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Makhlath, daughter of the Night


Makhlath, also referred to as Mahalath or Mahala, is one of the four daughters of the Night. Together with Agrath, Lilith, and Naama they are responsible for birthing every demon in existence. The four of them are referred to as the sacred daughters of prostitution and they congregate on Mount Nishpah to observe the Witches’ Sabbath whereupon they engage in carnal relations with Samael who is the prince of demons. All the demons associated with intimacy such as succubi and incubi are all thought to be under the control of the four sacred daughters of prostitution.

Agrath is actually her daughter with whom they are engaged in a constant struggle against Lilith. It is said that Makhlath will form an alliance with Agrath on the final day to fight Lilith whereupon all the prayers of the Jews will rise to the heavens. This is because all the accusers are engaged and are unable to engage in their usual temptations of the faithful. During this Day of Atonement, it is thought that the end of days will be felt as every mortal soul will experience the taste of death.

Makhlath is said to have dominion over 478 hosts of lesser demons. Her name translates into “the dancer” as she always manifests while dancing. There are accounts which posit that Agrath is a daughter of Asmodeus possibly pointing to a relationship between him and Makhlath although the information on this is inconclusive. It is said that Makhlath and Agrath often engage in devouring their victims – these are typically people wandering out alone at night.

The southern quarter is attributed to her although it is also associated with Egypt – this is indicative of a possible correlation with African spirits. Agrath rules the western quarter represented by Salamanca while Naama rules Damascus which is the eastern quarter, On the other hand, Lilith has dominion over Rome which represents the northern quarter. Each of the four demons is also accorded one of the equinoxes or solstices although it is presently unclear which ones they particularly bear dominion over.


Makhlath is a demon whose origins can be traced back to the ancient Jewish and Middle Eastern mythologies. The myth of the four daughters of the Night states that they were accorded their areas of dominion by Samael – the prince of demons. The four daughters of the Night also serve as concubines of Samael. Makhlath was tasked with wreaking havoc on the days preceding sabbath and on Wednesdays.

Makhlath is unique among the four daughters of the Night because she is able to communicate with the heavens and speak in the holy tongue. The demonic is however overtly associated with a demonic agenda as it is said her screeches from Egypt coupled with Lilith’s howls from Rome will result in the onset of the Day of Atonement. At this time affliction, darkness, desertion, and iniquity will be felt by humankind everywhere.

The relationships between Makhlath and Agrath and between Naama and Lilith indicate a struggle between two families of these queens for dominion over the universe. The demons’ meeting point – Mount Nishpah – is also referred to as “the Mount of Twilight” and is oriented towards the north. It is however noteworthy that certain accounts cite the four daughters of the Night as being different manifestations of Lilith.


Rank: One of the four daughters of the Night / sacred daughters of prostitution

Direction: South

Element: Earth / Air


Makhlath appears as a distinctly feminine spirit with vampiric attributes. She has pointed / tapering teeth which betray her predatory nature together with long flowing hair and a supple curvy frame.

Artist’s illustration of the four consorts of Samael

The “Demonic Enns” of Makhlath

Veni veni, o comitis Makhlath

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Makhlath

Similar demons to Makhlath

  • Lilith
  • Naama
  • Agrath

Attributes of Makhlath

  • This demon is thought to have birthed all the demons together with the other foregoing daughters of the Night. It is therefore plausible that Makhlath is a very ancient demon.
  • Like the other daughters of the Night, Makhlath is affiliated with other demons associated with intimacy such as succubi and incubus – she can be summoned in the same manner.
  • She is thought to have birthed one lineage of demons whereas Lilith birthed another. As a result, they are always feuding over control as evidenced by their constant strife.
  • She is a concubine of Samael as are the other demonic daughters of the Night with whom they congregate on Mount Nishpah to celebrate the Witches’ Sabbath.

The summoning of Makhlath

Like all other demons associated with intimacy and sensual experiences such as succubi and incubus, Makhlath can be summoned into union with the conjuror through writing of a love letter. She can also be summoned to assist the conjuror with their spiritual growth.

Ritual Time: The optimal time for summoning any demon associated with intimacy is 3 a.m. and Makhlath is no different.


  • This demon is very potent despite the approachable and affable demeanor presented in manifestations. It is therefore necessary to accord him the utmost respect during rituals.
  • The conjuror should take care to protect themselves from otherworldly energies by mentally picturing a protection circle and entering it.
  • Over-reliance on the demon’s power should also be avoided as it may affect other parts of one’s psyche and hence life.


  • It is important that the conjuror not be working with a similar demon or any associated with intimacy at the time of attempting to invoke Makhlath – this is attributed to her jealousy which can result in undesirable outcomes.
  • The love letter should detail the wishes of the conjuror including the nature of their union with this demon – the duration and extent of seriousness should also be taken into account.
  • After addressing it “To Makhlath” at the extreme right corner, the conjuror should wait for the stroke of 3 a.m. before burning the letter with a candle flame without having folded it.
  • The candle should be allowed for 30 minutes during which the conjuror should engage in meditation to clear their mind.
  • Once the conjuror begins to feel aroused, it is time to blow out the candle and get into bed. This will allow the demon to work on one’s psyche.


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