Marchosias: the Fighter

occult tarot


Marchosias“Marchosias is a great and mighty Marquis of Hell, commanding thirty legions of demons…he is depicted as a wolf with gryphon’s wings and a serpent’s tail, spewing fire from his mouth, but at the request of the magician he may take the form of a man. He is a strong fighter and gives true answers to all questions, and is very faithful to the magician in following his commands…when he was bound by Solomon he told him that after 1,200 years he hoped to return to Heaven (“unto the Seventh Throne”)”. 

Source: Wikipedia


Occult Tarot

List of Demon Names

In my own deck of tarot cards, I have allocated Marchosias the Knight of Swords. When path-working with Marchosias, I focus on his office which is to fight on behalf of the conjuror or to even answer any questions that the mage may have. The demon is also very faithful to the conjuror and respects his commands.

Fire is usually symbolic of energy or destructive potential. With Marchosias, there is a desire for the demon to fight on behalf of the mage or destroy anything standing in their path. The Knight of Swords represents bravery and the inclination to act impetuously – this is consistent with the brave fighting of which Marchosias is capable.

Fire archetypes are usually destructive and impetuous in their actions. They have to do so in order to combat the vagaries which life brings upon them. In the Knight of Swords, fire archetypes are tasked with combining their bravery with the fight in order to realize desirable outcomes. However, when these attributes combine, fire archetypes usually have destructive potential far beyond human comprehension.

The Knight of Swords, when it appears in a reading, usually highlights a need for one to draw upon their inner strength. The implication here is that a fight is imminent and bravery must be combined with an energetic presence to come out tops. When I see this card appear in a reading, I am immediately drawn towards staying on guard. I am immediately made aware that there is an incoming threat which can harm me if I lose my guard.


The Demon

Marchosias is the thirty-fifth spirit in the Ars Goetia. He is a mighty marquis of hell with thirty legions of lesser demons at his service. His depiction in the Ars Goetia is that of a dark wolf with wings akin to those of a griffon. He also has the tail much like that of a snake and fire spouts from his mouth. He can however take the form of a man at the request of the sorcerer. He arrives in glory and is a sight to behold in his demonic form. However, he is a true servant to the sorcerer and faithfully delivers upon his requests. For example, Marchosias can give true answers to questions and will fight bravely at the side of the mage. As an angelic entity, he previously belonged to the angelic order of dominions.


Significant symbol – Fire

This demon is traced back to Judeo-Christian heritage as he is not mentioned elsewhere within Graeco-Roman or Middle Eastern mythology. Instead, he appears in the Lesser Key of Solomon as having been bound by the king in ancient times. His symbol of fire shows his potency as well as a robust presence on the battlefield. However, he is a good-natured demon who shows faithfulness to the conjuror even going as far as to answer any questions they ask.

Marchosias is shown spewing fire from his mouth thus indicating his sheer power / energy which is consistent with his office as a brave fighter. The stance taken by the demon in most depictions also indicates a battling beast.

Fire is a universally recognized symbol which means a lot of things to different people. The destructive potential of fire perhaps shows Marchosias having the ability to destroy anything in the path of the demon (and the conjuror by extension). This perhaps contrasts with his good nature towards human mortals.

Note – If you light a candle in his name, Marchosias will receive it with good nature.


The Message

What threat is there around me? I should stay alert for any unseen enemies.

I feel like Marchosias comes to fight on behalf of the mage or to furnish him / her with information as they desire. His thirty legions of demons which fight alongside him and can help in the protection of the conjuror. He is capable of striking fear into the hearts of foes solely through his destructive potential.

If the threat is within my immediate presence, Marchosias can help to protect against imminent danger. During path-working with this demon, I can simply ask him to ward off any potential threats or use his destructive force against anyone or anything that poses a threat. Within one week or two, I should get a response from the demon making me aware of the impending threat or intended punishment for the erroneous individual. If I do not get any indications, I will assume that the threat has since been nullified or is insignificant within the grand scheme of things.

Marchosias is a brave fighter who can both protect the conjuror or go on the offensive against their enemies. Unleashing his horde of thirty legions of demons can wreak havoc on anything that stands in my path or any conjuror for that matter. If you ever feel threatened in any way or form from the spiritual world, do not hesitate to call upon this demon.

Marchosias is also faithful to the conjuror and can answer questions if asked. His faithful nature perhaps indicates a benevolence which is uncommon in the majority of demons who are indifferent towards human beings. You should take care not to abuse his good nature because of his destructive potential however!

Tarot readings and the symbolism inherent within are open to interpretation.

We’d love to hear from you! Let us know what you think of this demon and the change from 6 of wands to the Knight of Swords in the comment section below.

Image is the property of BWC

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