel the flames surrounding you as well.

Speak the following words:

Father of those who walk upon the earth,

Upon the body of the Dragon,

Rise up with your flames and emblaze me from within!

Let your force flow through my body in my seething blood!

I seek your power, your essence, your source of being!

I create you and I summon you to arise,

For I am the Dragon,

I am the Beginning and the End of all things,

The all-seeing Eye and the ever-gaping Womb.

And I summon you in the name of She who created you,

In the name of Tiamat, the Mother, and the Consort.

In the name of the Dragon,

Ho Ophis Ho Archaios,

Ho Drakon Ho Megas!


  • Burn the parchment with the sigil and as the smoke arises, it shall carry your wishes through the Gates of the Night. Offer yourself to be consumed and transformed by the energies of the demon.
  • Visualize Kingu standing in front of you and piercing your flesh and soul with his fiery gaze.
  • Visualize how the gates of your soul open up to be filled with the essence of this spirit.
  • When you are ready to merge with his essence, speak the following words:

I am the wanderer on the Path of the Dragon,

I descend into the Heart of Darkness and ascend to the heights of Heaven,

I die and arise reborn,

I devour and become stronger,

I create my own Destiny,

I create my Path,

I create myself

I am the spark of fire that is born in the Womb of the Dragon

And the raging blaze that will consume the world at the end of the cycle.

I am the commander of the army of monsters,

Demons from a time beyond Time,

I travel among the stars and I gaze into the faces of gods,

With my blood I open the Gate to the Outside,

And I summon the hordes of fiends to do my bidding!

I am first among the Gods of Prey,

I am Kingu!


  • Envision how this demon enters into you and spreads liquid fire all over your body.
  • Feel the mystical union of your consciousness with the fiery essence of this spirit.
  • Enjoy the intoxicating ecstasy.

At this point, open your mind to the boundless power of the demon. Let the visions flow freely and continue to explore the powers of this demon which are now yours to command.

Continue in this state until the communion is finished. When you wish, you can end the working and return to your mundane consciousness. Finally, thank the spirit and close the ritual.



Rituals open the gateways of the soul and those doors can never be closed again. For that reason, I strongly advise that casual experimentation with these rituals should be avoided. Due to the complex nature of this ritual, I would suggest that you have some experience before practicing this ritual. Also, whether you are experienced or not, kindly tread with caution because these are not designed for dabblers. They are designed for serious pathworking.



  • https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Kingu
  • https://www. britannica. com/topic/Kingu
  • Grimoire of Tiamat by Asenath Mason
  • Maskim Hul Babylonian magic by Michael Ford

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