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Manifesting Wealth in 38 Days: A Hoodoo Ritual for Abundance

Over the years I have had many ask how they can end their worries about money. Most don’t want or need an incredible amount of wealth, they simply want the freedom to do what they want: support a family, take vacation, have a nice car etc. But so many people are suffering due to financial hardship I wanted to share a very special spell with you all. It is not simple, requiring your time and active participation , but has been proven to work for many of my VIP clients.

I love sharing the story of one we will call Maria, a small business owner struggling to keep her boutique afloat in a competitive market. She wanted to attract financial prosperity and increase the flow of money into her business.

When Maria came to me, she was worried about her boutique’s declining sales and mounting bills. In our consultation we discussed Maria’s financial struggles and aspirations for her business. Together, we set clear intentions: to attract consistent sales, pay off debts, and create financial stability. We wrote these intentions on a piece of parchment, which would serve as the focal point throughout the ritual.

Within a week of completing the 38 day ritual, Maria noticed a significant increase in foot traffic to her boutique. Sales began to rise steadily, and she received several large orders from new clients who had heard about her business through word-of-mouth. The mojo bag she carried with her became a source of comfort and confidence, while the money jar in her shop continued to draw in abundance.

One month later, Maria had not only met her financial goals but had exceeded them. She was able to pay off her debts, reinvest in her business, and even set aside money for future growth. Maria’s boutique, once on the brink of closure, was now thriving, all thanks to the carefully crafted Hoodoo rituals that aligned her with the flow of prosperity.

After 2 decades of work communicating with entities on the behalf of my clients, I have crafted a series of carefully executed rituals to help attract financial prosperity and freedom. This post helps to outline the 38-day plan aimed at manifesting money and abundance. The days and activities are aligned to be most advantageous for the success of your petition.

Ritual for Abundance

Setting the Foundation

Day 1: Consultation and Intention Setting

Begin with a consultation to understand the client’s financial goals. Together, set clear intentions. Write these intentions down on a piece of paper, which will serve as a focal point throughout the month.

Day 3 (Thursday): Money Drawing Candle Ritual

On this day a green candle is lit, representing wealth. Dress the candle with a mix of oils and herbs. As the candle burns, your intentions, visualize your financial goals are introduced to the spirits with repeated affirmations, such as “Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.”

Day 8: Creating a Mojo Bag

Prepare a mojo bag filled with items that attract prosperity and note outlining the financial intentions set on Day 1. Once the mojo bag is charged with energy derived from the entities engaged, it acts as a focal point for attracting prosperity. The items inside are believed to hold specific vibrations that can amplify desires, helping to align your energy with the flow of abundance.

Invoking Prosperity

Day 18: Money Jar Spell

The combination of items placed in the jar works to amplify the energy of prosperity. Each element contributes its own vibrational frequency, enhancing the overall power of the spell. It serves as a constant reminder of your prosperity goals and continues to work on attracting wealth for one month.

Day 28: Spiritual Bath

Guide the client to prepare a spiritual bath with sea salt, Epsom salt, and essential oils like bergamot. As they soak, have them visualize their financial obstacles dissolving and the flow of money entering their life. This cleansing ritual helps to remove any negative energy blocking abundance.

Day 38: Offering to Spirits

The final step is to praise the spirits for the guidance and generosity bestowed on you now and in the future. I will light a candle and ask for their assistance in the continuation of attracting financial blessings.


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