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Leonard, grand master of the sabbaths


Leonard is a demon of the first order charged with presiding over witches’ sabbaths, seances, and events. He is also referred to as Le Grand Negre which is translated as “the black man”. In addition to overseeing witches’ sabbaths, Leonard is also tasked with being the chief of the subaltern demons and inspecting everything to do with black magic, sorcery, and witchcraft. He is described as being melancholic and reserved although he always uses situations to his advantage and has a commanding personality which may not augur well with everyone. This personality is also indicative of underlying malevolence on the part of this demon although it is not expressly revealed.

There are varied descriptions of this demon’s appearance. There are accounts which state that he has the body of a goat from the waist up with three horns atop his head. His eyes are said to be inflamed, his hair like bristles, his ears akin to those of a fox, and his beard tapering. He can also take the form of a bloodhound, a black bird, a tree trunk with a morose face, or a beef. When attending sabbaths, he usually appears with the feet of a goose although he does not have any legs when in tree trunk form. There are distinct correlations with Baphomet in some of his manifestations.



This demon is mentioned within major grimories such as the Dictionnaire Infernal and the Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. There are no overt mentions of the demon within most recognized grimories although his association to the goat of Mendes or the image of Baphomet add to the mystery surrounding this demon. Nevertheless, there are no mentions of this demon within olden Graeco-Roman or ancient Middle Eastern mythologies besides his mentions within the aforementioned grimories. He is however a fallen angel having chosen to side with Satanachia during the rebellion in heaven.

The Dictionnaire Infernal states the following regarding this demon: “Often called “le Grand Negre” (The Black Man), Leonard is demon of the first order, grand master of the sabbaths, chief of the subaltern demons, and inspector general of sorcery, black magic and witchcraft. From the waist up, Leonard has a goat’s body with 3 horns on his head, a goat’s beard, hair-like bristles, 2 ears like foxes, and inflamed eyes. He also has a face on his butt, which witches kiss while holding a green candle to adore him. Leonard can take the form of a bloodhound, a beef, a black bird, or a tree trunk with a gloomy face. When he attends the sabbath, he has the feet of a goose, although experts claim that he has no feet when in tree trunk form. Leonard’s attitude is reserved and melancholic, but when he appears at witch and devil assemblies, he is commanding and uses situations to his advantage.”

The Ritual of Transcendental Magic says the following about him: “To Sabbaths dreamed in this manner we must refer the accounts of a goat issuing from pitchers and going back into them after the ceremony; infernal powders obtained from the ordure of this goat, who is called Master Leonard; banquets where abortions are eaten without salt and boiled with serpents and toads; dances, in which monstrous animals or men and women with impossible shapes take part; unbridled debauches where incubi project cold sperm. Nightmare alone could produce or explain such scenes.”



Rank: Chief of the subaltern demons / Inspector General of sorcery, black magic and witchcraft

Gender: Male

Color: Green



This demon appears as a man with the body of a goat from the waist upwards. He has three horns, inflamed eyes, fox ears, bristly hair, and a tapering beard. He is also capable of taking up other forms such as the aforementioned beef, tree trunk with a sad face, a black bird, or a bloodhound.



Veni veni, o comitis Leonard

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Leonard





  • Baphomet
  • Verrier



  • Leonard is tasked with overseeing witches’ sabbaths and other demonic events. He can be called forth to provide counsel on the execution of magical ceremonies. In so doing, conjurors can increase the likelihood of desirable outcomes as this demon possesses the knowledge to properly conduct these sessions.
  • The demon has a distinctly aloof persona despite appearing very somber at first. It is important to accord him every respect as a result so as to increase the chance of obtaining a desirable outcome while lowering the likelihood of malevolence – it is noteworthy that Leonard always attempts to use situations to his own advantage.



Leonard can be called forth to provide counsel on witch and devil assemblies. These are typically conducted during the nighttime when Leonard is strongest and magical events are commonly held. The demon appears as a commanding presence during invocations and it is important that only experienced conjurors attempt to summon him.


Items Required:

  • Green candle
  • The summoning circle
  • A scrying mirror

Ritual Time: This demon can only be summoned during the night to preside over witches’ sabbaths and devil assemblies. He can also provide advice on the conduction of magical events at the request of the conjuror.


  • This demon is very potent despite the approachable and affable demeanor presented in manifestations. It is therefore necessary to accord him the utmost respect during rituals.
  • The conjuror should protect themselves from otherworldly energies by mentally picturing a protection circle and entering it.
  • Over-reliance on the demon’s power should also be avoided as it can affect other parts of one’s psyche and hence life.


  • The conjuror should prepare through power meditation.
  • The summoning circle should be prominently displayed before the commencement of the ritual.
  • The green candle should be lit and placed in the center of the altar before the offering begins.
  • The conjuror should make the candle offering while chanting the enns of Leonard.
  • The demon manifests within the scrying mirror whereupon the conjuror can make their request known respectfully.
  • After stating one’s wishes and praising the demon, he can be dismissed respectfully.




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