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Klepoth, the Fifth Servitor of Duke Syrach

Klepoth is the fifth demon within the hierarchy of the eighteen inferior demons who are in servitude to Duke Syrach. This demon is mentioned within the Secrets of Solomon and the Grimorium Verum. She is also referred to as Klippoth, Klepta, or Kepoth although these titles are hardly ever used within the actual context of practice. Klepoth is associated with the element of fire although she has lesser attributions to the other elements of air, water, and earth.

This demon has the ability to make the conjuror see all sorts of dreams and visions at their behest. She is fairly highly ranked within the hierarchy thereby showing a considerable extent of potency. It is worth considering that there is a distinct lack of information regarding this demon and her true nature is presently unknown. The demon could be benevolent, malevolent, or even indifferent towards human beings. It is therefore important to take care when dealing with this demon.

This demon is not hugely popular within demonology circles probably because her abilities are shared by several other demons that are easier to summon and whose nature is known. When calling her forth, it is therefore necessary to show her the utmost respect to minimize the likelihood of punitive violence while emphasizing the probability of desirable outcomes. She is described as appearing while dancing in a twirling manner 1000 together with her companions to good music.

It is presently unknown whether she is nocturnal, diurnal, or both. The demon is knowledgeable in several fields and can also provide counsel at the request of the conjuror. The ritual for summoning her is akin to the one used in the evocation of the other servitor demons. It is a difficult procedure which tasks the medium to not sin or have any sexual acts for three days before finally conducting the last steps in the process of the invocation of Klepoth.

Jake Stratton-Kent’s the True Grimorie states the following regarding this demon: “Klepoth or Kleppoth, also known as Kepoth can turn a 1000 turns, when dancing with her companions and will make them hear beautiful music, which one will believe is real. If you wish, in passing she will whisper in your ear the cards of those who are playing with you. According to others, makes you see all sorts of dances, dreams and visions.”



Like the other servitor demons in this hierarchy, she was first mentioned by Alibek the Egyptian in 1517 during the publication of the Grimorium Verum. The Grimorium Verum does not reveal her origins and there are no links to old Graeco-Roman mythology or ancient Middle-Eastern myths. She was probably demonized with the spread of Christianity during the Middle Ages and her original identity lost to history.



Rank: Fifth of the Eighteen Servitor demons that serve under Duke Syrach

Planets: Mars / Sun / Mercury

Direction: East / North

Element: Fire

Color: Red / Purple / Green / Yellow / Blue



There are no credible reports within major grimories regarding the appearance taken up by Klepoth upon manifestation. The conjuror should feel a feminine demonic energy at the height of the ritual whereupon they can make their requests or queries.


The “Demonic Enns” of Klepoth

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Klepoth

Veni, veni, o comitis Klepoth

Hanthigaal Warrinthaggor Klippoth Marintharra


The Seal of Klepoth



Similar demons to Klepoth


Attributes of Klepoth

  • Together with Khil and Frimost, this demon forms a triad which also has associations with Lucifer and Agliarept as posited by Jake Stratton-Kent in the True Grimorie.
  • She is capable of showing the conjuror all sorts of visions and dreams at their request. This ability is associated with control of the astral plane. She is also conversant with both the Black and Red Kundalinis and can thus be summoned to help in the balancing of chakras.
  • Klepoth can provide counsel on various subjects such as philosophy, psychology, astrology, et cetera. As a spirit of chaos, she can surmount mental obstacles and restore order within one’s psyche.


When to summon Klepoth

Klepoth can be called forth to make revelations of hidden things in addition to showing the conjuror all sorts of dreams and visions. The best places to summon this demon are removed from the way such as mountaintops and caves.


Items required

  • The Seal of Klepoth
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Quill
  • Virgin parchment



  • This demon is very powerful as evidenced by her fifth ranking within the hierarchy of the eighteen servitor demons of Duke Synach. It is thus important to show him the maximum respect during rituals.
  • The conjuror should also heed caution and protect themselves from otherworldly energies by mentally visualizing a protection circle, opening, and entering it.
  • Over-reliance on the demon’s power should also be avoided as it may negatively affect the psychological part of one’s life.



  • The conjuror prepares for the ritual by saying the following prayer as they wash their arms and face with holy water: “Lord God, ADONAY, who hast formed man in Thine image, I, the unworthy and sinful, beseech Thee to sanctify this water, to benefit my body and soul, cause me to be cleansed.
  • The conjuror must desist from all sin and stay without having sexual contact for three days, ensuring that they pray five times in the day, and four times at night.
  • In the day and hour of the sun during the the first hour of the day, the virgin parchment should be prepared containing the invocations and the Seal of Klepoth both of which are to be written using the consecrated quill.
  • The following conjuration is then said: “I conjure thee, Klepoth, by the name of the Great Living God, Sovereign Creator of all things, that thou appear in human form, fair and aggreeable, without noise or inconvenience, to answer truthfully in all the interrogations that I shall make. I conjure thee to do this by the power of the Holy and Sacred Names.
  • After she has appeared and listened to the requests of the conjuror, she can be dismissed respectfully through saying the following prayer: “Go in peace, Klepoth, whence you came, peace be with you, and come every time I shall call you, in the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit + Amen”.




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