“Leviathan is a creature with the form of a sea serpent in Judaism. It is referenced in several books of the Hebrew Bible, including Psalms, the Book of Job, the Book of Isaiah, and the Book of Amos; it is also mentioned in the apocryphal Book of Enoch. The Leviathan of the Book of Job is a reflection of the older Canaanite Lotan, a primeval monster defeated by the god Baal Hadad. Parallels to the role of Mesopotamian Tiamat defeated by Marduk have long been drawn in comparative mythology, as have been wider comparisons to dragon and world serpent narratives such as Indra slaying Vrtra or Thor slaying Jormungandr. Leviathan also figures in the Hebrew Bible as a metaphor for a powerful enemy, notably Babylon. Some 19th century scholars pragmatically interpreted it as referring to large aquatic creatures, such as the crocodile. The word later came to be used as a term for great whale and for sea monsters in general.”
Source: Wikipedia
In my deck of cards, I have given Leviathan the 5 of Wands. In Hebrew mythology, this demon is one of the seven princes of hell. He is said to dwell in the watery abyss of the world’s seas. This demon is able to tempt people with the sin of envy. He is an obviously malevolent entity whose powers can prove disastrous if employed carelessly.
The 5 of Wands is a tarot card belonging to the Minor Arcana deck. When it appears upright in a reading it is interpreted to mean conflicts, disagreements, tension, or competition. When it is reversed it is taken to mean inner conflict, releasing tension, or avoiding conflict. The card resonates with the powers of Leviathan as his temptation of humans leads to these outcomes.
In the 5 of Wands, there are five men who appear to be in conflict. Their wands crisscross in a manner akin to swords being brandished in battle. However, closer inspection shows that the raised wands are not striking any person in the card. It is just a scene full of disarray and chaos with there being no deep meanings to the men’s stances.
Another noticeable feature of this card is that the five men all appear to be dressed in different uniforms. The different attires are symbolic of the diverse backgrounds of the men. It may also mean that the five men hold different belief systems. It also implies that there can be no way for the five men to reach a consensus.
The lack of there being any sense to the chaotic scene can only mean discord. The five men have no reason holding aloft their wands. This card shows how people from different heritages are unable to reach consensus and will always remain in conflict. Similarly, Leviathan’s powers can only sow strife among human mortals.
The Demon
Leviathan is one of the seven princes of Hell as previously mentioned. He is mentioned in several mythological accounts of Hebrew folklore. This is also true for the biblical accounts that speak on him. There are also several mythological narratives across the world that mentions beings that have similar attributes to the demon’s.
Leviathan is a demon with a very monstrous appearance. He is said to look like a dragon or have serpentine features. He is built like a sea monster and resides in the deep waters of the world’s seas. There are no mentions of whether this demon can take up a more comely appearance even at the request of the conjuror.
Like the majority of other demons, there is not much information regarding the true identity of this demon. This information has since been lost to history with the scant information known only being passed on through mythology. There are also accounts which posit that he is only a metaphor in the mythologies that make mention of him.
He is the demon who is tasked with tempting people with envy. It is one of the cardinal sins which the seven princes of hell were cursed with. By causing men to covet property and traits which belong to others, this demon is able to drive people into conflict. Therefore, the conjuror can use his malevolent attributes to target enemies and gain competitive advantages.
Note – this demon is very potent and high ranking in Hell. Inexperienced conjurors are therefore advised to steer clear lest he deceives you.
The Message
I believe that Leviathan’s powers can be put into good use despite his malevolence. He can be a useful ally for the conjuror and help to get ahead in life. If the demon is capable of tempting people with envy, then he must be equally capable of preventing its onset. This is perhaps the biggest plus when it comes to dealing with these entities.
If the 5 of Wands appeared upright in my tarot reading, I would take a cautious approach. This is to prevent unwanted outcomes such as conflict. In so doing, I can protect my relationships with other people and avoid tension. The same would be true for a reversed reading because of the risk of conflict and tension.
These outcomes usually take between a week to a month before they manifest. During this period, it is important for the conjuror to tread slowly. Being hasty when dealing with these demons can often cause one to become deceived. This is especially true for demons who are malevolent such as the seven princes of hell.
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Leviathan, the Keeper of the Ancient Seas
Leviathan is not “very monstrous” at all…society depict him wrongly and he DOES exist! Yes, he is a very, very deep sea creature, HUUUUUUUGE approx 25 feet and very beautiful. He has very shiny scales that when the water’s light reflects on it, shows a beautiful black, pinks, greens and blues! If you need help in things to let g f what does not serve you anymore, to let go, “to die” and be “re-born” if that’s your status….then he’s your sea creature! He’s amazing!! Absolutely incredible, beautiful and enormous power ….which I felt during my “death” and “re-birth” through what I can best describe as “high energy surge” going right through your body!! That was really cool!! I had a very similar high energy surge from Hentios. …Leviathan is an very ancient deity and extremely wise…..he knows and sees what most people in society are unable to….I’m looking very forward to work with him more and I am going to include him into my Shadow Works……<3
I love these Max! I learn a lot from them! Thank you.