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Mushussu, also known as Sirrush, Mushhussu, or Mushkhushshu is a creature mentioned in ancient Mesopotamian mythology. The name of this beast means “angry snake”. It is one of the 11 chaos monsters created by Tiamat to fight against Marduk. Mushussu is the Black Serpent and is most famously seen on the reconstructed Ishtar gate of the city of Babylon and this dates to the sixth century BC. It also appears in the Libation Vase of Gudea dedicated to Ningishzida. During the Neo Babylonian Empire, Mushussu was considered as Marduk’s sacred animal. Although it was once vanquished by Marduk, for some reason, it became his symbolic animal and servant. Some artworks depict Mushussu carrying Marduk on its back.

Mushhussu serves Ninazu, the underworld god who is the King of Snakes. It probably served as a death messenger. It is also associated with Ningishzida, the son of Ninazu. Depictions of Mushhussu in different mythology describe it as a fearless and angry killer. It also incites lust, sexual urge, thoughts of murder, and the hunger for blood in those who work with it.


It is a scaly animal with forelimbs that look like that of a lion, hind legs that look like the talons of an eagle, a long neck and tail, a snake-like tongue, a head with two horns pointing upward and a crest. It is crowned in splendor. During magickal workings, it can appear to the conjurer as a vampiric entity that manifests in a female human form. She can also appear in the form of a winged serpent or a black bat-like dragon.

She has scaly skin, distorted and hungry-looking face, protruding tongue, and her mouth is constantly dripping with blood. Her teeth are sharp and thin and when she transforms into a serpent she shifts into fangs.

In visions and dreams, she could appear with an entourage of horned demons, devils, and creatures of the night. She also comes as a ghost and black shadows that emerge from the mirror casting its reflections upon the wall. She can also manifest as a skeletal ghost holding a large black mirror and dressed in a black hooded robe. She is seductive and mesmerizing but also aggressive and bloodthirsty.

Favorite Offerings:

Blood and sexual fluids


The spirit of Musussu is commonly used in works of necromancy, astral warfare, lunar magic, or vampirism. The form of this spirit is related to power on earth so she can be invoked as a symbol of motivation. Mushhussu is a victor so the practitioner can work with her to attain victory inwardly and in your earthly challenges. Her powers can be used in hostile sorcery and rites of personal empowerment too.

In an astral perspective, this spirit may be sought to empower your WILL and protect you from your enemies. She teaches the practitioner the art of shape shifting and gliding between different dimensions and worlds. Musussu is connected with death and necromancy. She feeds on blood and sexual energies.

She empowers the conjurer with the ability to transform into a winged vampiric entity that can suck the blood of a sleeping person. In this astral body, the individual can fly through the astral plane to attack his target. These attributes are similar to those of incubus and succubus demons.

As a necromancer, you can invoke her at cemeteries and burial places using your sexual fluids. In these locations, her manifestation is empowered by the essence of sex and death.  She is connected with works of necrophilia. For this kind of ritual, the conjurer uses his blood to write the name of a dead individual on a parchment paper then he summons the dead into the mirror. In this case, Musussu has the power to bring the deceased back from the underworld and make him manifest through the mirror.

Invoking this spirit could be a sweet and bitter experience. Sometimes she appears as a serpent, coils around the practitioner, and bites him. This is to awaken and raise the primal Ophidian force which is ecstatic. At this point, the body enters into a comatose trance and the mind of the practitioner is filled with a hunger to suck the life essence of others. In this state, blood is as sweet as sugar, and the desire to have it becomes intoxicating and addictive.


Items Needed:

  • The sigil of Musussu
  • The practitioner’s blood
  • Ritual blade
  • Image of the Key of the Night
  • Parchment



The Key of the Night is drawn whenever a practitioner seeks to open the outer or inner gateways. It is used in rites of invocation and evocation to bring spirits into visible manifestation. Usually, it is traced with a blooded ritual blade. It has to be the practitioner’s blood. The Key should be traced in the ether above the altar. This serves as the center of the gateway you wish to open.

To aid astral vision and open the third eye, the practitioner is expected to paint on his forehead the sigil of this Black Serpent.

Ritual Procedures:

  • Draw the sigil on the parchment.
  • Use the ritual blade to cut your finger.
  • Place a few drops of blood on the sigil or use the blood to trace the lines of the glyph.
  • Use the blooded ritual blade to trace the Key of the Night in front of you, above the altar.
  • Envisage how it shapes from clouds of incense and starts to shine with a red light.
  • This light will illuminate the temple with ghastly brilliance.
  • Stare at the sigil for some minutes while chanting the demon’s name in a low tone.
  • Visualize how the glyph becomes activated by the energy of this spirit.
  • When the Temple is fully charged, recite the following words of invocation.


By the Blood of the Dragon which is my own Essence,

And by the Key of the Night, I call you, Musussu! Furious Snake! Fearless Killer!

Come to me, Nocturnal Wraith, swaying and writhing in ecstasy of senses!

With phantoms and specters of the Night, in sensual fury and ghastly splendor.

Coil around me and pierce my soul with your hypnotic stare,

Bite my flesh and drink my blood in primordial communion!

I offer my body to be consumed in black flames,

In order to arise as your living manifestation!

Penetrate my soul with your forked tongue,

And fill my veins with your Ophidian Essence!

Hear my call and come to me! Awaken my Hunger!

Grant me the power to travel on the wings of the Night!

Let me feast on the flesh of my enemies!

Rip their hearts and devour their souls,

Take away their power and feed on their vital essence,

And leave them breathless and drained!

Enter this Temple of Flesh, Enflame my soul with your consuming Shadow,

And intoxicate my dreams with the ecstasy of nocturnal desires!

I invoke you in the name of the Dragon!

In Nomine Draconis! Ho Drakon Ho Megas!


Going Further:

Take the parchment with the sigil and burn it and as the smoke arises through the planes, it carries your request along. Through visual meditation, enter into a trance of possession. Let your sexual ecstasy fill you up as this is the key to communicating directly with this spirit. Let the ecstasy take you to the gates of exhaustion and as soon as your soul ascends beyond the fleshy boundaries, your consciousness will merge instantly with the essence of Musussu. Now, let the visions continue to flow while you continue to explore the powers of this demon. At this point, you can use this power and energy to attack a specific target.

All you have to do is to envisage yourself in the form of a black snake and your target standing in front of you. Move closely and coil around your victim and induce hypnotizing trance into him. This would make him weak and powerless.

Now, rip off his chest and devour his heart. Drink as much blood as possible from your enemy. When that is done, enflame yourself with ecstasy and feel how your victim’s life’s essence gathers in your solar plexus before spreading through your whole body.

When you are done, end the visualization and return to your mundane consciousness. Finally, thank the spirit and end the ritual.


Rituals open the gateways of the soul and those doors can never be closed again. For that reason, I strongly advise that casual experimentation with these rituals should be avoided. Due to the complex nature of this ritual, I would suggest that you have some experience before practicing this ritual. Also, whether you are experienced or not, kindly tread with caution because these are not designed for dabblers. They are designed for serious pathworking.


  • https://en.  wikipedia. org/wiki/Mu%C5%A1%E1%B8%ABu%C5%A1%C5%A1u
  • https://www.
  • https://www.
  • Grimoire of Tiamat by Asenath Mason
  • Maskim Hul Babylonian Magic by Michael Ford


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